New on Coal Tattoo: Why aren't politicians speaking up for Patriot Coal retirees? …
Finally: RT @skepticscience: LOL to @greenman3610 headline: Obama Says the C Word
#LyinRyan RT @thinkprogress: Paul Ryan's speech was AMAZING. It just wasn't TRUE.
“When I grow up, I want to opine pointlessly, as if politics is theater, doing nothing to help anyone learn anything important,” said no one
Wind Energy a Lifeline for Drought-Stricken Farms #green
#LyinRyan The 5 Biggest Lies in Paul Ryan’s RNC Acceptance Speech: #p2 via @PoliticusUSA”
"Lyin' Ryan". Very good. That should trend. #LyinRyan RT @KeithOlbermann: Why did media not report on Lyin' Ryan?
aka "lies": RT @drgrist: GOP convention, Day 1: A platform built on #oil, an argument based on inaccuracy
Arctic sea ice just hit a record low. Why it matters: … #climate #ExtremeWeather
Another drawback of nukes: @ap: #Nuclear power plants take precautions as #Isaac approaches
Levee repairs being tested now: Hurricane #Isaac wobbles back out to Gulf, sends storm surge ashore …
Tonight Ann Romney will teach American women how to get by on household income of just $25M/year. Please bring ur calculators. #annromney
He was the #Menote Speaker @EricBoehlert
Epic must read!: RT @grist: GOP convention addresses the #climate issue: our comprehensive coverage, Day 1
Ann, people don't mind that you and Mitt are rich. They do, however, mind when you pretend to know what it's like to be poor.
Mitt Romney has won the GOP nomination! So inspiring. The man overcame crushing privilege to make it here.
PermaCampaign. *Never* ends: RT @TheBradBlog: Santorum: "[Christie] seems to have 1 speed, Romney has more than 1 speed". #2016NowUnderWay
Our 8/28 radio rpt: Record Arctic melt; GOP prays #Isaac away (sorry NOLA); Deadly refinery fire; More MPG for U.S.
West Virginia! Where Clean Coal is as plausible as a virginal whore!
@MacMcClelland Please help us pass this info along to #Veterans & families impacted by Hurricane #Isaac
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