Florida Voters Foundation
Florida Voters

Florida Voters Mission: To ensure that all eligible voters are provided an equal opportunity to cast a private and independent ballot, and have all votes on that ballot recorded and counted accurately. Champion the public interest as primary in elections and resist excessive corporate, political and bureaucratic interests that threaten it. Build strong non-partisan alliances with elections officials, scientific, legal and other technical experts, voters, funders and others throughout Florida and beyond to further our mission.

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7 December 2010: Florida Voters Supports Palm Beach County's call for Longer Certification Periods; No Backslide to Touchscreens.

Florida Voters wrote to the members of the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach, supporting their call on the Legislature to provide adequate time for elections officials to complete careful tabulation. Florida Voters also urged the Commission not to backslide toware a return to touchscreens.


20 July 2010: Online Voting: All That Glitters Is Not Gold (Unless You’re a Vendor)

FVF President Dan McCrea debunks online voting hype on Huffington Post


28 June 2010: Department of Defence Launches Voter Online Registration Assistant During Armed Forces and Overseas Citizens’ Voters’ Week

Department of Defense (DoD) announced today the launch of a new online voter registration assistant. The new assistant was developed to help military voters, their voting-age dependents, and overseas civilians register and request absentee ballots for the 2010 mid-term election. The online assistant will be available at http://www.fvap.gov and be introduced on military installations, embassies, and consulates during the Armed Forces and Overseas Citizens’ Voters’ Week beginning today.



A Victory in Florida For Tighter Cyber Security?

5 August reply from the Department of State, "The State does not intend to expand the use of electronic transmission of voted ballots."

5 August 2010: Florida Voters to Florida Secretary of State regarding Cyber Security & Electronic Transmission of Voted Ballots

The Florida Department of State has appeared to be pushing internet voting for military and overseas voters in November, in violation of Florida law and standards for cyber security.

This is the latest in a seres of correspondence with the Department of State regarding threats to Florida's upcoming elections. DoS seems to be backing away from internet voting plans but their answers are unclear and their responses to records requests incomplete. The whole exchange is linked at the bottom of this letter.

Read Florida Voters' 5 August letter here


7 July 2010: Florida Voters Urge Secretary of State to Address Serious Threats to Next Month’s Elections

Voting System Defects, Lax Cyber Security and Administrative Procedures & Inadequate County Funding Threaten to Undermine Upcoming Florida Elections

MIAMI: Florida Voters Foundation today urged Interim Secretary of State Dawn K. Roberts to give urgent attention to serious threats to upcoming Florida elections, including the primary just 48 days away.

“Time is running out to complete preparations for successful elections,” said Florida Voters President, Dan McCrea. “Serious threats remain unresolved.”

Voting System Defect in 14-17 Counties: ·

Voting System Defect in Another 16 Counties . ·

Cyber Security·

Administrative Procedures

Inadequate County Funding

” The Legislature expanded the state’s power over elections in 2010, draining the local authority of county Supervisors and preempting that authority up to the state. “With authority must go responsibility,” said McCrea. “The state needs to step up its game, and fast.”


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