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Thursday, October 28, 2004

Last chance to donate to ad campaign (kind of)

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Update: I'm bumping this post to the top since our donor page wasn't working earlier. It is now, please help :-) Thanks. JOHN

We'll be launching these Web ads shortly for the We've raised $5000 for the ads - thank you, to those of you who donated - but I would mind upping that a little. If you can, please donate to this campaign.

Donate here.

This is for the election, folks. Our campaign is to help get out the youth (and security mom) vote for John Kerry. 18-29 year olds in particular are crucial in this election, and many polls show Kerry and Bush splitting them 50-50. One issue that youth care about intensely is the draft, and our site is the one to give them the facts in a way they appreciate.

Again, this is for the election folks. It's one of your last chances to donate and make a difference. Please, if you can, help us out. Even once the ads start running, we can still up the number of ads we run with extra money that comes in, so please donate. The ads are, if I do say so myself, quite edgy.

You like 'em? Help pay for em! Read the rest of this post...

Bush and Republicans Blasted By 9-11 Families

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Yep, the families of the 9-11 victims, the widows and children who forced Bush to create the 9-11 commission when he fought it tooth and nail, which forced White House officials to cooperate when they were stonewalling and didn't want to provide material or witnesses, which forced Bush to testify when he didn't want to are pissed again.

"The principal advocacy group for families of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks blamed President Bush and a group of House Republicans on Wednesday for the failure of Congress to approve a bill to enact the recommendations of the bipartisan Sept. 11 commission and overhaul the nation's intelligence agencies," says the New York Times.

"In a statement clearly meant to influence voters in next week's election, the group did not explicitly endorse Senator John Kerry, the Democratic presidential candidate, but said Mr. Bush had "allowed members of his own party to derail the legislative process." "

Yep, the two main groups Bush claims to be fighting for: the Iraqi people and the families of the 9-11 victims, DON'T SUPPORT BUSH. Why should anyone else?
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If The Iraqis Were Voting In OUR Election

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Bush is lining up support all over the world. He's got the endorsement of the Iranian theocracy, the Islamic terrorists in Spain, and presumably the freedom-lovers in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, two of our biggest allies/enemies in the war on terror.

But oddly, the people he's spent $200 billion (and counting) and more than a thousand dead US soldiers to free don't want him reelected. Surely if Bush could expect the support of ANYONE in the world it should have been the Iraqis right?

But USA Today says a new poll of Iraqis shows most don't care who wins the US presidential election and of those that do, it's about 56% for Kerry vs. 40% for Bush. Here's hoping folks here in the USA vote the same way.
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Blair the liar, once again

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The Teflon man of Britain, Tony Blair, is now contradicting assurances from his Defense Secretary, admitting that the British troops operating in the US section will be there for months and not weeks. He also refuses to say whether or not the UK will send additional troops to the region.
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Bunning surrogates: whores and sluts

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Dan Mongiardo must be winning. The Lexington Herald Leader reports that Jim Bunning's surrogates are now calling Mongiardo "limp-wristed," and one said, "I'm not even sure the word 'man' applies to him." Did Jim Bunning approve this message? He won't say.

Kentucky Senate President David Williams, who posts his home phone number and other contact information here, refered to Mongiardo as "limp-wristed" twice to make sure nobody thought he misspoke. In the same breath he insists the term is "not a sexual slur," and proudly proclaims "I'm not about to let them limit my vocabulary." He then insists that if Democrats have no problems with homosexuality, they shouldn't have a problem with anything he said.

Kentucky Senate Majority Whip Elizabeth Tori, who posts her home phone number and other contact information here, admits her comments were ambiguous, and said if her comments about not being a man make some people think about Mongiardo's sexuality, "so be it."

So I'm wondering if anyone might want to check in with Senators Williams and Tori, and make sure they know they're a whore and a slut, respectively -- but that's not a sexual slur or statement on their sexual promiscuity. It's just a statement on their willingness to claim to hold the moral high ground when they're spreading rumors, and relying on bigotry and hate to get a fellow Republican elected. Because they clearly think there IS something wrong with being gay. Or at least they're hoping the voters of Kentucky feel that way.
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Reuters story on proof that explosives lost AFTER US invaded

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From Reuters. Read the rest of this post...

Rummy outright lies in op ed (I know, not exactly news)

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1. Rummy says today that no one in the administration is even theorizing or discussing or pondering a draft of any kind:
"Let me be even more emphatic on that point. To my knowledge, in the time I have served as secretary of defense, the idea of reinstating draft has never been debated, endorsed, discussed, theorized, pondered or even whispered by anyone in the Bush administration." - Donald Rumsfeld op ed, Deseret News, 10/28/04
2. But just a week ago in the New York Times we read that the Selective Service just paid a big DC consulting firm to come up with a new plan to implement a draft of medical workers, and figure out how they'd to do it and not piss off the public. That's pondering or theorizing at the very least. This guy is such a fucking liar.
The Selective Service System has been updating its contingency plans for a draft of doctors, nurses, and other health-care workers in case of a national emergency that overwhelmed the military's medical corps.

In a confidential report this summer, a contractor hired by the agency described how such a draft might work, how to secure compliance, and how to mold public opinion and communicate with health-care professionals, whose lives could be disrupted.

On the one hand, the report said, the Selective Service should establish contacts in advance with medical societies, hospitals, schools of medicine and nursing, managed-care organizations, rural health-care providers, and the editors of medical journals and trade publications.

On the other hand, it said, such contacts must be limited, low-key and discreet because "overtures from Selective Service to the medical community will be seen as precursors to a draft," and that could alarm the public....

Richard S. Flahavan, a spokesman for the Selective Service System, said yesterday: "We have been routinely updating the entire plan for a health-care draft."
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ABC: Missing explosives were stolen AFTER U.S. invasions

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ABC News' Martha Radditz just reported that new videos show the US troops opening the UN-sealed weapons dumps in Al Qaqaa (or whatever) just after US invasions, and looking at cannisters that have UN labels on them indicating they're the explosives that later went missing. It appears that the troops opened the sealed weapons storage areas and then left them open. Oops. This is NOT good for Bush. Especially since he tried to cover it up over the past several days.

Bush's latest spin on this? John Kerry hates the troops, that's why he's making a fuss over this. Yeah, right. Bush fucking puts terrorist-grade explosives in the hands of terrorists and John Kerry is the bad guy. Read the rest of this post...

God simply does not want Bush to win

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That is the only explanation for how so much bad new could come out in the week before the election. Well, ok, there is another possibility. That four years of abject corruption does come back to haunt you eventually.
The FBI has begun investigating whether the Pentagon improperly awarded no-bid contracts to Halliburton Co. (HAL), seeking an interview with a top Army contracting officer and collecting documents from several government offices.

The line of inquiry expands an earlier FBI investigation into whether Halliburton overcharged taxpayers for fuel in Iraq, and it elevates to a criminal matter the election-year question of whether the Bush administration showed favoritism to Vice President Dick Cheney's former company.
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Kerry sticks it to Bush

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Right in the kisser!
Bush on Wednesday accused Kerry of opportunism, saying: "A political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is not a person you want as commander in chief."

Kerry threw the words back at the president during an appearance in Toledo, where he announced he was going "to apply the Bush standard" and declared: "Mr. President, I agree with you."

"George Bush jumped to conclusions about 9/11 and Saddam Hussein," he said. "George Bush jumped to conclusions about weapons of mass destruction ... George Bush jumped to conclusions about how the Iraqi people would receive our troops. He not only jumped to conclusions, he ignored the facts he was given."
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Jesse's girl... is a dyke

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Jesse Helms' granddaughter is running as a Republican judge candidate in North Carolina. She reportedly worked on her grand-daddy's Senate campaigns, is invoking his name now as a reason to vote for her, and is allegedly bring him to all of her campaign events. Problem? She's a big dyke, they say. And Jesse is, well, a pig. Read more here. Read the rest of this post...

MSNBC Poll -- Vote Now!

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Are the missing explosives a "growing scandal" or just "wild charges?"

Vote now at MSNBC on the question of the day. Thanks, Ryan, for the heads-up.
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REWIND: Islamists Declare Spain Truce, Endorse Bush

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As this election comes to a close, expect to hear a lot about how much the terrorists want Kerry to win. While normally I don't dignify idiocy with a reply, I think that there are still some Americans who will believe this. If it comes up in conversations with people, you might want to remind them of this AP article from March (just HAD to use the Faux News version of this story - it makes it all the more delicious!):
The statement tells American voters that Abu Hafs al-Masri supports the re-election campaign of President Bush: "We are very keen that Bush does not lose the upcoming elections."

The statement said Abu Hafs al-Masri needs what it called Bush's "idiocy and religious fanaticism" because they would "wake up" the Islamic world.
Yes, the terrorists want Bush to win. If he does, it makes their job all the easier. Read the rest of this post...

Another Iraqi City Falling To Insurgents

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Falluja is far from the only trouble spot in Iraq. Now it's clear that the city of Ramadi is descending into chaos. And guess what? It's larger and more strategically important than Falluja, which Bush refused to quell by sending in troops months ago because he was afraid it would hurt his reelection chances. Nice, putting your own personal needs ahead of the safety of our troops and the vital mission in Iraq.

"Most of the military's resources are channeled into controlling a bomb-infested, four-and-a-half-mile stretch of road that runs through downtown and connects two bases. Insurgents pop out of alleyways, mosques and a crowded market and fire at marines at will, then disappear when the Americans give chase," says the NYT.

"Ramadi lies at the heart of rebellious Anbar Province and astride the major western supply route to Baghdad. The city, whose 400,000 residents have at best merely tolerated the foreign military presence, is seen as a crucial part of American efforts to plant a secular democracy in Iraq.

"But the disintegration of authority puts in jeopardy both the Bush administration's plan to stage nationwide elections by Jan. 31 and any sense of legitimacy such elections might have. It also complicates the American military's plans to invade Falluja, because of the close coordination between insurgents in the two cities."
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Great Friedman Column Today

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In today's New York Times, Tom Friedman writes a great editorial about where our nation stands in the world. It's not a pro-Kerry editorial, it doesn't call for Bush's defeat, it just states where things are in the world. Here a little snippet:
I have been struck by how many foreign dignitaries have begged me lately for news that Bush will lose. This Bush team has made itself so radioactive it glows in the dark. When the world liked Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan, America had more power in the world. When much of the world detests George Bush, America has less power. People do not want to be seen standing next to us. It doesn't mean we should run our foreign policy as a popularity contest, but it does mean that leading is not just about making decisions - it's also the ability to communicate, follow through and persuade.

If the Bush team wins re-election, unless it undergoes a policy lobotomy and changes course and tone, the breach between America and the rest of the world will only get larger. But all Mr. Bush and Dick Cheney have told us during this campaign is that they have made no mistakes and see no reason to change.
Read the piece. It's one of those "nuanced" pieces that Bush just hates. Sorry dub, the world is NOT black and white. Or maybe I'm just some educated New Englander. (We're going to be exiled in a second Bush administration, aren't we?) Read the rest of this post...

Red Sox GM: "I hope they go vote on Tuesday"

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Now here's something you don't see every day. Theo Epstein, the young General Manager of the WORLD CHAMPION Boston Red Sox (never thought I'd say that in my lifetime) has the presence of mind just after winning the World Series to give us the following:
"This is such an emotional lift for people in New England and all over the
world," Boston general manager Theo Epstein said "I hope they enjoy it. I hope
they do something good with it. I hope they go vote Tuesday and make the world a
better place."

Not bad for a 30-year-old kid from Brookline, MA.

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Missing Explosives -- More Evidence Bush Screwed Up

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The New York Times quotes several Iraqis as eyewitnesses to looting of Al Qaqaa AFTER the US military swept through.

"The Iraqis described an orgy of theft so extensive that enterprising residents rented their trucks to looters," reports the NYT.

"The accounts make clear that what set off much if not all of the looting was the arrival and swift departure of American troops, who did not secure the site after inducing the Iraqi forces to abandon it.

""The looting started after the collapse of the regime," said Wathiq al-Dulaimi, a regional security chief, who was based nearby in Latifiya."

And even if much of the explosives were removed before the invasion -- and there is NO evidence it was while a lot of circumstantial evidence and direct evidence that it was removed after -- none of that would exonerate the Bushies. They were told repeatedly that this was a highly important site by the IAEA that urged them to secure it and they didn't even KNOW the explosives were missing until more than a year after the invasion. How is that anything but incompetence?

A good soldier trying to provide cover fire for Bush:

"Col. David Perkins, who commanded the Second Brigade of the Third Infantry Division, called it "very highly improbable" that 380 tons of explosives could have been trucked out of Al Qaqaa in the weeks after American troops arrived.

"Moving that much material, said Colonel Perkins, who spoke Wednesday to news agencies and cable television, "would have required dozens of heavy trucks and equipment moving along the same roadways as U.S. combat divisions occupied continually for weeks.""

Yeah, well Col. Perkins seems to have forgotten that other scandal -- the mising equipment useful for building bombs that was ALSO extremely heavy and would have taken weeks to dismantle and carry away on large trucks. Actually, it's pretty ridiculous that the media hasn't linked these two stories. Kerry should say, "This isn't the first time Bush has allowed dangerous material to fall into the hands of the bad guys...."

More from Col. Perkins:

"He conceded that some looting of the site had taken place. But a chemical engineer who worked at Al Qaqaa and identified himself only as Khalid said that once troops left the base itself, people streamed in to steal computers and anything else of value from the offices. They also took munitions like artillery shells, he said.

"Mr. Mezher, the mechanic, said it took the looters about two weeks to disassemble heavy machinery at the site and carry that off after the smaller items were gone."
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GOP stomp out the vote project loses in federal court

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A federal judge has pushed the argument out a few days which means that the debate is not possible for the 2004 election. You will recall that the GOP wanted to hold hearings to challenge the status of 35,000 voters in Ohio. The Republicans are still going ahead with plans to have 3,400 "monitors" at Ohio voting locations, though whether or not they will be wearing brown shirts is still up in the air.
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The insanely late evening open thread

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For insomniacs, and those pansy-ass Europeans :-) Read the rest of this post...

Schwarzenegger just campaigning for Bush to not piss off Republican voters

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Looks like the Governator isn't all THAT supportive of Bush after all. It seems that he's just doing it so he doesn't piss off Republicans. From CNN:
"For me it's a balancing act, of course you know, because if I don't campaign for President Bush, the Republicans will be angry. If I campaign for President Bush the Democrats are angry," he told KTKZ radio in Sacramento.
Hmmm, I wonder why he might say that.
Friends say the Austrian-born 57-year-old would ultimately like to be president, and he repeated Wednesday that he favors a change to the U.S. Constitution to allow foreign-born Americans to be president. Bipartisan support would be necessary for any rare amendment to the Constitution.
Hey, look at that, someone needs bipartisan support to help their own political career. Looks like Ahnold is just like all the other politicians willing to bend in the wind to win. Read the rest of this post...

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