Harry Reid and Steny Hoyer are the latest Democrats to endorse the President's ill-timed deficit cutting mania. Then Reid and Hoyer will be responsible for the American economic malaise continuing for years to come. As will President Obama and any other Democrat, or Republican, who endorses this nonsense.
From the Washington Post:
“Yes, I want them to go bigger than that,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Wednesday when asked whether he thought the group should shoot for more than $1.5 trillion in savings. “I’m not going to set a number, but I’d like it to be more than the minimum.”
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said at his weekly pen-and-pad briefing that he, too, would like the committee to act with the “courage and conviction to adopt essentially the plan, the premise and the proposals” of the previous deficit-reduction commissions. He also noted that he had spoken with all of the supercommittee members except for Sens. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Max Baucus (D-Mont.).
Sure, the really big budget cuts won't kick in until January of 2013. That's ostensibly to ensure that the cuts don't hurt the economy by killing already anemic demand. But who exactly thinks the economy is going to be back on its feet in January of 2013? Nobody.
The biggest concern right now is that our economy is going to remain just as it is - flaccid - for years to come. Yes, all your fears about losing your job, finding a job, being able to afford your mortgage and your car payments, being able to pay for your kids' doctor visits - it's never going to get better, at least not for a very long time, and not with the current crop of Democrats and Republicans in the Congress and the White House.
So what that means is that when the super cuts kick in, in January of 2013, the economy is going to be further thrown into chaos. Government spending will plummet, GDP growth will likely drop, unemployment will likely increase, and whatever hardship you're facing right now will almost certainly be worse. And it will be courtesy of Barack Obama, who was the first Democrat to endorse the Republican voodoo economics, and Harry Reid, Steny Hoyer and the rest of the Democrats who didn't have the backbone to stand up to a President who didn't have the backbone to stand up to the Republicans.
We're basically screwed. And if President Obama, Harry Reid, and Steny Hoyer get their way, your family is going to be much worse off financially immediately following the presidential election next year. Of course, the dilemma for Democrats is that the Republican presidential candidates, like the GOP congress, are proposing the same voodoo (after all, that's where the President cribbed his ideas in the first place). So no matter how you vote next year, you and your family are screwed.
It's time for a little Democratic teabagging. The only way to get any of these politicians to listen is to show up at their townhall meetings, show up at their fundraisers and their re-election speeches, and yell at them (it also wouldn't hurt if you stopped giving them donations - money is what they care most about, right after votes). It is beyond irresponsible that the President got us into this mess by refusing to support a bigger stimulus that we all knew was needed, and by refusing to defend the stimulus and instead endorse the lunacy of spending cuts before the economy was back on its feet. And it is beyond irresponsible that Democrats in the House and Senate refused to hold a presidential intervention a long time ago.
Your alternative is to vote for more of the same, ensuring that your family and friends will continue to face a bleak, and worsening, economic future for years to come. Oh yeah, and you can kiss Social Security and Medicare goodbye as well, because that's the Democrats' big plan to put America back to work: Push granny out of the wheelchair. In the best of times it would be a questionable policy option, but in the current never-ending economic malaise, it's suicidal.
The only way to force change is to stand up to politicians, just like the Teabaggers did during health care reform, and just like the gay community did to President Obama on a myriad of our issues.
It's amazing how well interrupting a few presidential and congressional fundraisers cleanses the political palate.
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