
Weiners Rule!

11 notes

i keep hearing people talk about season 6 of ‘30 Rock’ not being as good as the others, and clearly they are forgetting halfway through season three and part of season four. whoever hired kristen schaal this season was a genius and i will love them forever. 

season six was my favorite because kenneth was the most ridiculous, liz isn’t completely depressing, really great jenna maroney moments, alec baldwin continued his expertise while also kind of phoning it in, and of course kristen schaal. 

Filed under also james marsden was better than matt damon and jon hamm but not dennis duffy also kristen schaal was in it

29 notes

i’m going to do a mourning post about why we should all be sad about ‘30 Rock’ ending this year and it will mostly be about jenna and liz. 

Filed under 30 Rock Liz Lemon

261 notes



there’s a joke somewhere involving her song “you’re so vain” and … whatever this is, but in all honesty they’re not that much weirder than her ACTUAL music videos. 

Filed under CARLY SIMON GIFs i loved Better Not Tell Her

28 notes

so here’s what a culmination of a summer of heartbreak and honesty with myself looks like. also, stoned as fuck. this is just a picture so all of those who might miss my fa-ché (hi jenny!) can see what i’m up to. 
a year ago i was kind of at one of my happiest points. not for any reason, but i was in my hometown, with a lot of old friends, and working on bettering myself. today, i find myself constantly struggling for happiness, and i’m trying to figure out why.
i’m not angry, not by any means. i went through a break up earlier in the summer, but it was something that i knew was going to happen/had to. and really i wish him all the best, and while i’m single in this new city, i’m not necessarily interested in being that involved again for awhile. 
i’m not particularly sad about anything, but i’m still feeling sad often. there’s been a lot of change and i haven’t adjusted quite yet. but i also live with two people i find myself wanting to be angry with solely on grounds that they are messing up my stuff and it’s annoying.
i’m wanting just some good friend time this winter i think. i want to come to DC (the minute i find a place to crash, i’ll book my ticket), i’m gonna be heading home in november for a week, and maybe another trip to new york. i just need some goodness in my life after dealing with a lot of heartache. so if you see me around this winter, lets have good laughs.

so here’s what a culmination of a summer of heartbreak and honesty with myself looks like. also, stoned as fuck. this is just a picture so all of those who might miss my fa-ché (hi jenny!) can see what i’m up to.

a year ago i was kind of at one of my happiest points. not for any reason, but i was in my hometown, with a lot of old friends, and working on bettering myself. today, i find myself constantly struggling for happiness, and i’m trying to figure out why.

i’m not angry, not by any means. i went through a break up earlier in the summer, but it was something that i knew was going to happen/had to. and really i wish him all the best, and while i’m single in this new city, i’m not necessarily interested in being that involved again for awhile.

i’m not particularly sad about anything, but i’m still feeling sad often. there’s been a lot of change and i haven’t adjusted quite yet. but i also live with two people i find myself wanting to be angry with solely on grounds that they are messing up my stuff and it’s annoying.

i’m wanting just some good friend time this winter i think. i want to come to DC (the minute i find a place to crash, i’ll book my ticket), i’m gonna be heading home in november for a week, and maybe another trip to new york. i just need some goodness in my life after dealing with a lot of heartache. so if you see me around this winter, lets have good laughs.

16 notes

Dear Chaos Lord, or Satan, or whatever evil entity that has been fucking up my life all summer:

Your time is up. I don’t know how it started but I know sometime in the middle of may, everything started to go horrible for me, and until now I could never explain it.

But I’ve finally figured it out: no TV.

You see, you attacked me at a vulnerable time in my life and you turned everything upside down for me. And for a while, you were winning.

But “Parks and Recreation” is on tonight. And your spell is broken. There is nothing that you can throw at me that can’t be broken by Amy Poehler or Ron Fucking Swanson (not even her divorce!).

You may be wondering how I figured it out, but I’ll never tell.

Filed under thx weed :)