Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Brains In Their Feet

I admit I'm increasingly uncomfortable about eating these tasty buggers.

Blackity Black Don't Come Back

I see the whitey tape is a video of a black man speaking to black people.


Tuesday Night


Scott Stapp Memories

Just because.

Stay Classy, Rusty

As always.

But this is the subtext of most conservative narratives about Obama. It's what the teleprompter stuff is about. It's what demands for him to release school transcripts are about. Obama is a stupid affirmative action case who had everything given to him.


Won't hold my breath for this, but hopefully that developer does actually manage to revive the Divine Lorraine.

For Those West Coasters Who Missed It

It's the very exciting fall fundraising BlogostravaganzaWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, which is all very exciting. NPR without the totebags. Don't want to turn anybody into a totebagger.

Consider a wee gift if your budget allows.

More Crazy Ideas

After I move you all to Manhattan I'm going to make us more like Sweden.

...adding, I tried to be careful to not suggest are couples are heterosexual, or that all parents are coupled. Not sure that was completely successful.

The Clicking, It Hurts Me

I've fortunately never had a serious repetitive motion problem, given that I live on the internet, but too many mouse clicks do start to cause me some discomfort. That's when I know it's time to step away from the internet for a bit. I don't claim to be representative of internet users, but when sites require too much clicking I tend to read them much less. There's probably some aesthetic justification for paginating really long articles, but don't make me click to read paragraph 2 of a 2 paragraph blog post.

Clusterfuck Nation

I tried to read the ruling, but it's written in gibberish. The smart lawyer people on the internet seem to agree that the judge has decreed that poll workers will ask for IDs, but if people don't have them they should let them vote anyway. In other words, better than nothing but untrained poll workers are not going to have any idea what they're supposed to do so this election in PA will be a complete mess.

Step Up

Liberal economists are too quiet. Step up. In the name of "economics" horrors are being inflicted on people. Time to step up and say that this is wrong.

The Blahs Get All Of The Advantages

That's really what the George Wills of the world believe. They look out into the world, and see CEOS, corporate boards, the US Senate, top executive branch positions, the opinion pages of important newspapers, and basically all positions of power, and they notice how the vast majority of these positions are held by unqualified blahs, boosted there by government mandated affirmative action and the charitable actions of white people.

Because they are insane.

Our Own Craig T. Nelson

Inqy commenter "The Monk."

How and when did feeding school kids ever become a government and taxpayer obligation? When I was a kid in Wilson Park Project, on welfare, my MOTHER sent me to school every day with my own lunchbag. It's called PARENTAL responsibility. Just more nanny state nonsense.

Fall FundRaising BlogostravaganzaWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

The Great Recession id not so kind to humble bloggers, either.

Consider a small contribution to support my mighty blogs, but do not consider such a thing if you are not feeling financially sound yourself.

Hot Soup

Please put No Labels on my Americans Elect bumper sticker. Unity08, yo.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Monday Night

It's Monday, Monday.

What Fluffy Would Rather Be Doing

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Warren/Brown Debate Thread

7pm on the CSPAN.