Hey! Here's a permalink to the Daily Kos comics page! AND be sure to visit the new store, featuring SIGNED BOOKS and GLOW IN THE DARK SHIRTS!

ALSO: please consider joining SPARKY'S LIST!
New toon: the return of Droney!

Read it on Daily Kos.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 11:06 AM | link

I just want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has signed up for my little experiment in direct audience support. The original explanation for the List can be read here, but in a nutshell: I am trying to keep my cartoon alive and healthy as the ecosystem for which it developed withers away. To survive as an artist in the digital age requires adaptability, and one of the things I’m attempting to do here is, essentially, crowdsource a significant income stream.

There were naysayers, as there always are online, but I’m happy to report that so far it’s been an extraordinary success. Not enough to live on, or anywhere near it, but subscribers to Sparky’s List have become, in aggregate, my second largest client. Which is very, very cool.

The price is $9.99 for six months — a mere pittance compared to literally anything that costs you more than $1.67 a month! What you get in return is a sneak peek of each week’s cartoon, a few days before it appears anywhere else. You also get some rambling thoughts from me on that week’s creative process, including links to source material or other things I might have been reading or thinking about, or maybe explanations of obscure thematic influences. If there’s an early draft of the cartoon that ended up being substantially altered, sometimes I’ll include that.

In the next few months, my friends at Topatoco will be publishing my new book, including a hardbound, signed and numbered collector’s edition of 100. There’s also a plush Sparky doll in the works. When these things are available, I will be giving some of them away at random to Sparky’s List subscribers. The paperback and plush Sparky will also be available at a pre-order discount to members of the List, and I believe the plan is to make the hardbound edition available first to List subscribers, before it’s offered for sale publicly. Which means, depending on the level of interest among List subscribers, it may never be available for sale publicly.

Most of all, what Sparky’s List provides is the very strong likelihood that my cartoon will survive the travails of the print-to-digital transition. It is effectively a Kickstarter for my ongoing work, an NPR pledge drive without the tote bags. And I am, in all honesty, humbled and grateful every single time I get an email informing me that somebody new has signed up.

I don’t have a salaried job, or a think tank sinecure, and I’m not counting on winning a MacArthur. What I’ve got is you guys.

You can join SPARKY’S LIST here.

(…adding: related thoughts from subscriber @Medley, here.)

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 10:47 AM | link
Me and a friend

Photo by Japenet.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 12:31 PM | link
Go read this now

Charles Pierce on the”secret” drone wars:

What if the anonymous official is lying? What if the anonymous official is just, you know, wrong? What if one of the Others was a date farmer, or a cab driver, or someone on his way to prayer? Then we must ask ourselves questions about these Others on whom we are making war, even if we are making war on them accidentally, as if that matters when you’ve been roasted alive by modern ordinance dropped on you by a flying robot. Do the Others have parents? Do they have grandparents? Do the Others have siblings, who now watch the clear blue skies in terror every day, the way New Yorkers did for a few months after 9/11? Do the Others have spouses who miss them? Do the Others have children who wonder why the Others haven’t come home from work yet? Do the Others have circles of friends who talk about the hole that is left in their daily lives, who talk about corny old jokes the Others used to tell, or stories about when one of the Others tripped on a rock or fell in a creek, or offer prayers for the souls of the Others every day? The bell, one presumes, tolls for the Others as much as it tolls for me, or thee, or anybody else anywhere.

The rest.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 11:58 AM | link
New toon

Further Romney video gaffes.

Read it on Daily Kos.
Read it on Truthout.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 10:54 AM | link

You know your campaign’s in bad shape when this week’s strategy is last week’s satirical political cartoon.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 4:23 PM | link
Travel advisory

I’ll be attending this editorial cartooning conference for the next few days. It’s open to the public Friday and Saturday; my panel is scheduled for 2:10 Friday. If you’re in the DC area, come by and say hello.

Also, a Tivo alert: I’m scheduled to be on the Bill Press radio show, which is also simulcast on Current TV, at around 8:00 8:30 a.m. on Friday. The other guest will be the incomparable Tom Toles; I will be the one in the corner repeatedly muttering “I’m not worthy.”

… there’s a quote from me in the Washington Post Comic Riffs blog.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 5:14 PM | link
The big reveal

Available in a few months from Topatoco.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 12:41 PM | link
New toon

Convention coverage.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 12:40 PM | link
Crazy never sleeps

If you saw the shorter version of the RNC cartoon in a paper and have come here in search of the longer one, it is here.

For the record, do not expect a similar effort for the DNC. There’s plenty I disagree with, but just not enough crazy to justify that level of effort.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 8:28 AM | link

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