Cesar Millan says undocumented immigrants serve an important role filling jobs no one wants.
The Godfather of the Tea Party, Rick Santelli, goes nuts on CNBC while defending Jack Welch’s anti-Obama jobs-conspiracy.
Some senators, led by Bernie Sanders, are trying to stop the Senate rollover to Obama’s Social Security cuts. Who are they?
A brilliant video showing Mitt Romney debating himself on tax cuts, health care, and education. He’s the flip-flop king.
Mitt Romney said yesterday that as president he wouldn’t support anti-abortion legislation. Then he changed his mind.
Bruni writes in today’s New York Times about Chuck Bennett, an 80-year-old in Maine, and the Maine marriage campaign.
Australia’s PM Gillard delivers an amazing performance against the opposition leader. Why don’t we see the same in the US?
An homage to 1980s video games. Absolutely stunning.
“He will make himself at home on anyone’s lap, whoever sits down. If he can’t sit on your lap, he’ll sit on your feet.”
There’s already early voting in three swing states, with more to come. Romney may simply catch up to Obama too late.
Just when you thought the never-ending budget-breaking wars might end, the Neocons Strike Back, with Romney at the helm.
Iraq and Afghanistan are already costing us $4 trillion. Romney wants another $2 trillion for even more budget-busting wars.
Romney plans on wasting trillions of dollars on more wars in the Middle East.
The Nation and John Nichols add to the call for Obama to list his own Social Security cuts now, before the election.