When you make deals with the devil, there's a price. Unfortunately, the price is paid by American consumers.
We first wrote about the secret deal between the White House and the drug industry's lobbying group on August 6, 2009 when the New York Times exposed it. Now, we're seeing that deal's negative implications. Democrats are blocking a vote on an amendment to the health care bill on
drug imports:
A deal between the White House and the pharmaceutical industry is holding up a bipartisan amendment to allow the importation of cheaper prescription drugs from abroad, according to a member of the Senate Democratic leadership.
The Senate has been debating the amendment, sponsored by Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), since Tuesday but has not held a vote, which is contributing to a stall in the floor action on healthcare reform.
Dorgan’s measure, which would permit bulk exports of medicines from countries such as Canada, enjoys broad and bipartisan support and likely has the backing of more than 60 senators, which would guarantee its adoption on the healthcare reform bill.
Tension between the White House and Democratic supporters of the so-called drug reimportation amendment is primarily behind the delay, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said Thursday.
As a Senator, Obama supported this legislation. But, Obama's top staffers, Rahm Emanuel and Jim Messina, cut a deal with Pharma and it's holding up the process.
Drugs could be cheaper in the U.S. if the federal government bargained like those countries from which we'd be buying drugs if the Dorgan amendment passed.
Ezra Klein explained:
Many of these drugs were invented by American companies and produced in American factories. But Canada gets them at a discount. Why?
Well, Canada's government bargains its prices down. So does the French government, and the German government, and the British government. The results of this strategy are not in doubt: These countries pay far less than we do for the exact same drugs. Our solution? We will go to these countries and buy these drugs!
Yeah, that's the American solution, instead of having our government bargain. But, not letting the federal government bargain was believed to be part of the White House deal with Pharma, too. And
that's why John pays nearly $290 a month for his asthma drugs when he bought the same drug, produced by the same company, for
60 euros (90 bucks) in France.
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