
My absentee ballot came last night and I filled it out with great enthusiasm.

I just can’t get over the fact that I VOTED. FOR PRESIDENT!!!

I’ve only been waiting my whole life to do this. AND I DID AND IT WAS GLORIOUS.

Also, I was volunteering today with the Obama campaign to register voters and I actually had someone register to vote with me and it made my life.

If you’re 18 and a US citizen, get out there and register to vote! The deadlines for registering are coming up/may have already passed depending on what state you live in (Colorado’s is October 9th and it varies from state to state), so get registered! It’s super easy and it’ll take maybe 2 minutes of your time. I got a guy registered in 90 seconds today.

“Maybe 2 minutes”! Do it now!

katwd submitted:
A few weeks ago, my six year old daughter and I had a serious talk about what we’re voting on in November. After we talked, she was absolutely smitten with the President. Tonight, I heard her rustling around in her room after “lights out” so I went to check on her, only to find she was drawing this. Totally a proud mama moment!

katwd submitted:

A few weeks ago, my six year old daughter and I had a serious talk about what we’re voting on in November. After we talked, she was absolutely smitten with the President. Tonight, I heard her rustling around in her room after “lights out” so I went to check on her, only to find she was drawing this. Totally a proud mama moment!
