By Brad Friedman on 11/15/2006, 1:38am PT  

Oh, well. It was nice while it lasted:

Without further ado, Busby's e-mailed concession statement:

Today, I called Mr. Bilbray and congratulated him as the representative of the 50th district. I wished him well in Congress as he works with his colleagues to serve the people of this District and our country in these times when many difficult decisions and challenges lay ahead.

I waited to make this statement out of respect for those who have asked me to wait until all votes were counted, because the last vote cast is as important as the first.

On that last point, approximately 42,000 votes remain to be counted according to the registrar's website.

In addition to the uncounted votes, there's also the matter of Zogby's 'Exit Poll' in CA-50 showing a 6% disparity with the reported results and oh, yes, the hackable-in-sixty-seconds Diebold touch-screen voting machine "sleepovers" --- for a full three weeks with poll workers prior to the election in San Diego --- which may never be fully accounted for.

Oh, well. It's just democracy. How quaint.

Too exhausted to go into more details. (You're welcome.) But if you ever wish to learn more, you can read the entire sordid Busby/Bilbray saga, in reverse order, right here. Even if we have a feeling it's not nearly over. Not by a long shot.