Today, tomorrow, for the next while, people are going to exhaust themselves as they worry about Lena Dunham’s incredible book deal.
1. This is reality. This is the business. This is not the end of the world. This is is actually just one of many such deals. There will be another and another and…
Here’s a cold, hard truth about publishing: If Dunham’s book meets the promise of her massive advance in terms of sales, then there’s that much more money in the industry to buy other, smaller books with. Literary fiction, criticism, poetry, etc., are financed by the backlist and the blockbusters, so while the chances of *you* getting a $3.5 million advance are very, very slim, every book that sells through its multimillion-dollar advance makes it that much more likely that you can score a reasonable advance for a book. So at the end of the day, being jealous of more successful writers like Dunham, ones who are getting rich in this money-starved game, is to your own detriment.