By Desi Doyen on 9/22/2012, 6:35am PT  

At the U.S. Senatorial debate on Thursday night between Sen. Scott Brown (R) and Elizabeth Warren (D), he...

...said that she...

...claimed to be of Cherokee heritage, but "as you can see, she’s not," Brown said, as he gestured towards her. "She checked the box claiming she is Native American, and clearly she is not," he reiterated again.

But I look like this...

...even though my 4th great grandfather, Major Ridge --- who was a Cherokee chief, lawmaker, member of the tribal council, and a pivotal figure in the infamous "Trail of Tears" --- looked like this...

My family and I have always been very proud to be his direct descendants through his daughter, Sarah. Like Elizabeth Warren, I am 1/32nd Cherokee.

Scott Brown is a jerk and a racialist, and his remarks on Thursday night were obnoxious and unbecoming of a U.S. Senator.

Native American communities are grappling with many deep, serious issues today. As a Senator, Scott Brown could have focused some of his time and attention on Capitol Hill working to assist these communities. Instead, he has chosen to opportunistically denigrate Native American heritage in a misguided attempt to score cheap political points. #FAIL.

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Desi Doyen is the co-host and managing editor of The BRAD BLOG's Green News Report. Follow her on Twitter: @GreenNewsReport.