With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...
By Desi Doyen on 10/2/2012, 3:24pm PT  

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Paul Ryan lies about the Keystone XL pipeline; Arctic scientist cleared, Fox forgot to tell you; The Monsanto Effect: GMO crops cause a rise in superbugs and superweeds; Carmageddon 2's silver lining; PLUS: America's wilderness to remain wild --- for now ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): Fracking: casualties of Chesapeake's "land grab" across America; Fish May Shrink as Oceans Warm; Oregon: Return of White Salmon Marks River’s New Direction; The eco=footprint of bio-fuels: study; The 'true cost' of electricity: fossil fuels vs. wind & solar; EPA rules create $5 of good for each $1 they cost; Obama vs. Romney: A Stark Contrast on the Environment ... PLUS: Half of Great Barrier Reef lost in 3 decades... and much, MUCH more! ...


'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • Special Report: The casualties of Chesapeake's "land grab" across America (Reuters):
    [Ranjana Bhandari and her husband's] repeated refusals didn't stop Chesapeake, the second-largest natural gas producer in the United States. This June, after petitioning a Texas state agency for an exception to a 93-year-old statute, the company effectively secured the ability to drain the gas from beneath the Bhandari property anyway - without having to pay the couple a penny.
  • Fish May Shrink as Oceans Warm (Live Science):
    Based on a study of more than 600 species from around the globe, researchers from the University of British Columbia found that many fish won't be able to keep up their body weight as the water warms. The scientists projected that the average maximum body size for the world's fish could decline by up to 24 percent by 2050.
  • White Salmon Homecoming Marks River’s New Direction (Oregon Public Broadcasting):
    Washingtonians living near the White Salmon River gathered to celebrate their newly-granted access to the river. Pacific Power’s decision last year to breech the Condit Dam means areas flooded for almost one hundred years are now open.
  • New study distills the eco footprint of biofuels (Gizmag):
    The controversial debate over the sustainability of biofuels has been reignited by new research from Swiss-based research institute Empa. While the study maintains that biofuels can be sustainable depending on certain conditions and the technology involved, the findings suggest that only a few are more environmentally friendly than gasoline.
  • The True Cost of Electricity Calculated (Clean Technica) [emphasis added]:
    [R]esearchers from Green Budget Germany (GBG) took a closer look at these hidden costs, in order to get a better idea of electricity’s true cost. Their new research calculated the health and environmental expenses related to various currently-available energy sources. According to that research, the cheapest energy sources in the world currently are wind power and solar power.
  • Half of Great Barrier Reef lost in past 3 decades (CBS News):
    The reef's decline, detailed this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, can be chalked up to several factors, they found. The biggest factors are smashing from tropical cyclones, crown-of-thorns starfish that eat coral and are boosted by nutrient runoff from agriculture, and coral bleaching from high-temperatures, which are rising due to climate change. (Coral bleaching happens when ocean temperatures rise and cause the corals to expel their zooxanthellae --- the tiny photosynthetic algae that live in the coral's tissues.)
  • EPA rules create $5 of good for each $1 they cost (Grist):
    Research released yesterday by the (admittedly left-leaning) Economic Policy Institute argues that the economic impacts of the Obama administration’s (modest) efforts to reduce pollution uniformly produce much more economic benefit than cost. Specifically: for $26 billion in cost associated with pollution reduction, the country sees $144 billion in benefit — a return of $5.50 on every dollar spent.
  • Obama vs. Romney: A StarkContrast on the Environment: (Yale 360):
    As the U.S. presidential campaign enters its final phase, Yale Environment 360 compares the sharply divergent views of President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on the environment and energy.
  • Freaked-out climate scientists urge other freaked-out climate scientists to speak up, fight Man (Grist) [emphasis added]:
    In other words: We either give up economic growth voluntarily for a little while or suffer a climate that will reverse economic growth long-term.
  • Republican Meteorologist to Mitt Romney: My Top Ten Reasons for Republicans to Accept Reality on the Climate (Huffington Post Green)
  • Essential Climate Science Findings: