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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Dr. Laura's son enlists

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I kid you not.

All I can say is, watch out President Bush. Dr. Laura now has a personal interest in this war. Your lies are about to be exposed, big time. (Kudos to Jesus' General for catching this.) Read the rest of this post...

Bush caves to religious right: Troops who patronize prostitutes could now face court martial

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"U.S. service members stationed overseas could face a court-martial for patronizing prostitutes under a new regulation drafted by the Pentagon." - Wash Post
Now, I'm sympathetic to the argument that many women around the world are forced into prostitution, and therefore this "human traficking" must be stopped. Having said that, this administration seems more interested in stopping our service members from having sex than in preserving their lives on the battlefield. Body armor? Nah. Soldiers having sex? Now there's an issue Bush cares about.

You see, what most folks don't realize is that Bush is doing this to pander to a direct demand from the religious right:
President Bush should order the Department of Defense to prohibit our military to visit brothels, sexually oriented businesses, and to use any government facility or equipment to view pornography. - Concerned Women for America, 5/11/04
Yep, the fundies didn't want our troops having sex, or anything else that might bruise their innocent sensibilities, so Bush caved to them. Again, I get that this is a more complicated issue, but we're at war folks and these guys are dying. The last thing I'm worried about is whether they're paying for sex on what might be their last night on earth. Why is it apparently the FIRST thing our president is worried about? Read the rest of this post...

Kerry: Draft may return under Bush

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Told you so. And no matter Bush or Rumsfeld say, even if they deny planning a draft, if their telling the truth at all - which is highly suspect - they're basing their statements on a bizarre assumption that Iraq is going swimmingly. They can not be trusted. Current policy, which includes picking fights with Iran and North Korea, will lead to a draft by necessity, period. Read the rest of this post...

Hostage-gate gets more interesting

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Where's the press conference of families of terrorism victims calling on President Bush to stop negotiating with terrorists? Come on all you rich angry Dems out there, we can be a real political party if we only click our heels, clap our hands, and believe.

From AP:
A senior Iraqi official said Wednesday that a decision had been made to release a top female germ-warfare scientist for Saddam Hussein, but Iraq's leader and U.S. officials moved quickly to squelch the idea that she would be freed soon. Iraqi militants who beheaded two Americans have threatened to kill a Briton unless female detainees are let go....

The conflicting U.S. and Iraqi statements raised questions over who has authority in the country, even after the handover of sovereignty to Allawi's interim government in June. U.S. officials have been saying that they have been giving more decision-making power to Iraqis, including over security matters.

The U.S. military says it has two Iraqi women in custody, both high-profile security detainees held at an undisclosed location — Rihab Rashid Taha, a scientist who became known as "Dr. Germ" for helping Iraq make weapons out of anthrax, and Huda Salih Mahdi Ammash, a biotech researcher known as "Mrs. Anthrax."

Justice Ministry spokesman Noori Abdul-Rahim Ibrahim announced that "Iraqi authorities have agreed with coalition forces to conditionally release Rihab Rashid Taha on bail." He added that the decision "has nothing to do with the threat made by the kidnappers."

But soon afterward, a U.S. Embassy spokesman ruled out any immediate release. The two female scientists from Saddam's regime "are in our legal and physical custody. Legal status of these two and many others is under constant review," the spokesman said.
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Bush releasing enemy combatant Hamdi, just like that

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How is that we hold a guy for 2 years without charges as an enemy combatant, and now, poof, we're letting him go? Sure, he has to renounce his US citizenship (ooh, that'll show him) and face certain "travel restrictions," but come on - like this guy is going to be calling up and letting us know in advance if he gets the urge to book a flight into a skyrscraper.

According to Newsweek:
The agreement to free Yaser Esam Hamdi represents a stunning reversal for the Bush administration, which argued for more than two years that the former Taliban fighter was potentially so dangerous that he had to be detained indefinitely in solitary confinement with no access to counsel and no right to trial.
Stunning is putting it lightly. Either Bush & Co. jailed an innocent man for two years without counsel and LIED about him being dangerous (when he wasn't), or they're letting a terrorist go scot free. Which is interesting since at the same time Bush was talking about letting a top female Iraqi prisoner go, Dr. Germ, in response to demands from the beheading terrorists in Iraq. Coincidental that yet another dangerous turr-ist is being let go by the Bushies right when things are getting too hot to handle in Iraq? I smell a deal. And a big fat favor paid to the Saudis. Read the rest of this post...

Bush sics Secret Service on dead soldier's mom

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The man has no shame. Bush killed her son and now he's worried that the woman hates him? Should have thought about that before he sent her son to die for a lie. Read the rest of this post...

God Bless Canada

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A complaint filed with a Canadian broadcasting council has prompted evangelist Jimmy Swaggart to say he regrets talking about killing gay men in a televised worship service.

Audio clips purporting to be of the Sept. 12 Swaggart service have circulated on gay-oriented Web sites, with Swaggart saying "I've never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry."

"And I'm going to be blunt and plain: If one ever looks at me like that, I'm going to kill him and tell God he died," Swaggart says, to laughter and applause from the congregation.

A complaint was sent to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, a self-regulating industry group that enforces broadcast standards, after a Toronto television station broadcast the service, said Ann Mainville-Neeson, the group's executive director.

Expressing regret, Swaggart is quoted in The Times-Picayune on Tuesday saying the remark "was a tongue-in-cheek statement best left unsaid. I won't make it anymore."

Swaggart explained he was talking figuratively about killing: "I've said it about other people, including other preachers."

Swaggart also dismissed contentions from gay advocacy groups that such language encourages violence against gay men and lesbians.

"Good gracious alive, it would be a long stretch of the imagination to come up with that," he said...
Long stretch, indeed. You said you'd kill the man. How could anyone interpret that to mean, you know, that you'd kill the man? Read the rest of this post...

Ask Mary Cheney why the RNC is sending out MORE gay-bashing mailings

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What's Mary go to say about Bush-Cheney's latest effort at gay-baiting for votes? Call her up and ask her: (703) 647-2700

Steve Clemons of The Washington Note got his hands on one of the anti-gay flyers (above) the Republican National Committee has now sent to at least TWO SOUTHERN STATES in an effort to get out the conservative anti-gay vote. Click on the link above to see the entire flyer.

I think it's high time we all asked Mary Cheney, again, why she's running a campaign that's using gay-bashing to get votes. Please please please give Mary a call at the Bush-Cheney campaign headquarters and demand that they explain themselves. The return address on the flyer is the RNC in Washington, DC - they can not deny that this is theirs, otherwise someone is fraudulently representing them and they need to file a lawsuit, and I haven't seen any lawsuits.

Bush-Cheney Campaign HQ in Virginia:
(703) 647-2700

And if they don't give you Mary, ask for Ken Mehlman. He's the very single 37-year-old guy who says he doesn't have time for a private life, and is running Bush's re-election campaign. See what he thinks of gay-bashing.

Give them an earful, and ask your friends to do the same. Read the rest of this post...

President misidentifies terrorist — again

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President Bush might have been able to say it was simply a slip of the tongue when he confused two terrorists in a campaign speech Monday in New Hampshire. Trouble is, he’s made the same misstatement at least 10 times before.

During remarks in Derry, N.H., Bush said the late terrorist Abu Nidal killed Leon Klinghoffer, a 69-year-old Jewish American who died after being tossed — along with his wheelchair — off a hijacked cruise liner named Achille Lauro in 1985.

“Do you remember Abu Nidal?” Bush asked the crowd. “He’s the guy that killed Leon Klinghoffer. Leon Klinghoffer was murdered because of his religion. Abu Nidal was in Baghdad, as was his organization.”

He repeated the mistake Monday evening at a campaign event in New York City: “Abu Nidal was a cold-blooded terrorist killer who killed Leon Klinghoffer.”

Actually, it was Abul Abbas, the leader of a violent Palestinian group, who killed Klinghoffer.

The White House had no immediate comment on the mix-up....
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Run, don't walk, to the corner newsstand

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Bush changes mind: Now caving to terrorists is a bad thing

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Two Iraqi female prisoners being held by U.S. authorities in Iraq will not be released imminently, the U.S. embassy in Baghdad said on Wednesday. - Reuters
Of course, note the use of the phrase imminently - still sounds like hedging to me. And oh what a change from 12 hours ago. Read the rest of this post...

Morgan Stanley profits tank big time

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34% drop last quarter, ouch! A few of the big banks are also struggling at the moment with hiring freezes kicking in due to missed or lower than expected numbers. So are they going to jump the Bush bandwagon (like a few Wall Streeters have already done) or push harder for a bit of "Halliburton" sugar from King Sugar Daddy?
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This is what happens when you forget to take your medication

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A new group representing black gay Republicans is outraged that Log Cabin, the main gay Republican group, didn't endorse George Bush for re-election because of his support for the anti-gay constitutional amendment. "We think that the 'Republican Tent' is
inclusive and there is room for differences, but one does not pick up their marbles and go home if there are a few points of disagreement, stated Anthony Falls, Republican Precinct Chairman -- Dallas and the ALBRC National Spokesperson. "The ALBRC does not support marriage for gays, yet we do support and call for recognition of domestic partnerships," he stated.

Contact: Anthony Falls
ALBRC National Spokesperson
214-912-6289 or 214-428-4146 Read the rest of this post...

GOP to NYC - F.U.

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Less than a month after exploiting New York City, dancing on a mass grave for political gain at the convention, the white house has decided to change the formula for its low-income housing voucher system that will force people in the program in NYC to pay about $218 more per month.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development's "Section 8" Program uses telephone surveys to determine the "fair market rent" of apartments in the communities it serves. This year, in an attempt to skew the formula toward republican districts and away from large urban centers, HUD decided to expand the definition of "community" -- it now includes the surrounding suburbs of large cities. The result -- less money for large urban centers (and democratic strongholds) like New York or Boston, and more money for places that vote for them, like Las Vegas or Houston.

So now, according to HUD, the "fair market rent" for a FOUR-BEDROOM apartment in New York City is $1,286. That's down $218 from HUD's original estimate, even though individuals at HUD will readily acknowledge that rents in NYC are going up, not down.

We report, you decide.
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Richard Perle must be surprised today

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Although we have a President who is now giving in to terrorists to save a British hostage, apparently it wasn't worth it to save the two Americans. Giving in is going to set a really bad precedent and as usual, it won't be the Bushies who pay the price. Maybe Bush caving in to terrorists is his latest attempt to have that "grand square in Baghdad named after President Bush" that Perle talked about last year. Bush is no longer just a poster boy for terrorist recruiting now that he's caving in to them. The terrorist themselves might even name a grand square after Bush now. He's the best friend that they have going right now.

Visit Talking Points Memo for the link to the audio of Perle's gem.
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More jaw, less bone

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Oil prices still puttering around $47 per barrel. Fill 'er up!
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Wall Street to "Halliburton" Social Security under Bush plan

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Now this comes as a surprise to us all. I never, ever, never would have guessed that Wall Street might receive a $940 Billion windfall of state sponsored handouts (a real "Halliburton" if you will) under the Bush plan for reforming Social Security. It's not as though Bush has dished out the dosh to other friendly financial supporters such as the pharmaceutical industry or defense or even oil contractors, right?

Just like Forbes used to have a blanket answer for all questions (Answer: Flat tax) Bush now has his blanket answer to all questions: corporate welfare. Considering the great job that Wall Street did with the crash, I wouldn't trust the bastards with one cent of my money. If the choice is between a government bureaucrat and the likes of Quattrone and Grasso, I'll take my chances with the bureaucrat.
Financial and insurance industry officials have donated $20.7 million to Republicans this campaign season, compared with $11.4 million they have given Democrats, according to the nonpartisan Political

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Cat Stevens flight diverted and will be sent back to Europe

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And it's not even because his music sucks.
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DeLay's friends indicted for illegal campaign contributions

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Who would have guessed that such a thing would happen under the honorable eye of our favorite Congressman from Texas? Well, at least Mr. DeLay hasn't been personally indicted, yet. Nice to see his friends are taking the fall for this which ought to help fund raising in the future.
Three people and eight corporations -- including Sears and Cracker Barrel [and Bacardi USA and Westar Energy] -- were indicted Tuesday in an alleged scheme to make illegal campaign contributions through a political action committee formed by U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.

Those charged included three men connected to DeLay's PAC, Texans for a Republican Majority: John Colyandro, James Ellis and Warren RoBold.

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Bush says CIA was "just guessing" about Iraq falling to pieces, then lies about what the estimate actually said

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Funny, cuz when the CIA was "just guessing" about WMD in Iraq a while back, that little document was important enough for Bush to launch a major war based on it. But now, the same exact type of CIA document is simply a "guess" that we should all ignore.

Here's what Bush had to say:
"The CIA laid out several scenarios. It said that life could be lousy, life could be OK, life could be better. And they were just guessing as to what the conditions might be like."
Not to mention, what Bush said is an outright lie. The CIA's National Intelligence Estimate said that "at best" stability in Iraq would be tenuous. It didn't say life could get better at all - it said AT BEST LIFE WOULD STAY THE SAME AND REMAIN PRECARIOUS. I mean, the guy outright lied.

As for me, I'm "just guessing" that Bush has about 5 weeks left as president. Read the rest of this post...

Report: Bush considering agreeing to beheading terrorists' demands

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Reuters is reporting that one of two Iraqi female prisoners in US detention in Iraq may be freed soon. If this is true, Bush is actually blatantly and publicly caving to the terrorists' demands. Jesus Christ, what is Bush thinking?

This will put every single foreigner at even greater risk now in Iraq, and everywhere in the world. Not to mention, we let two Americans die, and that's okay, but now that a Brit is next on the chopping block, Dr. Germ may be let go? Why not do it two days ago when everyone had their heads? I mean, if you're going to give in to terrorists, you might as well get the most out of the deal. Or are British heads worth more than American heads?

Oh, and spare me the "the Iraq Justice Ministry is doing this, not Bush" speech. They're the same thing - the Wash Post had a great commentary by George Will talking about how the State Dept. called ABC trying to cancel Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi's appearance on THIS WEEK this past Sunday. ABC apparently told them in no uncertain terms that it was rather suspicious that the State Dept was in charge of a foreign head of state's TV appearances. State caved shortly thereafter. But it proved the point - Allawi is a puppet.

And in any case, the women are in US DETENTION. We'd have to okay their being released. And at the end of the article, a US military spokesman says he has heard reports about the possible release of one of the scientists. Bush fucking caved to terrorists 5 weeks before the election. Jesus. Read the rest of this post...

Bush REFUSED to take out top terrorist & WMD lab lest it make Iraq attack unnecessary

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This is OUTRAGEOUS. And borders on impeachable to boot.

I'm not sure I missed this, but you remember our good friend Abu Musab Zarqawi. He's the guy suspected of beheading two Americans in Iraq this week. Well, what you may not have known is that all the way back in June of 2002 our lovely president had the chance to kill Zarqawi THREE TIMES and didn't do it. Why not? Because according to NBC, killing Zarqawi, and blowing up his secret weapons labs where he was making ricin and cyanide in northern Iraq, might have undercut the case for going to war and overthrowing Saddam. After all, if you can get the terrorists with a missile strike, there's no reason to invade an entire country.

I am SEETHING with anger after reading this article. The article reporting all of this is from March of this year, but I suspect it didn't get a lot of attention as Zarqawi had already killed 700 people, but he hadn't started cutting off American heads yet.

Oh, and it gets better. We had intelligence that Zarqawi was planning on using the ricin to conduct terrorist attacks in Europe, and we still didn't attack. And months later, a ricin lab was discovered in the London.

People, Bush could have killed this guy and taken out his WMD. He chose not to, THREE TIMES. We went to Iraq, he told us, to wipe out the WMD, but when Bush had the chance to do it with a lot less bloodshed, he chose not to because HE WANTED SADDAM'S HEAD. And now, instead, Bush has lots of heads on his hands, just not the ones he was planning on. Read the rest of this post...

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