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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Uh, George Allen's mother didn't bother telling him that his grandfather who was imprisoned by the Nazis was Jewish?

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UPDATE: There's more from the Washington Post. It seems Allen and his staff have for a while now been seriously avoiding the question of his grandfather being Jewish. The man is just creepy.

What did she tell her son all these years, that her father was imprisoned by the Nazis because he was gay or a gypsy?

I'm sorry, but this is just a bit weird. I'm not saying that it was appropriate to ask Allen whether his mom is Jewish - I've been asked a lot if I'm Jewish, and it's usually not in a good way. But Allen's response to the issue is even odder:
Allen and his siblings also were raised as Christians. He said he became aware only recently that his grandfather, Felix Lumbroso, who had been imprisoned by the Nazis, was Jewish.

"I embrace and take great pride in every aspect of my diverse heritage, including the Lumbroso family line's Jewish heritage, which I learned of from a recent magazine article and my mother confirmed," Allen said in the statement.
Uh, this was your grandfather. How did your mother never mention the fact that he was Jewish? Especially since he was imprisoned by the Nazis. It never occurred to George Allen to inquire about his grandfather and why the Nazis imprisoned him? I just don't believe him.

I know the religion of all of my grandparents, and George Allen claims to a man of strong faith, so how could Allen not know his grandfather's religion? Especially when that religion is also an ethnicity - I mean, you don't know the ethnicity of your grandparents? You never asked mom in five decades what the ethnic make-up of your family is?

And let's remember, mom is still alive and apparently she only recently confirmed this to her son AFTER a magazine discovered it. It's not like everyone was dead and took the secrets with them. Mom was apparently hiding this family secret (or mom told George a long time ago and he's lying). That would be the same mom who is from French Tunisia where the word "macaque" is used to slur dark people. You know, the word George Allen simply "made up."

I don't really care if George Allen is part Jewish. I do care that yet again he is giving rather slippery and not-very-credible answers to questions involving ethnicity and race. Read the rest of this post...

Bush bashes Syria at UN, but sent an innocent man to be tortured in Syria

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Seriously, could Bush be a bigger hypocrite?"
Declaring that "a more hopeful world is within our reach," President Bush called on world leaders at the United Nations today to "stand with democratic leaders and moderate reformers" across the Middle East.

But he also upbraided several countries by name, demanding that Iran "abandon its nuclear weapons ambitions" and telling Syrians that their government has allowed the country to become "a crossroad for terrorism" and "a tool of Iran."
His audacity is amazing. He railed against Syria at the U.N. the same day after we learn that the U.S. conspired with Canada to send an innocent man to Syria to be tortured:
Canadian intelligence officials passed false warnings and bad information to American agents about a Muslim Canadian citizen, after which U.S. authorities secretly whisked him to Syria, where he was tortured, a judicial report found Monday.

The report, released in Ottawa, was the result of a 2 1/2-year inquiry that represented one of the first public investigations into mistakes made as part of the United States' "extraordinary rendition" program, which has secretly spirited suspects to foreign countries for interrogation by often brutal methods.
This is another reason why Bush has no credibility. Bush liked Syria when they were a tool for our torturers. But now Syria is evil because, among other reasons, they torture their prisoners.

Oh that's right. We do too. Read the rest of this post...

US general says we'll likely boost the number of troops in Iraq next year

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Gee, I seem to remember a few weeks ago those US military generals sold us a bill of goods about how we were going to be DECREASING the number of troops by early next year. And I remember our president saying the same thing just recently.

No one could have ever imagined that things were actually getting worse in Iraq and that we'd actually be admitting publicly that we're sending even more US troops to risk their lives in this fiasco. Didn't we just have to sit through, what, five or ten speeches by George Bush about how Iraq was going just swell?

Does this news make you warm and fuzzy all over? If so, vote Republican this fall for more of the same. Read the rest of this post...

Frak me

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Yes, it's that time of year. In just two weeks Battlestar Galactica is back. And our good friend Zack Exley, who's apparently a way bigger geek than we already thought, along with his partner in geekdom John Hendler, are using the Web to organize Frak Parties across the country to watch the premiere.

It's kind of a cool idea. Just find a party, sign up to attend, bring something to nosh or drink, and go. I mean, how many times have you said to yourself, man I could use a few more geeky friends?

(Note to Sci-Fi Channel: We give you so much free publicity, couldn't you at least put us on your PR list for emails and preview DVDs and all the other fun stuff? I mean, how many freelancers are on your list, and I'm guessing a lot of them don't get 100,000 readers a day? Earth to Sci-Fi, hel-looooo...) Read the rest of this post...

60 Minutes: Bush White House lied to 9/11 first responders about air quality

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The White House edited EPA press releases about air quality to make them sound more reassuring, and Christine Todd Whitman put out releases saying the air quality was fine when all the tests weren't even in yet. And guess what, the air wasn't fine at all. And now, 25% of the NYC fire department has respiratory problems because the White House lied to New York policemen and firemen and others who ran to Ground Zero to help on that horrible day.

Rudy Giuliani refused to talk to 60 Minutes about the story.

So, basically, George Bush and the Republicans intentionally and negligently put our 9/11 heroes at risk of their lives. Then again, they did the same to 150,000 members of our military, so why not another couple of tens of thousands in New York as well? Republicans are so arrogant that they think you can't handle the truth. They are the only ones qualified to decide about your health, your bedroom, and whether you live or die. Read the rest of this post...

Bush still dropping in Rasmussen's daily tracking

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The latest update:
Today, 40% of American adults approve of the way that President Bush is performing his job and 58% disapprove. That's slightly below where the numbers were before the Presidents 9/11 speech, and at the same level as the August monthly average.
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If you can, help out the Tester campaign in Montana

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They could use our support. Democrat Jon Tester is running against Republican Conrad Burns, who has been embroiled in scandal. Donate to the campaign if you can here. Read the rest of this post...

Halliburton, it's not what they know, it's who they know

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Robert Greenwald, the man behind the new movie "Iraq for Sale," will be on Keith Olbermann's show Tuesday night. The spoof, above, is something he and his team put together as a bit of a promo for the film. They took a real Halliburton ad and, well, edited it a bit. It's funny, do watch it. Read the rest of this post...

Disney/ABC rep refuses to disavow false claim that American Airlines is responsible for September 11

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Uh oh. From the guy who created the Disney/ABC error-riddled tv show about 9/11:
Asked about the film's opening sequence, which has prompted a protest from Amercan Airlines because it wrongly put the onus on them for allowing Atta on board on Sept. 11, Nowrateh answered: "That whole sequence was vetted. Attorneys and advisors looked at it." He said he didn't know anything about American's threatened lawsuit.
That wasn't really a denial about the scene's veracity. In fact, it seems to me that it implies there was nothing wrong with the scene because it was vetted by lawyers and advisors.

And there's more:
The intervieweer, citing obligation to truth and history -- and the fact that a large number of Americans, for example, still think Saddam was involved with 9/11 -- asked if he think he misled people. "No," he replied, "I think the hubbub is because we got to the truth.
Oh, the truth. So American Airlines IS responsible for September 11? So American Airlines did flippantly let Mohammad Atta slip through its fingers negligently while a big warning flashed on the check-in computer screen? Is that what Disney/ABC's guy is now saying?

I'm sure American's lawyers will be thrilled to hear this. Read the rest of this post...

GOP Senator Lindsey Graham says George Bush isn't as committed to the troops as he and McCain

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Someone's gonna throw a hissy fit.
In a telephone interview from South Carolina yesterday, Graham said: "What I hear is, people respect the commitment of the president to the [CIA interrogation] program, and they respect my commitment and Senator McCain's commitment to the troops."
As Nancy Reagan said when George Bush, Sr. offered America a "kinder and gentler" presidency. "Kinder and gentler than WHAT?" Graham is a lawyer. And a military lawyer at that. He knows damn well what he's saying. He is clearly implying that he and McCain are more concerned about the troops than Bush is, and actually, he's saying that he and McCain care about the troops and Bush doesn't.

Can't wait to see the chimp react to this one. Read the rest of this post...

We're already doing military operations in Iran

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As Chris notes below, Bush is at the United Nations today spreading his campaign of fear. The media is giddy over the idea that Bush may run in to the President of Iran. Chances are Bush is not going to mention what we learned yesterday on CNN about the US already operating in Iran -- Think Progress has the video:
Air Force Col. Sam Gardiner (Ret.) said, “We are conducting military operations inside Iran right now. The evidence is overwhelming.”
Does anyone think that Bush, Cheney and Rummy wouldn't do something like this? Iran will be their next disaster -- and Kate O'Bierne's husband is probably already setting up it the next job program for GOP hacks. Read the rest of this post...

GOP Senators say no to Bush's latest offer on torture

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CNN just reported that GOP Senators have rejected Bush's compromise torture bill.

Though, there's still a "50/50 chance" that they'll cut a deal.

I have a suggestion. Today's Washington Post gives a rundown on some of the techniques being debated:
While it is not clear exactly what techniques the White House wishes to keep, sources have said those previously used include nakedness, prolonged sensory assault and deprivation, the imposition of "stress" positions, and water submersion to the verge of drowning. Bush has said none of those amounts to torture.
Since the White House says what it's doing isn't torture, they need to set up a demonstration. Take someone like Karl Rove or Ken Mehlman, and apply some of those techniques. Do it on live TV (although no nakedness from either..ick). I wonder what kind of confessions could be wrangled from those two after a little waterboarding. Their boss says it's not torture. Read the rest of this post...

Bush to speak at UN today

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He wants the world to "stand up for peace", whatever that's supposed to mean in his mind. Just a guess here, but I think he's going to forcefully promote the fear theme and have something to cry about during the remainder of the election season. Since he can no longer control the GOP Congress, he will be fishing for a new target for blame that will resonate with his loyal following.

Chirac has already jumped into the trap by questioning the value of sanctions so now we can expect another silly round of French-bashing. (I agree with Chirac but his public response is precisely what Bush wants so I would rather see him denied of that opportunity.) Bush's fifteen minutes today will have nothing to do at all with peace and everything to do with domestic politics and preparing the nation for the GOP dream war with Iran.

Had enough? Read the rest of this post...

Play "You Paid the Pryce"

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The DCCC thinks the Pryce is not right. Play the game and decide for yourself. (Hint: You'll decide we pay a heavy price with Deborah Pryce and her GOP colleagues running Congress.)

Seven weeks left til November 7th. Read the rest of this post...

Tuesday Morning Open Thread

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Just watched Condi on the Today Show. It's amazing to see any member of the Bush Administration question the credibility of any other entity. She went on and on about the credibility of the United Nations. She may recall the both her boss and her predecessor lied to the U.N. about Iraq. That's what damages credibility.

It's not even 7:30 a.m. and I'm already annoyed. Read the rest of this post...

When facts do not match politics

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Where does it end with the GOP? If information does not fit the political spin, it is dismissed, destroyed or ignored. Just like in a communist country, everything must receive the stamp of approval of the political director or else it is doomed. The GOP is so dominated by special interests they have to destroy their own reports that might have a negative impact on campaign donations, tax payers/consumers be damned. Why do the Republicans hate Americans so much and prefer special interests?
Boxer released the second report Monday afternoon. The FCC Media Bureau report analyzes the impact of deregulation in the radio industry. The report states that from March 1996 through March 2003, the number of commercial radio stations on the air rose 5.9 percent while the number of station owners fell 35 percent.

The intense concentration of ownership followed a 1996 rewrite of telecommunications law that eliminated a 40-station national ownership cap.

The report, apparently prepared in 2003, was never made public, nor have any similar analyses followed, despite the fact that radio industry reports were released in 1998, 2001 and 2002, Boxer said.

In a letter to Martin sent earlier Monday, the senator wrote, "This is the second report in a week that I have received that appears to have been shelved by officials within the FCC and I am growing more and more concerned at these developments."

After the long Cold War with the Soviets, why is the GOP so eager to recreate the Soviet political/government tactics? Where exactly is the GOP economic model taking us besides one-size-fits-all that was also so soundly defeated during the Cold War? Consolidation in the business world is certainly beneficial for those lucky few at the top in business but I fail to see the benefits for consumers nor do I see how this helps entrepreneurs in the US. Read the rest of this post...

Open thread

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Bedtime. Read the rest of this post...

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