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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Vagabond Scholar's Best Blog Posts of 2011

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I thought this was fun, something carried forward in the tradition of the late blogger Jon Swift (see the intro for explanation).

It's a list of the author's self-chosen collected Best Blog Posts for the current year. It focuses mainly on small blogs, those with much good writing and loyal, happy (but often small) readerships.

Click through for a great number of treats. I'll offer one.

A personal favorite of mine is Tbogg, a modern humorist who writes the best Walt Whitman on the planet. (Clearly, my Achilles Heel is style, though I'm still no fan of Christopher Hitchens.)

Here's Tbogg's nominated entry, "Bristol Palin’s Airing of Grievances".

A taste — the first half details how poor Bristol "wrote" in her book about being dissed by Meghan McCain and then included details of her romance with Levi, the father of her child. Here's how Tbogg phrases it:
Then Bristol complained about how her future baby daddy stole her innocence by plying her with Bartles & Jaymes (snowbilly champagne) and afterward they pinky-swore a solemn blood oath to never ever have sex again until they were united in the eyes of White Jesus, and that lasted until there was nothing to do, what with it being Wasilla and all, and they were suckin’ on chili dogs outside the Tastee Freeze and Levi was all “Dribble off those Bobby Brooks and let me do what I please plow you like a snow-choked Salmon River Road” (snowbilly poetry) and Bristol finished off her fifth chili dog and said “Whatev’s” and wedged herself into the backseat of Levi’s Ford Escort. Then, next thing you know, Bristol was knocked up before getting married (just like her mom!) and she pooped out possibly her second child and this somehow made her role model for abstinence to the kind of people who will pick up her book along with 5-gallon tubs of Cheezy-Bacon Corn Syrup Puffs at Wal-Mart because Bristol Palin’s life is like a fairytale or something.

But with meth.

The end.
That long paragraph is two sentences, every word in place. "...and that lasted until there was nothing to do..." Westcoast Whitman poetry.

Do check out the other posts in this good list; there are a number of bloggy treats — some for style, some for the point made — and all deserving of your attention.

GP Read the rest of this post...

Should Britain join the United States?

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London Times columnist David Aaronovitch has surrendered. In a column in Thursday's paper he claims that enthusiastic support of British involvement in the European Union is pointless. De Gaulle, he concedes, was right to be sceptical as to whether the British could ever be engaged participants in the European Project. The British do not understand, trust or like their European neighbours. Of late, the feeling is mutual.

Euro-sceptic Tories embrace isolation with glee. We could be another Switzerland, they suggest (though without the mountains and chocolate). Aaronovitch's reaction? "Switzerland, Meh".

He instead suggests (tongue in cheek) that we should apply to join the United States. He lists a number of advantages including the fact that Prince Charles would never become king and that the Scots and the Northern Irish could stop agonising over national identity.

The idea of an effective union between America and Britain is not a new one. 250 odd years ago, Britain was trying to decide whether or not to cede Canada and the West to the French. One point in favour was that it would rein in the expansion of the colonial settlements. The fear was that if that were not done, the farmers of America would produce their own manufactures, reducing the value of the transatlantic trade and might one day prove impudent enough to seek independence. Why, some asked, was there to be expenditure of British "blood and treasure" in a war that would benefit only the colonists.

One American rose to the challenge of quieting those fears. He had a different vision. There would be expansion, perhaps so great that there would be more British Subjects in America than there were in Britain, but that was nothing to fear. First, he contended, there would be so much land, that the Americans would be too busy growing things to manufacture anything. Britain would be creating an enormous market for its manufactured goods. Secondly, loyalty was not an issue. As he put it:

"The inhabitants of [the colonies] are, in common with the other subjects of Great Britain, anxious for the glory of her crown, the extent of her power and commerce, the welfare and future respose of the whole British people"

He described his fellow colonists as "animated with a truly British Spirit". The author of this stirringly patriotic treatise was a Mr Benjamin Franklin (see his work "The Interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her colonies and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe".)

So should we be trying to revive Franklin's vision of a Britain focusing its trade on America? The thought has crossed some great minds in the past and also some lesser ones, including that belonging to a Mr Newton Leroy Gingrich. He suggested in April 1998 that Britain should join NAFTA as an associate. The notion got vigorous support from Conrad Black, the owner of the conservative British Newspaper, the Telegraph. Baron Black of Crossharbour, as he is properly known, has other things on his mind at the moment like completing his prison sentence for mail fraud and the obstruction of justice but he may be persuaded that it is time to dust of his 1998 speech: "Britain's Final Choice: Europe or America?". Of course having served time for fraud his own travel options may now be somewhat more limited. The question as to whether the UK would benefit was looked into by the US International Trade Commission which concluded that it would. Phil Gramm was an enthusiast, though he appears to have been looking at it as a backdoor into European Markets.

Clyde Prestowitz over at Foreign Policy Magazine has taken up the suggestion. Like Aaronovitch he even toys with the notion of the various kingdoms becoming States. However, since the principal benefit he identifies is that the US would have more time zones than Russia, one suspects he may not be taking it all as seriously as he might.

Perhaps it is time for America to clear out the spare room so that Grandma can move in. Read the rest of this post...

Indiana bill to fine 'inappropriate' singing of national anthem

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It's a good thing the Republicans in Indiana have their finger on the pulse of what's important these days. What red blooded American would rather have their politicians focus on irrelevant issues such as the economy when they can spend their time working on the real problems of the day? How brave.
Sen. Vaneta Becker, R-Evansville, has introduced a bill that would set specific "performance standards" for singing and playing "The Star-Spangled Banner" at any event sponsored by public schools and state universities. The law also would cover private schools receiving state or local scholarship funds, including vouchers. Performers would have to sign a contract agreeing to follow the guidelines. Musicians -- whether amateur or professional -- would be fined $25 if it were deemed they failed to meet the appropriate standards.
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Team Romney goes full Teabag and joins birthers

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Maybe they've been wearing their Mormon underwear a little too tight lately because they're losing it. Of course, Romney has never been afraid to dive into a new position every other day so it's not too surprising either.
One of Mitt Romney's sons has an answer for those who say his father should release his tax returns. He jokes that President Barack Obama should go first and release his birth certificate and other records. Matt Romney's wisecrack came before an audience in New Hampshire on Friday. In response on Twitter, the Obama campaign tweeted, in part, "Guess he doesn't have one of our mugs?" The Obama campaign sells mugs with a picture of Obama's birth certificate.
Just as unsurprising as the denier charge, Romney later Tweeted that it was all just a joke. Of course it was. Of course it was. Mitt Romney, meanwhile, had the audacity to suggest Obama is an elitist since he's vacationing in Hawaii with his family. Yes, the man who made a few hundred million dollars by chopping jobs and has houses all over America is not an elitist. Just because Romney is cashing in on Wall Street money and doing his best to make life even easier for Wall Street, it doesn't make him an elitist. It makes him an asshole. Read the rest of this post...

500,000 march in Syria as Arab League spots pro-Assad snipers

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The Arab League claims there will be repercussions if Assad doesn't back down though it's difficult to imagine the Arab League being forceful. The positive side to the Arab League visit is that it helps provide some level of cover for the protests. The Guardian:
The largest demonstrations in Syria since the summer have laid siege to parts of Damascus and most key towns and cities, emboldened by Arab League monitors whose presence appeared to provide protesters with cover from regime gunmen. An estimated 500,000 people are thought to have taken to the streets across the country, with the largest and most defiant protests taking place in areas where the observers were present. The touring members of the Arab League states could not stop the bloodshed, however, with opposition groups claiming up to 31 people were killed nationwide. Almost all deaths were reportedly in areas that the 60-man delegation is yet to visit.
Even with the Arab League observers there was 17 new deaths reported yesterday. Read the rest of this post...

Eric Burdon & War: Spill The Wine

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It's a sorry finish to 2011 here in Paris today. It's warm (54F) but gray and drizzly. Everyone sorted for this evening with plans? Jojo is finishing the book she's been writing for two years which has to be turned in on Monday so no big plans for us. A quiet dinner and early evening. Read the rest of this post...

2011 was 2nd warmest in UK, 11th globally

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But remember, climate change doesn't exist. We know this because the flat-earth, right wing loons tell us so.
2011 has been the second warmest year on record for the UK, according to the Met Office. It said provisional figures show that only 2006, with an average temperature of 9.73C (49.5F) was warmer than 2011's average temperature of 9.62C. Despite this year seeing high temperatures for long periods – including the warmest April and spring on record, the second warmest autumn and the warmest October day – early figures suggest we are ending 2011 with a "close to average" December.
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