08 5 / 2012


Better late than never.

Anderson?  When will you do the same?  No time like the present.

Anderson talks about the President’s “anything but clear” position on gay marriage and yet continues to send a very clear message about his own position re homosexuality by staying in the closet.

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08 5 / 2012

"Maurice Sendak has died at 83. More importantly, Maurice Sendak lived."

The Rachel Maddow Show

Permalink 74 notes

08 5 / 2012

A Vote?

Seriously a vote?  Where do you think we’d be if we voted on slavery? interracial marriage? and do you know when NC ratified a woman’s right to vote?

Permalink 7 notes

08 5 / 2012

"Not going to beg you to vote no, not going to try to say you should vote no because it hurts straight people too. The amendment is bigotry, plain and simple. Walk in that booth and vote your conscience - you know deep down in your heart that it’s wrong."

Tricky’s FB status says exactly how I feel about this. 

Permalink 3 notes

08 5 / 2012

No one listens if you don’t talk….

08 5 / 2012


Newark Mayor Cory Booker Responds to a Question about the NJ Marriage Equality Referendum

(via spramped)

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06 5 / 2012

This just in….. Dexter, Ruth and Stanley enjoying this sunny Sunday morning at Herring Cove in PTown

This just in….. Dexter, Ruth and Stanley enjoying this sunny Sunday morning at Herring Cove in PTown

Permalink 15 notes

06 5 / 2012

I wasn’t kidding……..

I wasn’t kidding……..

06 5 / 2012

Seriously!  Unless of course his head won’t reach the table.  Then he just hangs it off the bed. 

Seriously!  Unless of course his head won’t reach the table.  Then he just hangs it off the bed. 

06 5 / 2012

My husband sleeps with his head on the bedside table.  Seriously, on the bedside table.  Where ever we are.

My husband sleeps with his head on the bedside table.  Seriously, on the bedside table.  Where ever we are.