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Dylanology & the Birther Conspiracy

We’re all individuals, with our own uniquenesses, contradictions and oddities. Yet if you tell a demographer a few key pieces of information about yourself they can give pretty good odds on the range of viewpoints you’re likely to have, life patterns and choices.

Some people though somehow break the mold.

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Josh Marshall


Rick Newman notes that when Romney released his preliminary 2011 tax return estimates in January he was reporting $20,901,075 in adjusted gross income. The final returns released today show $13,696,961 in adjusted gross income.

Josh Marshall
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Romney: The Campaign is Going Great!

Rommey tells 60 Minutes: Our campaign “doesn’t need a turnaround. We’ve got a campaign which is tied with an incumbent President” … “we’re tied in the polls. We’re all within the margin of error. We bounce around.”

Josh Marshall

Walker Lowers the Boom on Mitt

Republican super-hero Gov. Scott Walker expresses “frustration” with Mitt Romney, thought Ryan mojo would “transfer over to our nominee” but hasn’t seen it yet.

Josh Marshall
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How Mitt Compares To The Rest Of Us

We put together this chart a few weeks ago to show how Romney’s effective federal tax rate compares to the average rate of other income brackets. (Keep in mind that was when Romney was saying he paid close to a 15 percent rate, so we used that number; today’s release shows that his 2011 rate was 14.1 percent.)

David Kurtz

Oh, Mitt

Romney artificially inflated 2011 taxes after saying, “I don’t pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don’t think I’d be qualified to become president.”

David Kurtz

A Few Of The Romney Tax Highlights

Here’s the key part of the blog post about the new Romney documents that the Romney campaign has posted, written by R. Bradford Malt, a partner at Ropes & Gray, LLP, who has been the trustee of the Romneys’ blind trust since 2003:

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David Kurtz

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MapBox Aims For Open Source, Digital Map Revolution

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Reid To Romney On Tax Returns: Not Good Enough

Reid To Romney On Tax Returns: Not Good Enough Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is no longer insinuating that Mitt Romney paid no federal taxes over the last 10 years. But he’s showing no contrition and continues to maul Romney for withholding tax returns from voters. “The information released today reveals that Mitt Romney manipulated one of the only two years of tax returns he’s seen fit to show the American people - and then only to ‘conform’ with his public statements,” Reid said in an official response to the release of… Read More →

Alabama GOP Chair Goes Birther, Says Obama’s Communist Upbringing ‘Verified’

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What Romney’s Taxes Reveal – And What They Don’t

What Romney's Taxes Reveal -- And What They Don't Mitt Romney released his 2011 tax returns Friday, along with a brief summary of his 1990-2009 tax returns. The Romney campaign is asking voters to take its word on the details of his previous returns, but the new information helps address some of the big questions surrounding his finances – like whether he once paid zero taxes. Other questions – like Romney’s offshore holdings – are still unclear. Below is a guide as to some of the big revelations – and biggest remaining… Read More →

Mitt Romney’s Real Effective Tax Rate

Mitt Romney's <i>Real</i> Effective Tax Rate Mitt Romney’s 14.1 percent effective federal tax rate in 2011 would’ve been lower if he’d deducted all of his charitable contributions from his nearly $13.7 million in income. But after estimating that he paid at least 13 percent of his income in taxes in each of the last 10 years, Romney opted not to deduct nearly $1.8 million worth of charitable contributions last year to artificially lift his tax liability. So what would Romney’s effective tax rate have been if he’d deducted all… Read More →

Kickstarter Cracks Down On Hardware Projects, Says It’s ‘Not A Store’

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McCaskill Uses ‘Legitimate Rape’ Debacle To Cast Akin As Extremist In Debate

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Paul Ryan Booed Throughout AARP Speech (VIDEO)

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Trust In Media At New Low; Fewer Americans Following Political News

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Swing-State Poll: Obama Lead Grows

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Biden Speech Most Watched Of The 2012 Conventions

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SNL Mocks Romney, Fox News In Special Election Edition Spoof

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