September 27 2012

1 Exile and the prophetic: My encounter with Alan Dershowitz — sort of

0 The failure of Oslo and classroom antics that diplomats can’t take seriously — experts review Abbas and Netanyahu speeches

10 Abbas warns repeatedly of ‘new Nakba’ –Israel ethnically cleansing Palestinians

42 In front of global audience, Netanyahu draws his red line (on his ridiculous bomb cartoon)

5 New York Times covers Morsi’s UN speech without a word on its main theme: Palestine

10 Cable stations cut away from Abbas but show Netanyahu in full

9 ‘NYT’ calls Adelson ‘a Zionist’ (and that’s not a good thing)

11 Liberal Zionists’ vision of religious segregation puts them to the right of western neo-fascists — Max Blumenthal

1 ‘Love your Muslim neighbors’ is simple message of Sojourners subway ad hitting back against divisive ad

11 Tyler: US must defuse ‘detonator’ Israel’s impetus for neverending war in Middle East

0 Presbyterian Peace Fellowship to honor JVP and Israel/Palestine Mission Network for divestment effort

38 Netanyahu arrives in NY with his public image in smithereens

2 15,000 Palestinians in Jenin area restricted to villages due to Israeli closure during Yom Kippur

5 Pam Geller’s view of civilizational clash with Islam finds a home in the GOP

September 26 2012

10 Anti-Iran street theater group denies it has Israel agenda. Wait a second–

13 The ‘context’ of the Gaza slaughter is a, the bible, b, the Nakba

20 Netanyahu tells a Christian Zionist pal that the bible was Ben Gurion’s claim to the land

84 4 arrested for ‘correcting… poisonous ad’

21 Dershowitz to argue that Zionism is not in crisis

4 Exile and the Prophetic: The day without a future

1 Children targeted again in Beit Ommar, 15 year old arrested for second time this year

12 Geller’s ‘savage’ ad displays the racism inherent in Israeli colonization

8 Atoning in Sheldon Adelson’s Venetian

5 Turtle Bay moves to Palestine

39 Mona Eltahawy arrested for defacing Geller’s racist savage ad in NYC subway

3 Barak’s bantustan vision: Defense minister’s proposal for annexation would leave a sliced and diced West Bank

20 ‘Crisis initiation is really tough’: WINEP Director of Research suggests a covert attack to get a war on with Iran

September 25 2012

59 American Enterprise Institute’s Daniella Pletka goes quack quack quacky

10 Pamela Geller’s ’50 Shades of Jihad’

5 Exile and the Prophetic: B’Tselem and the end of Jewish history

35 Furor in France: Mission civilisatrice and ‘muslim rage” in the motherland

8 Quakers divest from HP and Veolia Environment

163 Video: Israeli kids in the army museum (‘I picture a dead Arab and that makes me happy’)

144 ‘Savage’ NY subway ads get a make-over– revealing their true character

91 Abbas agrees to ‘Dershowitz Formula’ in NY meeting with Jewish leaders

3 Scenes from occupied Palestine: The doors of Jayyous

September 24 2012

19 AIPAC is ‘seamlessly linked to Israel’ and should register as foreign agent — Grant Smith

20 Islamophobia takes the A train….

1 UN: Israel demolishes an average of 13 Palestinian homes a week; 136 houses destroyed so far this year

9 Romney slams away at foreign policy — harping that Iran is ‘on the cusp’ of capability

23 The ‘Land of Israel’ lobby doesn’t trust wobbly Netanyahu

12 In ‘NYT’, Mishra says US should get out of the Middle East, and Israel is ‘turning into a loose cannon’

8 Brecht Forum event with Antony Loewenstein of ‘After Zionism’

6 Exile and the Prophetic: My (un)invited exchange with John Mearsheimer

4 Our vision of a just one-state solution — Jeff Halper of ICAHD

46 Bedtime for Bibi? He’s running neck-in-neck with Obama among FL Jews

0 ‘Freedom Bus’ through the West Bank offers cultural resistance to occupation