Three Lessons

There is still a lot of counting, results, policy, and GOP civil war left to go this election night, but I think there are three lessons we can say the GOP needs to learn from this year:

1. That hard turn to the right the tea-baggers made you do? It cost you the senate.

2. Telling women what they should think about rape is not a great way to win a race.

3. You can no longer win a presidential election in America by turning out the exclusively white vote.

The last one especially is going to be hard for the racist base to swallow, but 2 elections in a row where race based politics failed to get enough fearful white voters and a changing and increasingly mixed American demographic don’t look good for the future of the GOP.


Election Night Open Thread

USA map

HuffPo election map
Nate Silver’s live blog

Post your comments below…


Chris Matthews Rant: ‘Idiots’ Vote for ‘Numbskull’ Third Party Candidates

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Via Mediaite:

Are you one of the many voters who feels disillusioned with the two-party system and wants to make your single, solitary voice heard by voting for a third party candidate who is possibly more aligned with your own viewpoints?

If you are, well guess what: YOU’RE AN IDIOT. Says MSNBC’s Chris Matthews.

Summary of the Matthews rant, on this afternoon’s “NOW with Alex Wagner” panel on MSNBC:

“If you vote for one of these numbskull third or fourth party candidates like [Libertarian Party candidate] Gary Johnson or [Green Party candidate] Jill Stein, and say ‘I was surprised at what happened.’ No, you shouldn’t be because idiots like you voted for third and fourth party candidates and they don’t know how the system works.”

Then, looking directly into the camera, Matthews held up his fingers and said: “You have two choices.”

…”I am really bothered by people who thought, ‘Oh, I thought I would vote for [former third party candidate] John Anderson,’ or, ‘I really like Ralph Nader and what he stands for.’ That has nothing to do with the presidency! Nothing to do with it. But it’s screwed up so many of our elections, people being so NPR, so PBS, so hoity-toity.”

Chirs Matthews present himself as someone who is a sophisticated political observer, and he must be aware that because of the winner-take-all Electoral College system our presidential election is decided in 9-10 states, at most. In the other 40 states we are free to vote for third-party candidates without affecting the outcome. It’s called strategic voting. Could it be that we DO know how the system works, and how to oppose it?

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Election Day Lunch Time Link Farm

They’re popping up everywhere . . . .


Washington Monthly:

MA Senate Race

Final polling analysis

American Prospect gif’s the election. . .


Keep Calm and get out the vote

Romney’s Fake Internal numbers

Romney replicates McCain’s desperate Pennsylvania gambit

Poll closing times

Towleroad – a light distraction

It speaks for itself


Dear America Don’t Fall For This Shit Again

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Faux News: Frightening Black Man Alert!

This is my favorite video (in a tight race let me tell you) so far this election season. Listen to the Faux News racist crew explain how frightening and intimidating the scary black man is… as he holds open the door for a woman heading in to vote.

Voter suppression! Intimidation! Bullshit!

The Onion writers are kicking themselves right now.


A Romney Supporter Reported Me To Facebook? I Am Blocked for 7 Days.

Anyone can report anyone on FaceBook for a violation of their ‘Community Standards.’ Facebook gave me a 3-day timeout for suggesting to Tagg Romney that “Obama would pummel your pasty White trash face” had he elected to “take a swing at him.”  It could be fairly construed as over the top in the hypocritical world of LDS Republican Politeness Enforcement.

But the 7-day time out I got for my comment on a Utah Clean Politics post suggests Facebook has a serious problem.

Facebook censorship or whiny Republicans or both?


To be clear, this action was initiated purposefully and without cause by the same sort of person who finds nothing wrong with the voter suppression going on across the red states with a vengeance. Republican behavior is shameful.


The polarization of America.

So as the election season winds down to tomorrow’s election, we are met with a problem. A problem that goes beyond both parties. It has to do with political stability. Now we as a nation are pretty democratic. We are more democratic than the UK for that matter. However we are faced with a problem that threatens that. Ever notice just how pessimistic we are? If Romney wins, then the US will fall says the liberals. If Obama wins, then the US will fall says the conservatives. That is unhealthy. This kind of polarization is the kind of thing that leads to political instability. Democracy can only work if the losing team can tolerate the victor. The inability to do so is bad. Bad as in this is why Rwanda can’t have nice things. Now you may think this is an exaggeration, but no, it could be a reality. Right now, the justice department warned of right wing terrorism and that is how bad it is. We are seeing death threats left and right, we are seeing familicide because of fear that Obama will win. We have seen an increase of killing sprees, an assassination attempt on Giffords. This is a problem that the right is intolerable to democrats. The same can be said vice-verse, but really, Obama seems like the victor and we may be more at risk with Obama winning, the libertarians could still hate Romney. But why? Why this polarization?


Turn Left, America

In Sunday’s NY Times, Drew Westen argued that America is tilting leftward politically:

The data, however, suggest just the opposite — that both candidates have benefited in the general election every time they have taken a left turn. President Obama was in deep political trouble 15 months ago when he cut the closest thing he could to a “grand bargain” with House Speaker John A. Boehner to slash the federal budget by trillions, and he did nothing for his popularity nine months earlier when he extended the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy. Not until he began talking like a populist did he begin picking up steam in the polls. Indeed, one of the most powerful messages the Democrats chose not to use in the 2010 midterm elections — which would have supported a policy that was extremely popular then and remains as popular now — was a simple message on taxes I tested nationally, which won in every region and with every demographic, including Tea Partyers: “In tough times like these, millionaires ought to be giving to charity, not getting it.” Once that position (and other populist appeals) became central to Mr. Obama’s presidential campaign, the election looked like it would be a rout.

BUT then in the first debate, Mr. Romney moved to the center, taking back his promise of tax cuts for the rich and proposing instead to let people choose which tax deductions they wanted to take (for their home mortgages, for example) but limiting the amount that can be deducted. Perhaps understandably, the president didn’t know what to do with a Republican challenger who was outflanking him half the time on his left, and suddenly the race was competitive again. For both men, a pragmatic left-hand turn helped them steer their way toward a middle class desperate for hope.

Westen’s argument is in accord with polling that shows Americans generally support left and center left policy positions – everything from civil rights laws to a public option in health care.  Americans are generally progressive.

Westen concludes:

In other words, if the candidate who wins takes a left turn like the one that won him the presidency, the Reagan era would finally be over. We can only hope.


Voting: ‘Your Country Needs You To Do It’

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Via Raw Story: Rachel offers encouragement to the voters in Florida and Ohio who are being forced by Republicans to wait in line up to six hours to cast their ballots:

“If you are one of those people being forced to stand in those long lines tonight, tomorrow or on election day, honestly, your country needs you to do it,” Maddow said. “Your country needs you to do it not only because it’s your civic responsibility, but also because there are people out there trying to profit politically off of you not doing it. People who are counting on you not having the time or the commitment. People who are trying to profit off of you giving up. It’s gonna be hard to vote this year in a lot of places where it is most important that you vote. Your country needs you to stick it out. No matter who you are voting for, your country needs you to do it.”

Voter suppression is worse than ever this year.

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Sometimes it Takes a Queen to Speak the Truth


Fall Backward.

Americans are DOG tired of having to set their clocks, but “what the hey”, eh?


Cher and Kathy Griffin on the Election