Below are the two parents of this flower, so you can get a sense of the breeding that goes on here - I don't own the parents:
This is a Paphiopedilum Freckles 'Pinkie' crossed with an Amanda 'Joyance.' It's a first bloom from this rather young plant, and is showing great potential. It's a cute little thing, under 2 inches across, and if I can keep the plant alive, it should be even better next year time it blooms (which may not be until next winter). This is the season for a lot of orchids of this type, paphs, to bloom, so I'm looking forward to several of mine opening up any day now. I also have another plant that I can't wait to show you. It's rather insane. It's throwing a spike, as we call it, the long thin shoot that the flowers will eventually be on, but the damn spike is five feet long and growing. The spike was maybe 2.5 feet long when I bought the plant a few years ago - this is the first time it's bloomed since, and boy what a whopper. I can't wait for this thing to bloom, then to get pictures to show you, with me standing next to it so you'll get the full sense of it. Plants really can be amazing sometimes. They're not Carmela the wonderdog, but still, they're pretty cool. Enjoy. Read the rest of this post...