Welcome to the Siegelman Website!
About Don Siegelman's Prosecution
Archive of Media on Siegelman
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    President to "Pardon Governor Don

    The American Trial Lawyer Magazine called Don Siegelman
    “America's #1 Political Prisoner."

    In Jack Abramoff’s book, Capitol Punishment: The Hard
    Truth About Washington Corruption From America's Most
    Notorious Lobbyist, he admits that one of his top priorities
    was “stopping Don Siegelman.”

    Don Siegelman said in 2007 at his first sentencing; “ If this
    ruling stands....a rogue Justice Department can prosecute
    contributors and elected officials they simply do not like."

    Please petition the President of the United States for
    clemency in Governor Siegelman's case by signing the
    petition on Change.org and posting this message publicly
    however you can. By doing so we may one day clarify the
    law and keep our democracy and freedom intact.

The Latest ?
Aug. 3 2012
Judge Fuller sentences Governor Don
Siegelman to 78 months.
Read about it at
Al.com. ; Forbes.com
CBSnews.com ;

Aug. 2, 2012
An Alabama federal judge Fuller is
scheduled Aug. 3 to re-sentence the
state's former governor, Don
Siegelman, on corruption charges.
Thus, the nation's most notorious
frame-up has now become the
Sentencing of the Century...
Read More at Guide to the Sentencing

July 16, 2012
On July5, Federal Judge Mark Fuller
denied Don Siegelman's request that
Fuller vacate his ruling in which he
denied a new trial for Alabama's
former Governor.
Read More at alabamas13.com

June 4, 2012
Justices Refuse to Hear Siegelman's
appeal in a case that tests the murky
limits of when a campaign donation is
Read more at The NYT Blog

Jan. 19, 2011
Siegelman appears before the 11th
Circuit Court of Appeals

Jun. 29, 2010
Supreme Court vacates Siegelman

Jun. 24, 2010
US Supreme Court rules on Honest
Services Fraud definition

Tamara Grimes, Whistle Blower in
the Siegelman Case is fired

Peter Sissman, Siegelman attorney,
sends a reply to the government
opposition of a new trial: The court
cannot refuse to examine new
evidence because "as the Government
seems to boldly claim, ' We’re the
Government, so it must be true.' "

91 Former Attorney's
petition for "Writ of
Certiorari" to the US Supreme Court
of Appeals
A Public Official may not be
prosecuted for the receipt of a
campaign contribution in the absence
of an explicit Quid Pro Quo...

August 11  2009
House Judiciary Committee
After defying 2 subpoenas Rove
agreed to be questioned only on his
own terms.
Rove's Special Agreement
Rove Testimony
CBS "60 Minutes"  aired their Siegelman Expose
on Don's 62nd Birthday (Feb 24, 2008) while he was in prison!

To watch the video go to



    George Will, Pulitzer Prize -winner,
    journalist and news paper columnist,
    best known for his conservative
    political commentary, questions
    whether Don Siegelman was really

    Read Article in the Washington

To keep up to date on the Siegelman Case email
pammiles@bellsouth.net and ask to be on her listserve.
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                                                                                AP Photo by Kevin Glackmeyer

    Siegelman supporters carry “Free Don” signs as they celebrate the annual Selma, AL.  
    “Bridge Crossing Jubilee” commemorating the 1965 voting rights march. Don Siegelman has
    been active in the Alabama Civil Rights Movement since the '60's. In attendance were
    Congressman John Lewis and Eric Holder, the current US Attorney General.
to the President of the United States to
Please sign now! Our goal is to get 50,000
signatures by Tues. NOV 6!
CBS "60 Minutes" Siegelman Expose
If you want a short and sweet summary of the Siegelman
Case, start
with this 9 minute expose .

    The New York Times
    75 former state attorneys general
    in both parties urged US Attorney General
    Eric H. Holder to conduct [an] investigation
    of the prosecution of former Gov. Don
    Siegelman of Alabama.

    Rich Sanchez interviews
    Don Siegelman
    March 2009

    Fox Business
    Neil Cavuto interviews
    Don Siegelman
    September 2009

    reports allegations of prosecutorial
    misconduct in the Siegelman Case.
    November 2008

    Rolling Stone's
    Just when you thought it was safe to come out
    of the water, Rove catches Governor Don
    Siegelman in his sites and takes him down.
    October 2008
28,695 signatures in 34 days, since 8/8/12
Aug 13 2012 - Neil Cavuto of Fox Business
News interviews Don Siegelman about his
Presidential Petition and the dire significance of  
the ruling in his case for future political financing.