They do have a right to set limits that exceed speech rules in democratic countries like the U.S. but they also have a solemn responsibility to take their roles seriously and not arbitrarily censor content unless it clearly violates their stated guidelines.
Last Wednesday, a piece titled "Last Call for College Bars" appeared in The New York Times Style section, about the effect that social media has had on the dwindling bar scene in college towns across the country.
Make yourself comfortable, Mr. Thoreau. Some green tea? An organic protein bar? Given the demands of your cabin and garden, we're grateful you've a...
How do 20,000 people doing one thing, on one day raise upwards of $1 million? The answer is the 21st century's great equalizer: social media.
We have tied ourselves up in knots of late by using happiness as the barometer of who we are, what we are and what we're doing.
Out of nowhere, you could suddenly need a person you haven't heard from in a decade.
Learn about the beginnings of the "Shit Girls Say" phenomenon from the fake girls behind it!
San Francisco's cuddly relationship with tech firms has been actively cultivated by the mayor, but lately targeted by critics who say tech wealth has made San Francisco even more inhospitable to families and the working class.
There's a dynamic of technical expertise and social-digital elan I just haven't mastered. It began with e-mail back in my days as a salesman. My attempts at engagement were often clumsy, annoying, stilted and embarrassing.
The news channels and blogosphere are exploding with hostile reactions to a Canadian Dad blogger's comments on Babble about having a favorite child. Our society loves a chance to weigh in on parenting choices, and this discussion is pretty juicy.
What do they post in order to share knowledge or content with their followers? The decision not only lies in the hands of the employer but also with the job seeker. Perhaps after reviewing social channels, the job seeker realizes that he is not a fit -- this is good for all.
What costs over $100,000 and lives for only a day? It must be something pretty valuable for that kind of cash -- something political investors would consider essential in driving their message.
This incessant posting of baby pictures has GOT to stop. I'm talking about you, Mommy Bore. Not you, brand-spanking new parent, who has every right to post pictures of your precious pink maggot on every social networking tool for at least two weeks following birth.
It sounds like the opening line of a corny joke. What would happen if an anthropologist, an innovator, a neuroscientist, and a social media marketer got together and decided to create a brand marketing campaign?
We now live in a world that empowers us to insulate ourselves from any ideas or opinions that might possibly offend us. We admire those of similar minds and are uncomfortable around those who disagree with us.