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Aurora Shooting Victim ‘Demands A Plan’ From Romney And Obama On Guns

President Obama and Mitt Romney will face each other Wednesday in their first presidential debate at University of Denver, just 15 miles from the site of the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado. However, the media’s interest in the largest shooting in the country since Virginia Tech has waned, while both Romney and Obama have backed away from offering any new solutions to deal with the nation’s gun homicide rate, which far outpaces any other developed country in the world.

In an effort to revive the conversation about gun violence, 22-year-old Stephen Barton, who was shot in the face and neck in the Aurora movie theater, appears in an ad that will air in the days leading up to the presidential debate on Wednesday. Barton makes a direct appeal to voters to “demand a plan” from Obama and Romney:

This past summer in a movie theater in Colorado, I was shot. Shot in the face and neck. But I was lucky. In the next four years, 48,000 Americans won’t be so lucky, because they’ll be murdered with guns in the next president’s term, enough to fill over 200 theaters. So when you watch the presidential debates, ask yourself, ‘Who has a plan to stop gun violence?’

Watch it:

The ad, which debuted Monday, is sponsored by Mayors Against Illegal Guns and echoes Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s call for a plan immediately after the theater shooting. Obama spoke out in support of stricter gun control, but later clarified that he would not be introducing any new measures.

Since the Aurora shooting on July 20, six people were shot to death in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, three were killed in a shooting at Texas A&M University, and one was killed outside the Empire State Building. Meanwhile, Chicago has suffered prolonged gun violence that has claimed 152 lives in two months, many of them teenagers. And on Friday, a gunman in Minneapolis killed 5 people and injured 3 more in what the police chief called “a hellish scene” — yet attracted sparse attention from national media outlets zeroed in on the presidential race.


Christie Accuses Obama of Lying About Romney’s Tax Plan, Then Misrepresents Romney’s Tax Plan

Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ)

On ABC News’s This Week this morning, host George Stephanopoulos played an Obama campaign ad where the President says that Romney believes in “even bigger tax cuts for the wealthy.” New Jersey Governor and Romney surrogate Chris Christie (R) responded by falsely accusing President Obama of lying:

CHRISTIE: Stop lying Mr. President.


CHRISTIE: Yeah . . . Gov. Romney’s not talking about more tax cuts for the wealthy. In fact, what he said is that the wealthy will pay just as much under a Romney administration as they pay today.

Romney may not be “talking” about how his plan reduces taxes on the very rich, but it is simply false to claim that it does not. The Romney income tax plan works in two parts. First, he calls for an “across-the-board 20 percent cut in marginal rates.” In addition, Romney supports eliminating unspecified tax deductions and other loopholes which, he claims, will add as much to the wealthy’s tax burden as his rate reductions will take away. Romney also says his plan will be “revenue neutral,” meaning that the amount of money lost by reducing rates will be identical to the amount gained by closing loopholes.

Unfortunately, this plan is mathematically impossible.

As a report by the Tax Policy Center demonstrated last month, even if Romney were to eliminate every single tax loophole benefiting the wealthy, there simply are not enough of them to keep the richest taxpayers from paying substantially less under Romney’s plan. Indeed, the average taxpayer who earns over $1 million per year would receive a tax cut of over $87,000 under Romney’s plan. So when Christie suggests that “the wealthy will pay just as much under a Romney administration as they pay today,” he is not telling the truth.

Meanwhile, middle class families will bear the cost of these tax cuts for the very rich. According to the same Tax Policy Center report, Romney’s plan will pay for its tax cuts for upper income earners through substantial tax hikes on families earning less than $200,000 a year — many of whom would need to lose common tax benefits such as the mortgage interest tax deduction or the child tax credit in order for Romney’s plan to be revenue neutral. The average family with children earning less than $200,000 a year will see their taxes increase by $2,041 under the Romney tax plan:

So regardless of what Romney may say his Reverse Robin Hood tax plan does on the campaign trail, what it actually does is take money away from middle class Americans and give it to the wealthiest few.


Paul Ryan To Fox News: ‘I Don’t Have The Time’ To Explain How We Will Pay For Our Tax Plan

For much of the general election, the Romney campaign has avoided any discussion of specifics, especially when it comes to the tax plan that he and Paul Ryan have put forward. On Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace gave Ryan an opportunity to finally talk about the details of his plan to a national audience, how much it will cost and how the Romney administration would pay for it.

Instead, Ryan said he didn’t have time to get into the nuts and bolts of the proposal:

WALLACE: So how much would it cost?

RYAN: It’s revenue neutral…

WALLACE: No no, I’m just talking about cuts. We’ll get to the deductions, but the cut in tax rates.

RYAN: The cut in tax rates is lowering all Americans’ tax rates by 20 percent.

WALLACE: Right, how much does that cost?

RYAN: It’s revenue neutral.
WALLACE: But I have to point out, you haven’t given me the math.

Ryan: No, but you…well, I don’t have the time. It would take me too long to go through all of the math. But let me say it this way: you can lower tax rates by 20 percent across the board by closing loopholes and still have preferences for the middle class. For things like charitable deductions, for home purchases, for health care. So what we’re saying is, people are going to get lower tax rates.

Watch it:

Ryan has been the Republican vice presidential nominee for nearly three months, and has still not found the time to explain how a Romney administration would fund its tax plan of 20 percent deductions across the board. Perhaps that is because if he did, voters would balk at the cuts that would need to occur in programs like Medicare for the plan to remain revenue neutral.

Ryan’s refusal to talk specifics only lends further credibility to the various studies and reports that have found time to do the math. And as ThinkProgress has reported, those studies from non-partisan organizations show that the Romney/Ryan tax plan would actually result in a huge tax cut for the wealthiest Americans. And the only way to keep it revenue neutral is to balance their plan on the backs of middle class families, who would see a tax increase of more than $2,000.


Romney As Governor: ‘we’d be a lot better off in this country if we had European gas prices’ | Republicans have criticized President Obama for rising gas prices during his administration, but as governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney once remarked that “we’d be a lot better off in this country if we had European gas prices,” the New York Times reports. Romney also wrote that he “shared my own dream for a super-efficient commuter vehicle” when he met with an advocate for fuel-efficient vehicles and often talked about such a plan, Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D-MT) told the Times. “He was ahead of his time and very progressive,” a former Romney appointee said. As a candidate, though, Romney has backed off such advocacy, instead pushing for more domestic oil drilling.


McCain Suggests Harry Reid ‘Doesn’t Care’ About The Death Of US Ambassador

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Sunday accused Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) of not caring about the deaths of four American diplomats, including US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens. All four men were killed in an attack on the American embassy in Libya on September 11th of this year.

Republicans have argued that President Obama botched the response to, and preparation for, the attack. But when asked whether Reid’s statement that the incident was being politicized, McCain politicized it further, saying that Reid “doesn’t care” about it:

CROWLEY: Senator Reid put out a statement yesterday where he called it sad and disappointing that some people seem more focused on trying this score cheap political points off when this intelligence information came than mourning the loss of the ambassador and the other three.

MCCAIN: Maybe Senator Reid doesn’t care about Christopher Stevens. Maybe he doesn’t care about those three other brave Americans.

CROWLEY: You know he does, though?

MCCAIN: Well, to make a statement like that. Well, to make a statement like that, of course, politicizes an issue that all Americans should be concerned about what information there was. No matter whether Democrat or Republican. He is the one that’s taking the cheap political shot.

Watch it:


Why Mitt Romney’s Lyme Disease Mailers Are Dangerous

The Romney campaign is sending out a flyer in Northern Virginia pledging to fight Lyme Disease, which is describes as a “massive epidemic threatening Virginia”:

The Washington Post notes that “According to the CDC there are less than 1,000 reported cases of Lyme disease in Virginia a year — in a state of eight million people.”

It’s fairly difficult to contract Lyme disease because “an infected tick must be attached to the skin for at least 36 hours to transmit Lyme bacteria.” For those who are affected, there is a straight-forward and effective treatments for the disease — a course of antibiotics for 2 to 4 weeks.

So what’s the point of this Romney mailer?

A highly influential social conservative in Virginia, Michael Farris, believes that people can contract “chronic Lyme disease” that must be treated with long-term antibiotics. The Center for Disease Control says there is no such thing as “chronic Lyme disease” and “long-term antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease has been associated with serious complications.”

You can read about these complications in this article from “Clinical Infectious Diseases,” the official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, called “Death from Inappropriate Therapy for Lyme Disease.”

Farris “claims that his wife is a chronic Lyme sufferer as are all his seven children.”

Farris, who has no medical training, was invited to speak with Romney on his campaign bus a couple of weeks ago. Farris said that he and Romney “talked about Lyme disease. It was cordial and encouraging.” Here’s a photo of the meeting from Romney’s Facebook page:

The Romney flier advocates providing “local physicians with protection from lawsuits to ensure they can treat the disease with the aggressive antibiotics that are required.” Farris’ wife receives treatment from “Dr. Joseph Jemsek, who moved his practice to Washington, D.C., after losing his medical license in North Carolina for treating patients with long-term antibiotics.”


Florida Republican Volunteer Tells Senior Citizens: Obama Is A ‘Muslim’ Who Will ‘Get Rid Of Your Medicare’

A volunteer for the Republican Party of Clay County, Florida called President Obama a “Muslim” and said that he would “get rid of your Medicare” while calling voters on behalf of Mitt Romney.

In audio obtained by a Tampa-area radio station, the woman made the remarks directly to senior citizens, but her comments were recorded by an answering machine from a previous number:

Well think really heard, you all sound like senior citizens, no? …. Yea, you don’t want Obama, you don’t want Obama because he’ll get rid of your Medicare. You might as well say goodbye to it. … Yea, and I don’t know if you have done any research on Obama or not, but he is a Muslim. He has got a socialistic view on the government, economy, the whole nine yards. If he had his way, we would be a socialistic country. …. Pay attention to Fox News. If you can get out and watch that movie 2016, do so, it has a lot of really good information. Just really read the newspapers and Fox News will help you.


The head of the Clay GOP, Leslie Dougher, said the caller went off script, but “wasn’t sure if the woman was still making calls.” “It was off-script completely. We have everything scripted,” Dougher added. “Those are clearly not the views of the Republican Party of Clay County or the Mitt Romney campaign.”


Republican Senate Candidate Can’t Decide If He’ll Repeal Obamacare

Tommy Thompson, the Republican senate candidate in Wisconsin, couldn’t decide if he supports maintaing provisions of the Affordable Care Act, during a debate against challenger Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D) on Friday. Responding to a question about health care reform, the former governor and Health and Human Services secretary insisted that the entire law should be gutted, but seconds later admitted that certain provisions “absolutely need to be maintained”:

QUESTION: Governor, just so we’re clear. There is nothing in the Affordable Care Act right now that’s worth maintaining?

THOMPSON: No, no. Right now, the Affordable Care Act has 20 taxes increases. We got to do away with the Affordable Care Act and then we can put in things like making sure that individuals could be covered … But there are things in there like wellness and prevention, Bob, that I drafted when I was Secretary that are in the Affordable Care Act that absolutely need to be maintained. Chronic illnesses is something I started when I was Secretary of Health. That’s got to be maintained and be able to continue.

Watch it:

Thompson’s contradictory views on reform have haunted his campaign. As a lobbyist for health care interests, Thompson “was very helpful in implementation,” to the Obama administration and even urged Republican governors to adopt the law’s health insurance exchanges.

Last April, he lauded Obamacare’s payment reform provisions, saying they give “great discretion” for exermination with “alternative payment systems.” He even tried to dissuade the GOP from repealing the measure, telling CNBC in November 2010, “When it’s all said and done, you’re not going to be able to repeal health care because President Obama is not going to sign it… And they don’t have enough votes to override a veto, so why push a cart uphill when you know it’s not going to be able to get to the top?”

Thompson’s senate campaign website now lists “repealing Obamacare and replacing it with market-based solutions” among his top legislative priorities.


Top Romney Adviser Criticizes Obama For Not Killing Bin Laden Fast Enough

Mitt Romney campaign co-chair and former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu accused President Obama of waiting too long to order the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, in an interview with the New York Times that was published on Saturday.

Sununu said that Obama was “timid,” could have gone after the terrorist mastermind sooner, and attributed the successful operation to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

The president is trying to take credit for following the strategy and the tactics put into place by George W. Bush. At some point the president is going to have to explain why he was timid on the first two or three opportunities that we had. Thank goodness Hillary Clinton was there was to convince him to do the right thing. [...] His trying to take credit for having been decisive belies the fact that he wasn’t decisive until pressed by others.

But former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who served in both the Bush and Obama administrations, described Obama’s decision to order the raid that killed Osama bin Laden “gutsy,” saying that “people don’t realize” what a tough call it was and not everyone would have made the same call. Vice President Biden and Gates both advised Obama against taking the course he chose on the bin Laden raid, noting that “There wasn’t any direct evidence that he was there. It was all circumstantial.”

Indeed, even Romney had hinted that he would have not followed in Obama’s footsteps. In April of 2007, Romney said, “It’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person,” but quickly changed his mind after bin Laden was killed. “Any thinking American would have ordered exactly the same thing,” he proclaimed earlier this year.


Kansas Governor Wants To Blame Europe For His Deep Spending Cuts

Gov. Sam Brownback (R-KS)

Gov. Sam Brownback (R-KS) recently signed into law massively regressive tax cuts that were so huge that many Republicans in the state opposed them. Budget analysts have found that Kansas will have to gut important public services for low-income Kansans and their children in order to pay for the tax cuts.

But Brownback has a plan if Kansas residents start to complain about the impact of those budget cuts — blame Europe:

Gov. Sam Brownback’s administration already has developed talking points to deflect anticipated criticism of the newly enacted massive income tax cuts should Kansas face significant budget problems next year. [...]

The administration is fashioning a narrative that suggests budget cuts may be necessary because the nation’s economy may remain stagnant. Europe’s financial crisis also looms as a potential threat.

“There are forces beyond the state’s control,” Brownback spokeswoman Sherriene Jones-Sontag said last week. “There’s still a great deal of uncertainty with the economy.”

Citizens for Tax Justice reacted to the governor’s plan by saying, “looks like the ‘spin room’ in Topeka has been busy lately.” After all, no one (and particularly no one in Europe) forced Brownback to sign a huge tax cut. Brownback justified the move by saying it would boost the Kansas economy, though there is scant evidence to back up that assertion.

Under Brownback’s plan, the richest Kansans will receive tax breaks worth about $20,000, while the poorest residents will actually see their taxes go up due to the elimination of tax credits that aid the poor.


VIDEO: Texans Fight Back Against Suppression Efforts On National Voter Registration Day

HOUSTON, Texas — Last week, the nation learned about True The Vote, a Houston-based tea party group that fans out to heavily-minority precincts and challenges voters’ ballots.

As they work to suppress voters this election, across town, a far different story was unfolding: scores of volunteers fanning out not to stop people from voting, but to help them vote.

ThinkProgress was on the ground for the first annual National Voter Registration Day, a nationwide event for grassroots groups to help register voters. (The day was designed to take place prior to October 6, when Texas and a handful of other states have their registration deadline.) We attended numerous events throughout the day, including a radio-hyped registration table outside a breakfast diner, a hip-hop concert where tickets were distributed to those who registered and/or pledged to vote, and a comedy show where the comic interspersed jokes with pleas for young folks to get out and vote.

Watch a short video with highlights from the day:

Last year, Texas passed some of the worst anti-voter legislation of any state in the country. They enacted a voter ID law, which allowed voters to bring a gun license to the polls but not a student ID; it has since been blocked by the Department of Justice. In addition, they are on the leading edge of states passing new, onerous restrictions on voter registration groups like the League of Women Voters.

Still, despite the new regulations making their job more difficult, voter registration groups were out in full force Tuesday, doing their best to get as many people as possible registered to vote.

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Obama’s Judges Are Confirmed More Than Three Times Slower Than Reagan’s Judges

Over at Slate, Doug Kendall breaks down just how badly President Obama’s judicial nominees have been treated due to filibusters led by one or more Senate Republicans. “The average confirmation time for uncontroversial circuit court nominees rose from 64.5 days under Reagan to 227.3 days under Obama. . . . Similarly, the average waiting time for uncontroversial district court nominees increased from 69.9 days under Reagan to 204.8 days under President Obama. And the number of district court nominees who wait more than 200 days has doubled from George W.’s time to Obama’s.” Kendall uses the Congressional Research Service’s definition of an uncontroversial nominee to reach these numbers, which is a nominee who receives “little or no opposition when votes are actually cast in the Senate Judiciary Committee and on the Senate floor.”

While the rate of judicial confirmations declined steadily since the Reagan Administration, President Obama’s judges have still been singled out for significantly worse treatment than any of his recent predecessors:

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