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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

WikiLeaks: 700 new Gitmo documents released

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Charlie Savage at the New York Times has a good article about a new release of documents acquired by WikiLeaks:
A trove of more than 700 classified military documents provides new and detailed accounts of the men who have done time at the Guantánamo Bay prison in Cuba, and offers new insight into the evidence against the 172 men still locked up there.

Military intelligence officials, in assessments of detainees written between February 2002 and January 2009, evaluated their histories and provided glimpses of the tensions between captors and captives. ... The secret documents, made available to The New York Times and several other news organizations, reveal that most of the 172 remaining prisoners have been rated as a “high risk” of posing a threat to the United States and its allies if released without adequate rehabilitation and supervision. But they also show that an even larger number of the prisoners who have left Cuba — about a third of the 600 already transferred to other countries — were also designated “high risk” before they were freed or passed to the custody of other governments.
The document dump is a hodge-podge of everything from proof that some detainees really are dangerous (or were), to proof that some were nobodies caught up in the American tsunami. For example:
The dossiers also show the seat-of-the-pants intelligence gathering in war zones that led to the incarcerations of innocent men for years in cases of mistaken identity or simple misfortune. In May 2003, for example, Afghan forces captured Prisoner 1051, an Afghan named Sharbat, near the scene of a roadside bomb explosion, the documents show. He denied any involvement, saying he was a shepherd. Guantánamo debriefers and analysts agreed, citing his consistent story, his knowledge of herding animals and his ignorance of “simple military and political concepts,” according to his assessment. Yet a military tribunal declared him an “enemy combatant” anyway, and he was not sent home until 2006.
And there are quite a few instances of innocent men made so angry at their captors and their captivity that if they weren't dangerous before, they are now:
While some detainees are described in the documents as “mostly compliant and rarely hostile to guard force and staff,” others spoke of violence. One detainee said “he would like to tell his friends in Iraq to find the interrogator, slice him up, and make a shwarma (a type of sandwich) out of him, with the interrogator’s head sticking out of the end of the shwarma.” Another “threatened to kill a U.S. service member by chopping off his head and hands when he gets out,” and informed a guard that “he will murder him and drink his blood for lunch. Detainee also stated he would fly planes into houses and prayed that President Bush would die.”
There's nothing like creating your own opposition to keep a war interesting, a sort of political version of impedance.

Like most WikiLeaks document troves, this one is more interesting for the nuggets it reveals (such as the "shwarma" comment above) than for any big-picture artwork. Still, it is interesting; and still, it may well be a war-crime to hold someone illegally for the sole reason that he's angry about being held illegally. I would be angry as well.

GP Read the rest of this post...

Supreme Court effectively kills "class action" lawsuits by consumers

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Corporate America wins again.
The Supreme Court gave corporations a major win Wednesday, ruling in a 5-4 decision that companies can block their disgruntled customers from joining together in a class-action lawsuit. The ruling arose from a California lawsuit involving cellphones, but it will have a nationwide impact.

In the past, consumers who bought a product or a service had been free to join a class-action lawsuit if they were dissatisfied or felt they had been cheated. By combining these small claims, they could bring a major lawsuit against a corporation.

But in Wednesday's decision, the high court said that under the Federal Arbitration Act companies can force these disgruntled customers to arbitrate their complaints individually, not as part of a group. Consumer-rights advocates said this rule would spell the end for small claims involving products or services.
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Air France black box found, but without memory

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It's amazing and impressive that they found it, but what a blow not to have the memory module.
Investigators scouring the undersea wreckage of the 2009 Air France plane crash said they located one of the aircraft’s black-box flight recorders without the memory module that stores its crucial information.

“The chassis of the airplane’s flight data recorder was found, though without the crash-survivable memory unit that contains the data,” France’s BEA air accident investigation bureau said in an e-mailed statement.

The search is continuing for the missing data module as well as the separate cockpit voice recorder and other wreckage that may be useful to the investigation, the BEA said.
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The RNC is partly to blame for Trump's birtherism

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Kombiz reminds us that it's not exactly like the RNC tried to squelch the birthers in its ranks.  Yet now the RNC seems to be blaming Obama for somehow, supposedly, raising the birther issue himself!

In my view, Obama's only mistake was not releasing that other birth certificate three years ago.  It's not clear at all why he waited all this time when the document appears to contain nothing new at all (though, granted, the wingnuts would have found some other reason to question his nationality).  Perhaps it was pique, or ego ("To hell with them, I'm not releasing it!"), that led the President to sit on this document all this time.  Then again, steadfast resolve isn't exactly the President's strong suit. Read the rest of this post...

Maine's Gov. loses two Cabinet members: One for racist remarks, one for ethics issues

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The craziness involving the teabagger Governor of Maine, Paul LePage, continues.

From Mike Tipping at the Tipping Point:
Congdon, LePage’s commissioner for the Department of Economic and Community Development, is apparently alleged to have made a racist comment related to African Americans and higher education at a meeting in Aroostook County. Though the topic is being discussed in the halls of the statehouse Wednesday, full details have yet to emerge.

Congdon’s nomination was controversial right from the beginning, with opponents faulting him for a thin resume on economic development and a perceived lack of interest in the portfolio. He admitted when asked about economic development in northern Maine during his Senate hearing that he hadn’t yet thought about the subject. Nine Democratic senators eventually voted against his nomination. Congdon’s professional background is in engineering and research and development.

Congdon was a member of the tea party group the Constitutionalists of Maine, which is how he first met the future Governor Paul LePage.

Department of Environmental Protection head Darryl Brown also resigned Wednesday and will move on to a new position as Director of the State Planning office. He had faced a federal probe into whether his appointment as commissioner was illegal under federal and state law due to a conflict of interest based on his work as a developer. The investigation was begun after a complaint to the EPA from the Androscoggin River Alliance.
Let's just say, I suspect Governor LePage doesn't have a problem with the behavior of either of these Commissioners. In fact, Darryl Brown was basically just reassigned to a position under the direct control of the Governor's office. Apparently, conflicts of interest are less of an issue inside LePage's inner sanctum.

LePage is shady. Really shady. My sense is that those pesky laws about ethics and conflicts of interest aren't really major concerns for him. Read the rest of this post...

Paul Ryan's budget will get a vote in the Senate

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Some hardball in the Senate. The GOPers like to talk tough on the budget. Harry Reid is going to let them go on-the-record with a vote on Paul Ryan's budget.

From Sam Stein:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced on Wednesday that he would host a vote on Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) budget as a means of forcing moderate GOP senators to weigh in on the legislation’s controversial proposals. He did not provide a specific date for when that vote will take place.

“There will be an opportunity in the Senate to vote on the Ryan budget to see if Republican senators like the Ryan budget as much as the House did,” Reid said on a conference call with reporters. “Without going into the Ryan budget we will see how much the Republicans like it here in the Senate.”
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Obama attending a few $35,800 per person fund raisers with Wall Street tonight

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And people wonder why the financial reform was so watered down. It also helps explain how the people who caused the recession are doing better than ever. The CEO's of JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are both due to be there. CNBC:
Tonight he is hitting the town hard—and hitting up Wall Street hard as well. He is in New York for a bunch of fund raisers that begin at the home of former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine. About 60 people are expected to attend, including many prominent Wall Street figures. Each has ponied up $35,800 for the privilege.

Afterwards, Obama will head to a second dinner at the Waldorf Astoria.

This one will have about 340 people, according to the Wall Street Journal. Each of them will also be expected to contribute $35,800 to Democratic campaign coffers.
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Update: Sixth Wisconsin GOP recall petition ready to go

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A quick Wisconsin update — looks like the sixth GOP senate recall petition is ready to be submitted. That's six of eight (a Borg designation).

If you can, please contribute to this effort by clicking the link below.


Goal Thermometer Read the rest of this post...

Confronting the coded racism of Donald Trump

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Ari Melber:
If there were any doubts about the racial animus driving Donald Trump's attacks on Barack Obama, the billionaire reality show star exposed himself with his latest conspiracy. On Monday night, Trump questioned how Obama could possible have been admitted to Ivy League schools, since Trump "heard" Obama was a "terrible student." Trump told the A.P. that he was investigating the issue, whatever that means, just as he claims to have dispatched investigators to Hawaii in order to find the President's famous birth certificate.
"How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?" Trump said. "I'm thinking about it, I'm certainly looking into it. Let him show his records."

By charging that Obama was not admitted based on merit, Trump is suggesting that Obama was admitted because he is black.

Launching an investigation into Obama's birthplace in 2011 is not really objective journalism - it's an overreaction to conspiracy theories masquerading as fact-checking.

In G.O.P. politics, attacking racial minorities as the underachieving beneficiaries of affirmative action is a very old move. Sen. Jesse Helms produced the most notorious example, an ad against his black opponent, Harvey Grant, which blasted affirmative action for taking jobs from deserving white people and giving them to minorities. Even that dark salvo, however, was putatively linked to jobs and active policy debates. Trump is not so smooth. He is blatantly attacking Obama's teenage qualifications for college -- a topic so obscure, it was a non-issue in Obama's exhaustive, two-year-long presidential campaign. Coupled with the rage of the Birthers, Trump's adopted conspiracy crowd, the mogul looks more like he is auditioning for a talk radio gig than the presidency.
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Wash Post: Gays are mean

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And the Washington Post would like them to stop it. From Joe over at AMERICAblog Gay:
In DC, the insiders, who Digby aptly named the Villagers, know Paul Clement. He's one of them. So, we should all stop being mean to him. In their eyes, he's a man of integrity who is doing the right thing. The Post's openly gay Jonathan Capehart wrote a post on how we should all "respect Clement" for "willingness to hold principle high above pressure."

Yes, Paul Clement is so noble. Defending DOMA is really such an upstanding cause. It's only a law that treats gay Americans as second-class citizens. It's only a law that prevents full equality for same-sex couples. But, among the elite in DC, that's not what's at stake. No, the gays have been mean to one of their own. We've violated the hierarchy.
There's much of Joe's column over there. Read the rest of this post...

White House releases "long form" of Obama birth certificate, here's a copy

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Here it is.  There doesn't appear to be anything more on this form than on the other one they released three years ago.  Why didn't they just release this then and be done with it?

Birth Certificate Long Form Read the rest of this post...

Another town hall group pushes back against GOP plan

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But of course, CNN is questioning whether the anger is real or staged by Democrats. It's not that the Democrats did not organize for the event, but I don't recall hearing CNN make similar comments when the Teabaggers voiced their opposition to Democrats. Read more on the event here. Read the rest of this post...

US banks warn Obama on debt

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They never know when to say when, do they? What part of "you arrogant jerks are responsible for this economic crisis" are they missing? Of course there's a government financial problem today. The government had a spending problem before from overseas military adventures as well as obscene tax cuts for the bankers but there's no question the problem became considerably worse due to the financial crisis caused by the banks. As in the same banks who are now berating Obama about the debt problem.

Unfortunately it's hard to sympathize much with Obama being roughed up (again) by the bankers. He raked in campaign money from them and then failed to do much about changing the dynamics of that dysfunctional industry. He hoped to split the baby in half by talking tough from time to time to win over voters but then going easy on the bankers. In the end, he upset everyone. What genius inside the White House team thought up that strategy?

Financial Times:
A group of the largest US banks and fund managers stepped up the pressure on Congress and the Obama administration to reach a deal to increase the country’s debt limit, saying that even a short default could be devastating for the financial markets and economy.

The warning over the debt limit is the strongest yet to come from Wall Street, highlighting growing nervousness among investors about the US political system’s ability to forge a consensus on fiscal policy.

The most pressing budgetary issue confronting Congress and the Obama administration is the need to raise the US debt ceiling, which stands at $14,300 billion.
Interesting, because the real "nervousness" in the real world is about the banks and how much more they can squeeze from the public. The "consensus" is that they shafted the public and are now making more money than ever. The debt problem, while a concern, is much less of a concern than the banks. Read the rest of this post...

Military conflict continues along Thai-Cambodian border

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This is about the last thing either country needs to be wasting their money on these days. Maybe someone from the UN wants to step in and help solve this border dispute?
Fighting continued for a sixth day between Thai and Cambodian troops on Wednesday in an area near three disputed 12th-century temples, as talks between the two sides appeared to collapse.

At least 14 people, including at least one civilian, have been killed in the cross-border artillery fire in the Dangrek mountains within the past week, and 50,000 have arrive at evacuation centres.

The latest fighting began at 5am, and was continuing more than four hours later - with heavy shelling near the Ta Moan and Ta Krabey temples, Cambodia's defence ministry said.

Thai defence minister Prawit Wongsuwon had been expected to meet his Cambodian counterpart, Tea Banh, in Phnom Penh on Wednesday - but reportedly pulled out of the trip because of alleged comments made on Cambodian TV.
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Syrian death toll up to 400 as troops deployed near Damascus

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The EU is discussing sanctions against the Assad regime though how much of an impact that will have is debatable. Al Jazeera:
White buses brought in hundreds of soldiers in full combat gear into Douma, a witness told Reuters news agency on Wednesday. Pro-democracy protesters have tried to march from the suburb into the centre of the capital in the last two weeks but have been dispersed by security forces.

More than 2,000 security police deployed in Douma on Tuesday, manning checkpoints and checking identity cards to arrest pro-democracy sympathisers, the witness, a former soldier, said.

He said he saw several lorries in the streets equipped with heavy machine guns and members of the plainclothes secret police carrying assault rifles. He believed the soldiers to be Republican Guards, among the units most loyal to Bashar al-Assad, the president.

Meanwhile, Syrian human rights organisation Sawasiah said security forces have killed up to 35 civilians since they entered the southern city of Deraa at dawn on Monday.
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