Germany's Green Party is worried about the health of their countrymen. But this time they aren't concerned about typical environmentalist causes like nuclear radiation or pesticides in food. Instead, their latest fears regard the potential health hazards of sex toys.
"Many... sex toys... contain a high amount of phthalates, other carcinogenic plasticizers and toxic substances," the paper reads. The substances, which enter the body through mucous membranes, can lead to infertility, hormone imbalances, diabetes and obesity, the parliamentarians warn. The chemicals can also cause hormone disturbances in unborn babies, the paper reads. Phthalates and other plastic softening agents are being officially phased out of products in many developed nations.
More than ever, people are worried about how all the chemicals we're exposed to are affecting our health: among them a family of chemicals known as phthalates, which are used in everyday plastics.
Not plastic bottles of water or soda, but soft and flexible things like shower curtains. They're also in shampoos and carpeting.
Phthalates are so ubiquitous, we all have traces in our bodies.
Recently the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, put phthalates on a list of chemicals that "may present a risk" to the environment or human health. That's because they disrupt hormone activity and some preliminary studies show that they may be causing a slow and steady demasculinizing of men.
Are you freaking serious, CNN? It's stupidity like this that creates real problems with real consequences. In this case, it's life and death. I realize that this is Obama's favorite pastor but how about focusing on actual science instead of voodoo BS like this on the front page?
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From Friday's Last Word program, a good summary of what's happening in Minnesota.
What's happening in Minnesota? The Republican-controlled legislature and the Democratic governor, Mark Dayton, are in a state budget stalemate. The governor wants Minnesota millionaires to pay more taxes — something that will affect fewer than 8000 people.
The Republicans say "No way; that would mean the death of the Republic." Then they added, "But wait, maybe if you agree to gut abortion, we'll give you the death of the Republic after all."
Dayton seems to have received his injection of spinal fluid; he told the Republicans to "Go for it." So they did.
"Unrelenting maximalist budgetary brinksmanship" — exactly right. Remember, the Crisis in the States has been in the works for some time. It's not the by-product; it's the plan.
Don't believe that? James Pethokoukis at Reuters does (my emphasis):
Congressional Republicans appear to be quietly but methodically executing a plan that would a) avoid a federal bailout of spendthrift states and b) cripple public employee unions by pushing cash-strapped states such as California and Illinois to declare bankruptcy. This may be the biggest political battle in Washington, my Capitol Hill sources tell me, of 2011.
That’s why the most intriguing aspect of President Barack Obama’s tax deal with Republicans is what the compromise fails to include — a provision to continue the Build America Bonds program. BABs now account for more than 20 percent of new debt sold by states and local governments thanks to a federal rebate equal to 35 percent of interest costs on the bonds. The subsidy program ends on Dec. 31. And my Reuters colleagues report that a GOP congressional aide said Republicans “have a very firm line on BABS — we are not going to allow them to be included.”
In short, the lack of a BAB program would make it harder for states to borrow to cover a $140 billion budgetary shortfall next year, as estimated by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities. The long-term numbers are even scarier. Estimates of states’ unfunded liabilities to pay for retiree benefits range from $750 billion to more than $3 trillion.
Ben Bernanke is speaking in front of the Senate today, and one of the big topics during the Q&A; session is the state of muni finances.
The Fed Chairman doesn't expect any state to default, but he also says he doesn't believe it's within his mandate to bail out the states (e.g. by buying muni debate) should it come to that.
The Senators keep hammering on this point, and there's a reason for it. The GOP is hoping for states to collapse, and they want to be absolutely sure nothing gets in the way of that.
I could cite more. These are insiders, people with connections, writing in publications that don't make it to Morning Joe — they can write freely because their stuff is safely not-news.
But they know. From Business Insider again, here's a list of the states with the worst deficits. Minnesota is 7th. And be sure to note the chart at the bottom.
I'll say again: The Crisis is the plan. Any 8th-dimensional genius negotiator on the other side of that table needs to get that fact — and act like he gets it.
If not, we'll have to do as Sally Kohn recommends: "Donate Spinal Fluid to Dems." Looks like Mark Dayton got his dose.
I was on Howie Kurtz's "Reliable Sources" show this morning on CNN with far-right radio host Dennis Prager, who seemed to be concerned I was going to change his gender. (I like women too much to do that.)
And here I thought Big Oil could be trusted to keep the environment clear. NBC News:
An ExxonMobil pipeline that runs under the Yellowstone River near Billings in south-central Montana ruptured and dumped up to 1,000 barrels of oil, fouling the riverbank and forcing water intakes downstream to be closed.
Company spokeswoman Pam Malek said the pipe broke about 11:30 p.m. Friday and leaked for about a half-hour.
The cause of the rupture in the pipe carrying crude oil from Belfry, Mont., to the company's refinery in Billings wasn't known. But Duane Winslow, disaster and emergency services coordinator for Yellowstone County, told NBC station KULR8 that erosion from high water this spring likely played a role.
The weather was perfect yesterday over here so my little goddaughter and I spent the afternoon at the Jardin du Luxembourg which was created as a park for children. The ponies weren't there but fortunately, the carousel was working and the playground was open. This morning we even sampled the croissants from the new boulangerie on the street and both of us approved.
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David Cameron has been warned by one of his most trusted cabinet ministers that his welfare policies risk making 40,000 families homeless.
The extraordinary claim, in a letter to the prime minister from the office of Eric Pickles, the communities secretary, exposes deep splits at the heart of government over plans to cap benefit at £500 a week per family.
The letter, leaked to the Observer, reveals Pickles's belief that the cap – announced with great fanfare at last year's Tory conference – will increase the burden on taxpayers, because thousands of families will be unable to pay their rent and will have to seek local government help. It blows apart the government's public insistence that a limit on benefit payments will have little impact on homelessness and child poverty.
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