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Ron Dzwonkowski

  • Recent columns
  1. Ron Dzwonkowski: My Michigan for better or worse

    Hard to say what's more glorious: sunrise on Belle Isle or sunset at Sleeping Bear. Or what's more ominous: purple-gray snow clouds massing in March or the Legislature convening a lame-duck session in December. Over 40 years of reporting on, writing about and talking to people making news in Michigan, you get a little of everything.

    • Sep. 23, 2012
  2. Ron Dzwonkowski: World War II vet holds on to a special appreciation of life

    Memorial Day has to be a little strange for Joe Beyrle, even after all these years. He pays tribute to the nation's war dead knowing that, for a time, he was among them. Even had a funeral with full honors.

    • Sep. 21, 2012
  3. Ron Dzwonkowski: We know our lakes are great; let's make sure others do, too

    On a recent visit to Chicago, I was surprised to hear a young man ask a tour guide who was showing off the city's Gold Coast along Lake Michigan: "Now, is that salt water?" I could only assume he wasn't from around here, but the question showed the general lack of awareness about what just may be America's greatest and least-appreciated natural resource, the Great Lakes. It may also show the general belief that any body of water you can't see across must be ocean.

    • Sep. 21, 2012
  4. Ron Dzwonkowski: Great Lakes water shouldn't be for sale to the world

    Allowing a sale of Great Lakes water will start a run on the lakes that Michigan and other states in this region, with their clout declining in Washington, may not be able to stop. If the Great Lakes are to stay great, they must stay put. Michigan, surrounded by these magnificent sweet water seas, should be leading the charge in their defense.

    • Sep. 21, 2012
  5. At left, the happy couple seemed headed in different directions during wedding services 34 years ago. Above, white bandages accessorized the wedding gown for Shelley Dzwonkowski. Dzwonkowski family photos

    Ron Dzwonkowski: Memories beat pictures

    If she believed in omens, she never would have said yes.

    • Sep. 21, 2012
  6. Ron Dzwonkowski: Tax and Learn -- After almost 10 years, Proposal A rates a grade of incomplete

    If you voted in the March 1994 special election, you may have thought you were trading a property tax cut for a sales tax increase and, indeed, that was the pocketbook impact of Proposal A. But it also shifted school finances to the state.

    • Sep. 21, 2012
  7. Ron Dzwonkowski: Grand Rapids is a model of progress

    What started three years ago as an exciting idea to create a stretch of white water for kayaking through downtown Grand Rapids has evolved into a larger-scale project to restore the Grand River to a more natural state that will include the rapids that gave the city its name.

    • Sep. 15, 2012
  8. Ron Dzwonkowski: In the blink of an eye, a typical shift can become tragic

    The Sunday night shift is typically a pretty quiet one in police work. The weekend is winding down, families are all in, getting ready for another week of work or school. Traffic is light.

    • Sep. 11, 2012
  9. Police shut down traffic on Pontiac Trail after a suspect shot and killed a West Bloomfield police officer and then barricaded himself in a home on the 4000 block of Forest Edge in West Bloomfield. Gunfire and flash bangs could e heard during the standoff. ANDRE J. JACKSON/ Detroit Free Press

    Ron Dzwonkowski: West Bloomfield tragedy grim reminder that 'people factor' makes police work risky

    Don’t blame police around here for seeming a little edgy for the next little while. When one of their own is taken, they must come to grips anew with the inherent risk of their work.

    • Sep. 10, 2012
  10. Ron Dzwonkowski: Ignore hidden donors' ad campaigns

    If they won't tell you who they are, don't let them tell you what to do. Let that be your guide this fall as the wave of political ads becomes a tsunami. If you can't tell who (or whose money) is behind an ad, it's not worthy of your attention.

    • Sep. 8, 2012
  11. Ex-Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm gives an animated and fiery speech Thursday at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. David Goldman/Associated Press

    Jennifer Granholm's big night: The speech viewed 'round the world

    While she certainly electrified the Democratic National Convention, Jennifer Granholm also mildly shocked some of us folks back in Michigan who hadn't seen such a fiery side of Granholm in the eight years she served as our governor.

    • Sep. 8, 2012
  12. Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm speaks to the delegates at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Times Warner Cable Arena Thursday, September 6, 2012, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Harry E. Walker/MCT

    Ron Dzwonkowski: Is Granholm an auto industry fan or potential Obama cheerleader-in-chief?

    With just six and a half minutes at the podium, former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm didn’t waste any time in low gear Thursday night as she addressed the Democratic National Convention.

    • Sep. 7, 2012
  13. Following the discovery of fraudulent signatures on his nominating petitions, Thaddeus McCotter resigned his U.S. House seat. FILE PHOTO BY J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP

    Ron Dzwonkowski: A quiet, costly election -- thanks, Thad

    Local governments throughout the soon-to-be-defunct 11th Congressional District that Thad McCotter represented in Washington for 10 years are going to be on the hook for an estimated $650,000 to pay for this election, necessitated because McCotter screwed up his re-election filings and then abruptly resigned rather than complete his current term as a very lame duck.

    • Sep. 5, 2012
  14. Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder greets volunteer Georgia Prillwitz of Mackinaw City at the end of the annual Labor Day Mackinac Bridge Walk, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012. Prillwitz was passing out certificates to anyone who walked across the five-mile span that connects Michigan's upper and lower peninsulas. AP Photo/John L. Russell

    Ron Dzwonkowski: Why Michigan's improving economy could be awkward for Snyder

    Snyder, of course, is supporting fellow Republican Mitt Romney for president. As governor, he’s also salesperson-in-chief for the State of Michigan which means he’ll be touting the recent economic improvements — which are due in no small measure to the improving U.S. auto industry that, with the exception of Ford Motor Co., was largely rescued and rebuilt under the administration of President Barack Obama.

    • Sep. 4, 2012
  15. President Barack Obama has done more than two dozen campaign events at colleges to rouse young supporters. GOP candidate Mitt Romney, right, might benefit if young people don't turn out to vote. Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press

    Ron Dzwonkowski: Will young voters return for Obama?

    Four years ago, a surge of young voters helped carry Barack Obama into the White House. Turnout among 18- to 29-year-olds was about 53% -- its highest level since 1972, when males in that age group were still being drafted for the Vietnam War. In 2008, Democrat Obama took two-thirds of the young vote over Republican John McCain.

    • Sep. 1, 2012
  16. A group of people plays football in the water at the beach on Belle Isle in Detroit on Tuesday July 17, 2012. ROMAIN BLANQUART/ Detroit Free Press

    Ron Dzwonkowski: As daylight dwindles, feeling those end-of-summer blues

    While officially we still have a few weeks of summer left, everybody in Michigan senses on Labor Day weekend the curtain coming down.

    • Aug. 31, 2012
  17. Survey shows Republicans, Romney seen as favoring wealthy

    The latest survey found that 63% of all Americans believe the Republican Party favors rich people and 71% of all people surveyed think Romney’s policies will do more to help wealthy people. Democrats are less closely identified with any class, with 35% of the people surveyed saying the Democratic Party favors the middle class, 32% the poor and 20% the wealthy.

    • Aug. 27, 2012
  18. State Rep. Kevin Cotter: "It's a situation that I see becoming a bigger issue as paperless tickets become more common." KEVIN W. FOWLER/Special to the DFP

    Ron Dzwonkowski: Ticket buyers' rights at stake in new Michigan House and Senate bills

    Once you buy something, you own it, right? And whether you want to use it, sell it or give it away that's entirely your business, isn't it?

    • Aug. 26, 2012
  19. Female wild swine can have litters of four to six piglets twice a year. This group of feral hogs was seen on a property in Mecosta County in May. Increasing numbers of feral swine pose a threat to Michigan crops, property, livestock and people. PHOTOS FROM USDA WILDLIFE SERVICES

    Ron Dzwonkowski: Wild hogs multiplying quickly -- and so are dangers

    Despite being declared outlaws in Michigan, wild hogs sure seem to be making themselves at home here -- and making more of themselves, too. Sightings of feral swine are on the rise around the state, and the destructive, omnivorous beasts appear to be living up to their reputation as prolific breeders.

    • Aug. 23, 2012
  20. Ron Dzwonkowski: The American Middle Class: fewer, poorer, gloomier

    After a “lost decade” for its economic well-being, the shrunken American middle class is an unhappy lot, although not quite ready to give up on the future.

    • Aug. 22, 2012
  21. Frank Acosta, 67, was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer in 2010. He attributes his healing to a stranger he met in a Costco. JESSICA J. TREVINO/Detroit Free Press

    Miracle or medicine? A throat cancer patient's life-changing encounter

    Frank Acosta had a lot on his mind, none of it good, when he pulled into a Costco store just outside Toronto on Nov. 10, 2010.

    • Aug. 19, 2012
  22. Ron Dzwonkowski: New venture debunks notion of liberal media bias

    Thirty-five major print publications, 13 TV broadcasts across five networks (basically Sunday and nightly shows) and National Public Radio.You won't believe this. There's no liberal bias in the news media coverage of this year's presidential campaign.

    • Aug. 12, 2012
  23.  PATRICIA BECK/Detroit Free Press

    Ron Dzwonkowski: Michigan polls are open; time to flex your right to decide

    Your ballot features Democratic and Republican primaries that will generally be decisive for the office at stake in the fall. There is a three-way GOP primary to take on Democratic U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow. Plus you'll decide a slew of local and regional tax proposals involving the Detroit Institute of Arts, bus service, public safety and veterans programs, among other issues.

    • Aug. 7, 2012
  24. Mike Cox seems happy living outside the spotlight. These days, he's building his business and spending time with family.

    Ron Dzwonkowski: Mike Cox reinvents his life, without politics

    Of Michigan's last three attorneys general, one served 37 years in the pre-term-limits era and went on to become a high-powered lobbyist in Lansing, influential on many major issues. The next served just four years but went on to become governor for eight and now hosts a national political talk show.

    • Aug. 4, 2012
  25. Ron Dzwonkowski: Dropped calls biggest cell phone problem

    What bugs you most about your cell phone? Dropped calls, according to a new survey of cell phone owners, who are now 88% of the U.S. adult population — and probably close to 100% of teenagers.

    • Aug. 3, 2012
  26. Ron Dzwonkowski: He who wins over the middle class wins the White House

    The middle class will decide this election. It's a struggle for the heart of the middle class. It's all about who has the best message of hope for the beleaguered middle class. The middle class is the battleground. So it goes in most election years. All the candidates have to do is figure out who's in the middle class.

    • Jul. 29, 2012
  27. Ron Dzwonkowski: It's time to reshape public education

    Education is our great equalizer -- especially free public education. Done well, it is an elevator of opportunity. But done poorly, it's the shaft. And a very expensive one at that, for children, parents, taxpayers and society in general, who pick up the tab for public schools and, in many ways, also for the un- and under-educated.

    • Jul. 22, 2012
  28. Ron and Shelley Dzwonkowski share a smile and a moment with their daughter Sara before her wedding Saturday afternoon at Holy Family Catholic Church in Novi. An adventure led Sara Dzwonkowski to North Carolina, where she met her future husband. Steve Kennedy

    Ron Dzwonkowski: Who knows where adventure will lead? Sometimes it's down the aisle

    "What's life without a little adventure?" If she'd heard him say it once, she'd heard her dad say it a hundred times. When she was 6 and he planted her in the front seat of a rubber boat to shoot the rapids of a West Virginia river.

    • Jul. 15, 2012
  29. Madeline Hall, 17, right, heads a Suttons Bay committee for the event. With her on Suttons Bay last week, from left, are Augustine Dumont, Amelia Hall and Elise and Caleb Stuck. Margaret Hall

    Ron Dzwonkowski: Suttons Bay school district going for Guinness floating raft

    Not too long ago, the tiny Suttons Bay Public Schools system was worried about going under. Now, buoyed by a community that opened its hearts and wallets, the district is not only well above water but planning to host a world-record "floatilla." A what?

    • Jul. 9, 2012
  30. Clockwise, from top: The SRC, S.S. Kresge, a 2007 Saturn Outlook, and Red Wings great Gordie Howe. Illustration from Free Press file photos

    Ron Dzwonkowski: Do you remember back in the day?

    Gone but not forgotten. Or are they? Every year about now, this column offers readers a Michigan quiz, something that might help pass the time if you're traveling home today after a holiday break. But don't try to read the paper while driving. That's worse than texting.

    • Jul. 8, 2012
  31. Ron Dzwonkowski: Distracted-driver solutions could bring a new set of problems

    Distracted drivers are a danger that will only get worse as manufacturers keep loading up vehicles with technology intended to let you do more stuff other than driving while you are driving.

    • Jul. 2, 2012
  32. Ron Dzwonkowski: Lying about military honors no longer a crime

    Free speech. Oh, the price we pay sometimes for that precious right we have. The U.S. Supreme Court added to the cost last week in a decision that came out the same day as -- and was completely overshadowed by -- its historic ruling on health care.

    • Jul. 1, 2012
  • About Ron DzwonkowskiRon Dzwonkowski is the Associate Editor of the Detroit Free Press.Contact him at 313-222-6635 or by e-mail at
