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Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Quote of the Week

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"The point is that they're in violation of the law." - Benjamin Ginsburg (former) Bush-Cheney campaign national counsel talking about 527 organizations, as reported by ABC News tonight.
Of course, then Ginsburg went ahead and secretly provided legal advice to the Swift Boat Veterans, a 527. That appears to mean that Ginsburg, as a member of the Bush campaign, secretly engaged in activity that he thought to be illegal, or at least aided and abetted illegal activity.

Some friends Mr. Bush has. Read the rest of this post...

The worm is turning...

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Let's summarize today's events:

1) Bush's campaign lawyer resigns because he was working for the Swift Boat group at the same time he was working for Bush/Cheney '04.

2) Bush personally turned veteran Max Cleland away from his ranch. Guess you have to have some oil connections to get on the invite list at Crawford.

3) The Navy provided documents to AP which confirmed Kerry (and everyone who was actually THERE) are in fact correct.

4) And now AP has finally picked up this story: Swift Boat Writer Lied on Cambodia Claim:

"The chief critic of John Kerry's military record told President Nixon in 1971 that he had been in Cambodia in a swift boat during the Vietnam War - a claim at odds with his recent statements that he was not.

"I was in Cambodia, sir. I worked along the border," said John E. O'Neill in a conversation that was taped by the former president's secret recording system. The tape is stored at the National Archives in College Park, Md.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday, O'Neill did not dispute what he said to Nixon, but insisted he was never actually in Cambodia."

Here's the best part:

"I've never represented on the floor of the Senate, or told people 50 times like John Kerry did that I was in Cambodia. That never happened. And I don't think he was ever there either," O'Neill said."

WHAT? Then he lied to the President. Now THAT'S a guy you can trust!

Makes a day like yesterday, when your own Vice President tries to distance himself from your bigotry, look like an easy day. This has been an AWFUL day for the President. Can't wait for the convention! Read the rest of this post...

Religious right BLASTS Mary & Dick Cheney

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In today's screed from the religious right news service, Mary Cheney is referred to as "a lesbian activist" and as Dick Cheney's "homosexual activist daughter". And Dick Cheney's "vision has been clouded, his judgment is awry. He really needs a talking to." All this from the religious right in the wake of the Vice President's newly-announced acknowledgement that his daughter is gay, and that he opposes the anti-gay marriage amendment to the US Constitution. Bob Knight of the Concerned Women for America even appears to suggest that Mary Cheney is "a problem" in the Cheney family. The religious right concludes by threatening that "delegates can be expected to discuss the issue extensively at the GOP event."

One can only hope. Read the rest of this post...

Bush's election lawyer, who was also Swift Boats' lawyer, quits

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But there is NO CONNECTION between Bush and the Swift Boaters. Read the rest of this post...

Gay GOP congressman attacks Cleland & Kerry for not replying to "accusations" with facts, but still won't respond to accusations that he's gay

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FOX News:
"It's pure theater," Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., told FOX News on Wednesday of the letter being delivered by Cleland. "If someone makes an allegation about you, you answer with facts." But, Foley continued, Kerry has not done so, instead attacking others and not answering the questions posed in the swift boat ads.

"If he would just answer the questions raised by the swift boat characters, he would set to rest whatever the issue is," Foley added.
I couldn't agree more. Mr. Foley's own chief of staff for years has told numerous of us in DC that Foley is gay, gays-in-the-military hero Tracy Thorne says he was introducted to Foley's lover BY FOLEY HIMSELF, and Marty Childers (another longtime DC gay activist) says he was promised by Foley's chief of staff YEARS AGO that Foley would run in his next election as an openly gay man (he did not).

You have been publicly accused of being gay several times over, Mr. Foley, why don't you answer with facts and set the issue to rest. Are you or aren't you gay?

Please feel free to call Mr. Foley and ask him to set the issue to rest. You also might want to ask Mr. Foley why he's still supporting a party that on the very day Mr. Foley is supporting it, turns around and passes a platform plank calling him a second-class citizen.

202-225-3132 (fax)

Palm Beach County, FL
561-626-4749 (fax)

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772-871-0651 (fax)

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941-627-9101 (fax)

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863-471-1813 Read the rest of this post...

Gay Republican leader: Giuliani & Schwarzenegger GOP Convention speeches are "Putting lipstick on the pig"

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"Our party can't have it both ways. We can't have the folks sitting in this room crafting a vicious mean-spirited platform, and then our party trying to put lipstick on the pig by sticking Rudy Giuliani and Arnold Schwarzenegger in prime time." - Christopher Barron, spokesman, Log Cabin Republicans (the largest gay Republican group), on CNN, Aug 25, 2004
Yikes, tell us what you REALLY think Christopher? Seriously, this is an amazingly forthright and honest statement of the truth from Log Cabin. Gays have been fucked by this administration and this convention, and Log Cabin is holding the GOP's feet to the fire rather than playing the apologist.

I've criticized Log Cabin in the past, but so far they've been incredibly true to their ideals and their mission in dealing with this GOP platform fiasco. Kudos to them, and keep it up. Read the rest of this post...

GOP Platform tells Mary Cheney to go fuck herself

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[UPDATE: Let's not forget that the new-and-improved anti-gay platform plank comes less than one day after Dick Cheney said he opposed the Federal Marriage Amendment and that "freedoms means freedom for everyone." This platform plank was a direct response to Dick Cheney's comments. The question is whether Cheney knew this was coming, or at least knew SOMETHING anti-gay was coming, and wanted to distance himself from it (or at least send a warning shot that he wasn't on board), OR did Cheney make his statement for some other reason and this was Karl Rove's and the religious right's response to show that THEY'RE in charge and not Dick Cheney. Whichever, this issue is about MUCH MORE than gay marriage - there is an all out war going on behind the scenes between the rabid religious right and party moderates.]

Never put it past the GOP to one-up themselves in terms of how bigoted and nasty they can be. To wit, the proposed anti-gay platform plank has been strengthened from its earlier draft form and now says, according to the Wash Post:
Unless rewritten by the full 110-member platform committee tonight or Thursday, the marriage section will condemn "a few judges and local authorities" who presume to change "the most fundamental institution of civilization." It will say same-sex couples should not receive legal benefits set aside for married couples, and it calls on the Senate to join the House in voting to strip federal courts of the authority to overturn state laws banning gay marriage.
What that means is that the Republican platform now:

1. Opposes gay marriage.
2. Supports a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.
3. Opposes civil unions for gays.
4. Oppose gay couples getting ANY OF THE BENEFITS that married couples get, meaning inheritance, partner visitation in the hospital, insurance benefits, adoption rights, etc.
5. Opposes gay partners of victims of September 11 receiving any of the funds given to surviving partners, as they would be receiving benefits akin to those given married couples.
6. Supports making it so gays can't even appeal to our own federal courts for redress on this matter.

This language pretty much echoes the incredibly bigoted legislation passed in Virginia a few months ago that ripped ALL LEGAL RIGHTS away from gay couples, and could even threaten private sector benefits for gay couples. The GOP just told gay Americans (and apparently the entire Cheney family) to go fuck themselves. It's gonna be a fun week next week in NYC. Read the rest of this post...

Bush turns away veteran Cleland

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Reuters (on Yahoo)- Former Georgia U.S. Senator Max Cleland (C) attempts to deliver a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush (news - web sites) at the security checkpoint near Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, August 25, 2004. The letter was a message from Congressional veterans calling on Bush to denounce the third party 'Swift Boat Veterans for Truth' attack ads against Democratic presidential nominee Senator John Kerry (news - web sites). (Editor's Note: The paper in the Secret Service agents hand is not the letter; Senator Cleland is holding the envelope with the letter) REUTERS/Jeff Mitchell US ELECTION Read the rest of this post...

Navy Report Backs Kerry Role in Incident

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From AP:

"The Navy task force overseeing John Kerry's swift boat squadron in Vietnam reported that his group of boats came under enemy fire during a March 13, 1969, incident that three decades later is being challenged by the Democratic presidential nominee's critics.

The March 18, 1969, weekly report from Task Force 115, which was located by The Associated Press during a search of Navy archives, is the latest document to surface that supports Kerry's description of an event for which he won a Bronze Star and a third Purple Heart." Read the rest of this post...

If The Media Did Its Job

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If the media was doing its job, this is how the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth story would have been covered from the very beginning.

"A group called "Swift Boat Veterans For Truth" has begun running ads in battleground states this week. The ads make extreme, unfounded charges about John Kerry's military service. A group of Vietnam veterans, most of them never served with John Kerry and they have no documents to back up what they say.

"A main charge? That John Kerry's Bronze Star for rescuing a crewmember while under fire was a lie and that there was no enemy fire. One of their main organizers signed an affidavit saying John Kerry didn't deserve that Bronze Star. However, he recently recanted and told the Boston Globe that it was wrong of him to sign that affidavit. The next day, the campaign said he had signed another affidavit but was unavailable for comment.

"Other details of the group call into question their facts as well. Their website lists soldiers who served with John Kerry and claims they don't support his run for President. At least two of the people listed say that's a lie and that their repeated requests to have their names removed from the website and the campaign have been ignored. Another main organizer who argues Kerry shouldn't have received the Bronze Star and wasn't under enemy fire also has come into question. Why? Because he also received a Bronze Star for bravery under enemy fire -- for the very same military action. He now claims not to have known why he received that Bronze Star some 30 years ago -- a claim that would be scoffed at by most any veteran of any war who can describe in vivid detail every action that led to their receiving a medal. Repair notes for the boat John Kerry served on also noted new bullet holes after returning from the incident.

"Furthermore, the application for his Bronze Star was signed by another member of this group -- and that application explicitly cites his action under enemy fire. The only witness to the enemy fire it notes is another veteran, not John Kerry. There's still more: another member of this group was part of a Navy task force that reported on the incident at the time. It too detailed enemy fire from both shores of the river during the incident in which mines exploded, entire crews of some boats were injured, John Kerry was injured and pulled a fellow crewmember out of the water. In other words, these veterans accepted the glory of receiving Bronze Stars and other praise for the very same incident described in the very same way, they signed applications for those medals making the same claims they now say are in dispute, they served on military panels that filed reports describing these events and they remained silent for more than 30 years. If they lied then, why should anyone believe them now?

"As recently as 1996, a number of the members of this tiny group had praised John Kerry for his service in Vietnam and supported his reelection to the Senate. Others have praised John Kerry in the past as not only a veteran who did his duty but as one of the best and bravest of the Swift Boat leaders.

"So why are they suddenly recanting 30 years of praise and singing a different tune? Well, two of the veterans received harsh criticism in an acclaimed, best-selling book about John Kerry called "Tour of Duty" by Douglas Brinkley. The criticism didn't come from Kerry, but they may blame him anyway. Furthermore, all the veterans readily admit their real beef with John Kerry isn't his service in Vietnam -- after all, they've been praising him about it for the past 30 years. No, their real beef is that he came home and criticized the war and they felt it was wrong of him to do so.

"But perhaps most significantly, the trail leads back to George Bush, who was also linked to a smear campaign against John McCain in his last Presidential run. More than 90% of the initial funds for this group came from two donors who are among the top supporters of George Bush. One of the main supporters is a close personal friend of Karl Rove. A Bush campaign employee works with the group and has suddenly been asked to leave the Bush campaign since, legally, Bush cannot have anything to do with independent political groups. Furthermore, one of the top lawyers advising the Bush campaign is also providing legal advice to the so-called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Election officials are currently investigating to see if this web of connections has violated election laws."

If the media had done its job and explored these charges before blindly repeating them, this is how the story might have first appeared. A Google search to find out these men had praised John Kerry in the past isn't asking so much. A quick search of the public records to find out where their funding is coming from isn't too much to ask either. But the media is lazy. Or at least not doing its job as part of the vast left-wing conspiracy.

At this stage, any outlet that descibes these events as "murky" or "controversial" or "called into question" should be excoriated. Unfortunately, that's exactly what the New York Times, USA Today and many other outlets have done in the last few days, long after this group has been thoroughly discredited by any reasonable standard.
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Max Cleland to take Swift Boat fight directly to the President

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CNN is reporting that Max Cleland and Jim Rassmann are taking the Kerry response to the Swift Boat ads right to the President -- on his ranch doorstep.

"Vietnam veteran and former Sen. Max Cleland Wednesday plans to deliver a letter to President Bush for the Kerry-Edwards campaign, asking Bush to publicly condemn attack ads that dispute Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's combat record in Vietnam, according to a Kerry campaign adviser.

Cleland, who lost both legs and an arm in the war, will be joined at the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas, by Lt. Jim Rassmann, a former Green Beret who recommended Kerry for the Bronze Star for risking his life to save Rassmann.

Kerry's campaign adviser said Cleland and Rassmann "will likely get turned away at the ranch.""

I thought it would be good to address this issue a bit from the political operative perspective. There have been some grumblings that the Kerry people didn't respond to the Swift Boat attacks quickly or voraciously enough. Here's likely why they responded the way that they did.

Campaigns are all about staying on message. Attacks come and attacks go. If the candidate were to respond directly to every attack made, they would spend all of their time talking about something other than why they are running for office.

In this particular case, the attack was obviously erroneous. It is likely that the Kerry folks saw it for what it was -- a meaningless distraction. That it was, until the media sunk its teeth into the story. (Someone else who knows media better than I can address why they spent so much time talking about this.)

Once the media frenzy kicks up, the campaign must respond. What better way to respond then by sending Max Cleland, a veteran who left three limbs in Vietnam, down to Texas. Why? Cleland was also attacked in a particularly obscene way in his 2002 race with Saxby Chambliss.

Read this USA Today piece from 2002. Sound familiar? And who backed Saxby Chambliss up in his obscene attacks? President George Bush.

Kerry's people were right to not respond initially to the attack, just as they are right today to send a Vietnam vet in a wheelchair down to Texas to get turned away by a man who never spent a day in combat. It's a perfect visual and it tells the public everything they need to know about both Bush and Kerry.

A man is judged by the company he keeps. Kerry went to Vietnam -- TWICE -- and his fellow veterans still stand by him today. Neither Bush nor Cheney did. That's something all Americans can understand. Read the rest of this post...

USA TODAY: Still unanswered questions about Bush's Guard service duty during Vietnam

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Kudos to USA Today for digging into the other side of the Swift Boat story. If we're going to talk about how the candidates handled their duty during the Vietnam War, then let's talk about it, starting with the still unanswered questions about Mr. Bush's spotty military record:
At a time when Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has come under fire from a group of retired naval officers who say he lied about his combat record in Vietnam, questions about President Bush's 1968-73 stint in the Texas Air National Guard remain unresolved:

•Why did Bush, described by some of his fellow officers as a talented and enthusiastic pilot, stop flying fighter jets in the spring of 1972 and fail to take an annual physical exam required of all pilots?

•What explains the apparent gap in the president's Guard service in 1972-73, a period when commanders in Texas and Alabama say they never saw him report for duty and records show no pay to Bush when he was supposed to be on duty in Alabama?

•Did Bush receive preferential treatment in getting into the Guard and securing a coveted pilot slot despite poor qualifying scores and arrests, but no convictions, for stealing a Christmas wreath and rowdiness at a football game during his college years?

The White House has released hundreds of pages of records, but the files released so far haven't answered those questions. Since the documents were released in February, at least a half-dozen news organizations, including USA TODAY, have filed new requests for Bush's military records under the Freedom of Information Act....

Bush said in a TV interview in February that he would make all his military records available. That month, the White House released more than 400 pages of Bush military records, including some duplicates, and said the documents were a complete catalog of his personnel files.

But some documents still have not been made public.
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Powell lets himself be used one last time by Bushies

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Well, we now know why Powell isn't going to the GOP Convention, he's going to be doing a campaign appearance at the summer olympics. Now, I suspect that Powell probably told the campaign he wasn't going to the convention, period, and now that a lot of folks think - correctly - that this is a sign of Powell's distancing himself from Bush, they've ordered him to attend the olympics to show face and give Bush a good photo op. Oh the games never even for this administration. Read the rest of this post...

Pleasure Boat Captains for Truth: "Overboard...and Overblown"

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"George used to tell anyone who'd listen about the time he rescued a six-pack of Budweiser when it fell overboard a few miles offshore from Galveston. The way he'd tell the story, he lunged over the side of the boat, with no regard for his own safety, and snagged the Buds with his injured hand, which he'd cut earlier that day opening a beer can.

Only, I was there, and it didn't happen that way. George, who had only had a couple drinks, bumped into the cooler and knocked it overboard. A whole cooler-- not a six-pack. Then he just stood there for what must have been a good five or six minutes, like he was trying to comprehend what had just happened. He finally reached overboard-- far too late, of course-- and then immediately pulled his hand back. Something about the saltwater stinging his "wound." --Sonny Wallace, Skipper, "The Sonny Pleasure Dome" Read the rest of this post...

O'Neil caught in lies again, will he be court martialed?

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Atrios is listing a number of John O'Neil quotes which discredit him even more, if that is even possible. I'd like to see this get some media traction to show how none of the attack dogs (now or in the future) are to be trusted. It's also time to put Bush on the defensive. Can't the Kerry people pick an issue and and let the media go into a frenzy just before the convention? There are so many choices (Iraq, economy, Abu Ghraib, health care, etc), just pick one and get going.
CNN's Newsnight just played the O'Neill-Nixon tape, with text graphic on screen:
O'NEILL: I was in Cambodia, sir. I worked along the border on the water.
NIXON: In a swift boat?
O'NEILL: Yes, sir.
And here is O'Neil this week:
JOHN O'NEILL: The whole country's watching him avoid the question. You asked about Cambodia. How do I know he's not in Cambodia? I was on the same river, George. I was there two months after him. Our patrol area ran to Sedek, it was 50 miles from Cambodia. There isn't any watery border. The Mekong River's like the Mississippi.[Chris' note: what is he suggesting here? That there is only one main flow? Bullshit, it's loaded with small tributaries that are like a maze. I've been there myself.] There were gunboats stationed right up there to stop people from coming. And our boats didn't go north of, only slightly north of Sedek. So it was a made up story. He's told it over 50 times, George, that was on the floor of the Senate. He wrote articles about it, it was a malicious story because it painted all the guys above him, all of the commanding officers, in effect, as war criminals, that had ordered him into a neutral country, it was a lie.

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Free Speech: Use it or lose it, by Freewayblogger

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I just read about Freewayblogger on Buzzflash and love some of the signs. The Fun with Hate Radio section is good, especially the phone in to Michael Savage. If true, funnier yet. Has anyone out there come across any of the signs that are posted?
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US dead in Iraq now at 965

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Don't tell me that this mess is getting better, because it's not. Show us some real proof that it is because the word of this administration means nothing at all to me. Proof does not mean repeating the same lies multiple times.
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"Incalculable human and political costs" for Iraq invasion

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Sound familiar? It's a quote from daddy Bush after the first Gulf War. Georgie really has a chip on his shoulder about actual war heros and must have some serious guilt and regrets for bar hopping in Texas and Alabama. One might even think that George takes actions just to spite his father, regardless of the cost or repercussions. Maybe he feels guilty about the 500 guys that he jumped in front of to get into the cushy stateside post during the war. Wouldn't it be interesting if someone interviewed a surviving family of one of the guys that he jumped in front of, who wasn't quite as lucky as George?
"Had we gone the invasion route, the United States could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land. It would have been a dramatically different — and perhaps barren — outcome."
And from Howard Baker:
"Even if Hussein were captured and his regime toppled, U.S. forces would still have been confronted with the specter of a military occupation of indefinite duration to pacify the country and sustain a new government in power."

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