
A Blog devoted to progressive politics, environmental issues, LGBT issues, social justice, workers' rights, womens' rights, and, most importantly, Cats.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mitt Romney and Extortion of the US Government

Jesus fucking H. Christ.  God fucking damn it to hell.  All this time I thought Mitt Romney was a mother fucking evil son of bitch and he is but even I had no idea until today.  You won't see it in the corporate fucking press.  They're not going to fucking tell you.  They want to keep you ignorant, stupid, and obediently compliant.   Mitt Romney is after all, the new hero for life riding in on a white horse with a white hat in his cracker white skin to kick the black guy out of the White House.

But there are people who are reporting it.  As is my habit, I was streaming the Nicole Sandler show today and she had on Greg Palast talking about a breaking story he has been working on, about how Mitt Romney and his billionaire buddies held the bailout of General Motors hostage for $12 billion fucking dollars.  This is too maddening to recount myself.  Do yourself a favor.  Click the link which will take you to the story reported by Greg Palast this morning on Democracy Now.  And by the way, it is also the cover of the Nation magazine this week.

What a stinking, lying piece of fucking shit this creepy creep is.  And to think he could become our next President.  The Robber Barron's of the 1800's had nothing on this guy.   Even Bush is starting to look like a saint to me in comparison.  This is not defensible people.  This is evil.

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I love Nicole Sandler

OK, it's not that kind of love but so what if it was!

No, I love Nicole Sandler because she has one of the best kick-ass radio shows out there, only it's not on the radio.  She can't get a regular radio gig and so she has her show on the internet at and so you stream her show, which airs live Monday thru Thursday at 7-9 AM PST.  

Well, I am not always up and at the computer during that time and so I stream her show later in the day.    She updates the page with details from her show of the day and then I go to the archives link towards the top of the page and I select the audio archive so I can listen while I move about the house.

And because she is not on the radio she does not have to watch her language and she can have quite the potty mouth letting us know exactly what she thinks of the RePIGliCONs in no uncertain terms!  I love it!  She voices my thoughts precisely!

Otherwise, her show isn't so much of a call in show as it is an interview show with great guests and she is very informative.  You can really learn a lot about the bullshit that goes on that you will never, ever hear about in the corporate media.  She lets you learn about the stuff you aren't supposed to know, lest you rise up and put a stop to it.  

Yes, I love Nicole Sandler.  Like TPC, she is utterly great.  It is odd though, that I've never seen TPC and Nicole Sandler together in the same room.   Hmmmm.  TPC????

Anyway, do yourself (and all of us) a huge favor and join the growing cool and in-crowd and check out Nicole!  You'll be glad you did!!!!!

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Warm furry puppies and soft fluffy kittens

Did you see it?  While I was enjoying a nice glass of wine to help me swallow the bullshit being heaped on us last night in the debate by Bishop Willard Romney, he promised us all warm furry puppies and soft fluffy kittens!  And he promised us cake and ice cream and candy slathered in rich creamery whipped cream and we won't have to ever eat our peas again and we'll all loose those extra pounds while we're downing all those sweets and we'll be the picture of health for it!

You heard him right?  OK, maybe he didn't quite utter those precise words of promise but he might as well have.  What he did say was that he has a secret plan to lower our taxes 20% and and give us all high paying jobs and make America great once again while finally restoring a white man to the White House!

Oh, and he promised to lower all of our estate, capital gains, and dividend taxes to zero.   Yippee!  Oh, I don't know about you but those estate taxes and capital gains and dividend taxes are just killing me!  What a horrible burden the middle class must bear!  Can't you just imagine what you will do with all that money you will save?

Gosh, I think I'll be saving at least a couple of bucks off my little portfolio!  How about you?  Got a lot of capital gains to declare and pay taxes on every year?

I'm sure Bishop Willard Romney does.  And big dividend checks that he must be getting off his 100+ million dollar IRA (you have a hundred million give or take in your 401k, right?), not to mention the interest in his off shore bank accounts and money in stocks and bonds and Bain (don't forget Bain).

I can't say that Bishop Willard is getting any sort of pay check to pay taxes on though, I mean after all, he's unemployed right?  And looking for a new job.  You have to feel sorry for the unemployed.  It would sure be a shame if they have to pay taxes on their capital gains and dividends, even if they do have to pay income tax on their unemployment check.  I mean really, give them a fucking break already!  Let 'em at least keep their capital gains tax free.

OK, get my drift yet?  Romney makes tons of money, millions, every year through capital gains and dividends and he doesn't want to pay taxes on any of it.  Nor does he want to contribute anything to this country.  He just wants to harvest us.  Harvest us all for his profit.

Well, I have long had this quote, "I pay taxes so the rich don't have to."  I think if Mittens is elected, I'll probably need to reword that from Mitt's perspective so it reads, "You pay taxes so I don't have to!"

And if you'll just be obedient little things and vote for Bishop Willard Romney for President, then you'll get all the warm furry puppies and soft fluffy kittens you could ever want.  And Rawmoney will get off tax free on your dime!  Vote people, vote!

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Monday, October 15, 2012

You're so Bain

Welp, I haven't posted anything in what feels like years, though it has probably only been a year or so.  My bad, I lost and forgot my password.  I have too many of the stinking things to remember them all anyway, though through a wild stroke of luck here, I just found it!  So I thought I would pen up something sarcastic about current events and post it.

I wonder though, since there hasn't been much activity here recently, it will probably be a spell before anyone sees this anyway.  Maybe I should send out some email and say hi!  Hello TPC!

But otherwise, this is on the Eve of President Obama's second debate with Mitt Robme.  Or Mitt Rawmoney if you prefer.

Regardless, if you have been paying attention, and you got's to pay attention, you would know that the infamous progeny of Mitt called Bain is in the process of shutting down another American company called Sensata and sending all the jobs to China.  And to heap insult on injury, the Sensata workers have to train their Chinese replacements before they are finally fired.

Now I do not want to vilify the Chinese workers.  They want to survive too.  But otherwise, just great.  Don't you just love unbridled capitalism?  Free to create new jobs, warm soft fury puppies and kittens and wonderful things for all!

Well, all except for maybe the unlucky bastards working for Sensata but that's their own lookout.  The lazy louts should have known better.  After all, this is a brave new world, an Ayn Rand fucking paradise!  Yeah baby, sign me up!   NOT!!!

Well, many years ago in the mid 1990's I almost got signed up like just like those unlucky bastards at Sensata.

I worked for a division of a company that was being sold and guess who tried to buy us.  Yeah, that's right, Bain, and while under the leadership of you know who, that marvelous captain of free enterprise and all that is good and wonderful, Mitt Rawmoney.

I was young and naive at the time and did not fully understand the implications if Bain did acquire us but I do remember my supervisor and manager talking about Bain at the time while hoping like crazy that Bain failed.  Fortunately for us, Bain failed, and we were bought by another company, that by the way, kept our pension plan intact, something for which I am eternally grateful, because I am collecting on that very pension today and it is helping me survive a layoff from a different company.

But I do have to wonder where that pension plan would be today if Mitt Robme had been successful in taking my old company over.  We were ripe and ready for harvesting and Mitt would have harvested us like some sorry old wheat, chopping us down, throwing us out like chaff, and plowing us under.  Hey, harvested people are really just things you know.  They don't need money, and especially for silly things like pensions.  Mitt can put that money to much better use!

Yes, I have no doubt that my silly pension would be sitting in an offshore bank account adding onto Mitt's pile of money.

But that would have been right and OK you see, because in this brave new world where corporations are people (didn't Mitt tell us so!) and people are things, well, things have no use for money.  Or food.  Or housing.  Or even medical care.

The sad thing is that about half of this country seems to agree with Mittens.  And I'm sure they will be very happy when Mitt takes away their Social Security and their Medicare and gives it to his rich friends on Wall Street.   You know it has been too long since Wall Street had a good party.  Don't you think it's time they did!

So tomorrow night, break out the booze and party on while Mitt tells us all how much he cares for his old things.  I know that's what I'll be doing while hoping like crazy Mitt fails again.

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Monday, August 06, 2012

Food, Glorious Food

For Prommie

Because every now and then you just need to hold on to your babi. I mean babby. Honest.

How many recipes can I share with this bugger? And is this gonna become famous, like my goddamned Brussels sprouts?

Who cares.

Gaeng Masaman

2 lb stewing beef 2 cans coconut milk, preferably Kara brand
2 large yellow onions 1 lb Yukon Gold or other waxy potatoes
3 daun salam (Indonesian bay leaf) 2 tsp whole black peppercorns
2 tamarind pods 2 tsp palm sugar or gula jawa
2-4 Tbsp fish sauce 1/2 cup dry-roasted peanuts
4 small green cardamom pods 2" pc cinnamon stick
Masaman curry paste (see next table

Cut potatoes in halves or quarters. Rinse to remove excess starch, drain well and salt.

Dice the onions. Shell the tamarind, pour boiling water over, and cover for about 20 minutes. Remove cover and squeeze the tamarind in the (hopefully cool) water till the seeds and skins separate from the pulp. Strain the liquid and discard the solids. Add the sugar to the tamarind water and mix till it dissolves.

Skim the cream off the canned coconut milk. You should have up to 10 tablespoons (if not, open another can).

Place 2 Tbsp of the cream in a pot large enough to hold all the meat and potatoes. Add the reserved coconut milk, cinnamon stick, cardamom pods, bay leaves, and black peppercorns, and salt to taste, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add the meat, stirring to coat, lower the heat, and cook for about 20 minutes, or till tender.

Meanwhile, heat oil in a flat-bottomed skillet and fry potatoes till golden, turning occasionally. Drain on paper towels. Pour off most of the oil.

Add the reserved coconut cream to the pan, keeping the heat at medium, and stir till the oil emerges. Add the onions, stir till golden brown and fragrant, then add the curry paste. Cook, stirring, till fragrant, then add to the stew pot in which the beef is cooking, and stir so that the paste coats the beef. Add potatoes and peanuts, stir to coat, add tamarind water and sugar, and fish sauce, stir and taste, adjusting seasoning as necessary. Masaman curry paste:

10 dried chillies 1 Tbsp cumin seed
1 Tbsp coriander seed 2 tsp black peppercorns
1/2 star anise 4 small green cardamom pods
3 stalks lemongrass 6 whole cloves
2 tsp whole mace 2" cinnamon stick
1 Tbsp galangkal 2 green or spring onions
1 Tbsp blachan 5 cloves garlic
2 Tbsp vegetable oil

Place the dried red chillies in a small bowl or cup. Remove the woody stalks and cut into thirds. Pour boiling water over and let soak for about 10 minutes, covered.

Wash and trim the lemongrass and green onion. Slice the thick, woody stalk into small slices. You can either discard the leafy top third, or freeze it for use in soup. Slice the green onion. Chop garlic.

Chop the galangka root and then process it in the Cuisinart till it is light and fluffy. Add lemongrass and continue processing. Add sliced green onions and chopped garlic and pulse to blend.

Heat a small cast-iron skillet and toast the spices, beginning with the largest/woodiest down to the mace, which only needs a few seconds. When the spices release their fragrance, remove them from the heat. Let cool and then grind to a powder in a coffee-grinder (which for god's sake, please do not use your spice grinder to grind coffee or anything BUT spices, because smells do cling, boy howdy do they), and add to the processor. Drain the red chillies, reserving the liquid, and add to the processor. (Leave out the seeds if you don't want the extra heat.)

If using bottled blachan (ngapi, terasi, mam tom, kapi), add it now, together with the oil. If using blachan cake, toast it first till it becomes crumbly and aromatic, then add it. Process until you have a paste, adding the reserved chilli-soaking water in tiny amounts as needed.

If you don't use all the paste, store it covered with oil in a tightly-sealed jar in the refrigerator. And use it within a couple of weeks, at most.

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Saturday, July 07, 2012


This is what it feels like at La Casa de Los Gatos, these days. Like we're mothering some kittens. And we desperately need a DRINK, goddammit.

You ever try raising kittens? Geezus, they're a pain. So, what's going on, we ask? Bandicoot was sick for quite a while, and then we had to leave him and go away, and he wasn't doing too great when we got back. We've spent the past couple of months curing him of whatever stomach ailment he picked up and making sure he's doing OK.

See, he's getting old. He wants to be fed about once an hour, all day. Sometimes he'll eat some kibble, but mostly he wants his food brought to him, and he always was a messy eater, and he's gotten a hundred times worse. Seems like he's not seeing or smelling too well, either. If you don't bring his food to him, he climbs up on the bed and pokes you in the face with one enormous smelly paw. Actually, his paws aren't smelly at all. Just big. Bigger than my eyeballs. Which is what he likes to poke, mostly. He doesn't want water from a bowl, either. He wants to lick the water in the shower. And his coat was a matted mess after the long stay at the vet. We're clipping and brushing and what-all, but he's a pig in a fur suit, he does not care for this grooming shit.

And Gustav is kinda sensing something in the offing because Bandicoot just wants to be left alone to sleep all the time. So Gustav has taken to howling every night, I mean Siamese cat x water buffalo bellows every night from, like, 1 am to 3 am. I'd kill him, except he's suffered enough already. I think. Little fucker. Sleeping like a baby next to me right now. Just half an hour ago he was trying to sit on Gojira's face and howling because she bit him in the ass. Apparently she does not care for this face-sitting business.

Gojira is still freaked out about Zingiber dying and won't go outside any more. She only wants to be at home, preferably in bed with us. (Fucking bitch wants to be RIGHT BETWEEN both of us, too, so forget a sex life.) And she squeaks like a motherfucker when she doesn't get her way. Also, too, claws. Hers are like tiny little razors. You can't tell you've been scratched till part of your leg bleeds and falls off. There's no possibility of trimming them, either. She's not the type to hold still that long, and we'd have to *catch* her first. Always an exciting sight, watching two rapidly aging people chasing an extremely lithe, swift, and nimble cat around. And when she's not being obnoxious and shrieking in your ear and bouncing off the walls, she's demanding attention. Pet me, pet me, scratch my ears, check my butt for poop stains, pet my belly so I can remove the skin from your hands. If she weren't so stunningly cute, she would have been a slipper a LONG time ago. Little bitch.

And MADU has suddenly developed a need for affection. What's with this? The lady with the French-perfumey big bosoms isn't giving him enough lately, or what? He's still running off to visit her regularly, I see him hiking down the road all the time, the little slut. Then he comes home and wants to drape himself all over us, and could we please pick him up and hold him so he can fall asleep in the most comfortable position and drool.

There was a time when the little fucker would barely give us the time of day. AFAHWC, we were convenient stepping stones for hunting mice on the hill.

I miss those days.

Yeah, so, WTF, y'all, check out the fucking heat wave that's cooking the whole middle of the country AND the eastern seabord, is this reality time for global warming deniers, or what? Will the stupid subside long enough for the marching morons to realize that they ARE every bit as stupid as everyone else has believed for years, and that global warming has finally decided to, like, personally cook their asses or something for being such fucking dolts? Only thing is, they'll be sure to take all of us with them when they go, y'know? Just to be assholes. Srsly, this heat is nothing to fuck with. Remember to wear sunblock, stay cool and aerated, go to a public place that's airconditioned, or your local pool, or whatever. Stay indoors, if you can. Drink LOTS of water, but not too much too fast. Stay safe!

Here's something for y'all to enjoy!

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Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Eat, Eat, My Child!

My favourite way of cooking salmon. You can pick at it for hours.

Face it, it is just TOO FUCKING HOT to cook a hella lot. Salads and roast beast is the rule at Casa de Los Gatos this summer. Last summer it was cool and rainy and we ate stews and tasty curries throughout. This year, I'd rather die than broil my tits over a hot stove. Tough luck, housemates.

So, salmon. Nature's bounty. I never did like fish, but I have to eat it for health reasons, so my whole life has been spent in an effort to make the fucking thing palatable, OK? So, try it. Nu? What can you lose?

1-2 lb salmon filet 1 bunch lemon thyme
2 medium shallots 1 bunch chives
2 lemons 1 handful lemon verbena leaves (optional)
salt to taste white pepper to taste
handful of flat Italian parsley

This is so easy, it's ridiculous. It's mostly prep, and takes 40 minutes max. Even YOUR Lazy Ass can do it, so get right on it.

What you WILL need, however, is a Cuisinart food processor. I've had mine for over 20 years, and in this house, EVERYTHING is made from scratch, so you know that poor fucker gets a hella lot of use. So break down and get yourself one, it'll pay you back a thousandfold.

Wash the herbs and strip all the leaves off. Dry them on a paper towel.

Peel the lemons carefully (use a zester, if you have one, otherwise a vegetable peeler is fine. Just avoid the thick white pith, which is very bitter), and set half the peel aside in the freezer.

Roughly chop half the chives, the remaining lemon peel, and the shallots, and put in the food processor with the remaining herbs, 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil (preferably one with a green and fruity aroma), and half the lemon juice. Blend to a smooth paste, adding more lemon juice and olive oil as needed. If using lemongrass, cut into thirds, then halve lengthwise, and make a bed of the lemongrass halves for the fish. Slice or snip the remaining chives for garnish.

Place the fish skin-side down in a greased nonreactive (glass or ceramic) baking dish. Add salt and pepper and rub into the fish. Scrape the herb paste onto the fish and pat it into a smooth layer.

Heat the oven to 250 and roast the fish for 20-35 minutes. (Roasting time depends on the thickness of your filet and the efficiency of your stove.) The salmon retains its rich red raw colour, so use a fork to test for doneness. The fish is done when a cream-colored layer of fat is deposited below the skin, and the flesh flakes easily.

The tenderness of the fish has to be experienced to be believed. Go, try it, you'll be glad you did.

At La Casa, this is usually served with brown rice and a salad of baby carrots, butter and romaine lettuces, halved cherry tomatoes, diced red and yellow peppers, cucumbers and avocado. Because it's too fucking hot to cook.

Works fine with tender greens lightly sauteed in butter or olive oil, with, say, pine nuts and crushed red pepper.

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Happy Independence Day!

Hey, everybody! The asshats around me are starting to fire off their rockets in the middle of the fire season. Isn't that CUTE? Will we be forced to flee our homes at some ungodly hour, in our pajamas, cats tucked under each arm?

Tune in tomorrow, same time same place, assuming we fucking survive.

Don't you hate that shit? Boom, boom, boom. I guess the people enjoying this stuff have never lived around, you know, actual guns and bombs going off and people getting all shredded and stuff. Because lemme tellya, ever after, your shoulder blades twitch when you hear that noise. I'm expecting shrapnel fragments.

No, I'm not. The neighbours are idiots, but more in a non-malign, stupid, poleaxed, well-meaning, friendly, idiotic sort of way than actual redneck goobers who run around trying to kill people and other living things. They'll burn all our houses down around our ears, then fling themselves on our shoulders and sob about the loss. Dumbfucks.

So Mitt Romney's big fundraiser in London was held by disgraced and recently-resigned Robert Diamond, former head of Barclay's Bank? Do the teabaggers not see any irony whatsoever in the would-be president of the former colonies going to the Mother Country to raise funds from the SAME FUCKING PEOPLE the first Americans fought against to establish this nation? Where are the cries of corruption and foreign interference when Mitt Romney courts the British banking establishment, on fucking INDEPENDENCE DAY? Where are the cries when the biggest contributor to the Republican party is a guy who makes money off whorehouses in China?

Meanwhile, over at the ongoing Republican War On Women Headquarters, we're reliably informed that yon lout in that pitcher up there, one NY State Senator Marty Golden, is finally ready for the onslaught of the 15th century. Someone please tell him it's actually the 21st.

Because this benighted son of a poop-eating bottom-feeder is proposing to WOW the LayDeez of his constituency by teaching them the fine art of "feminine presence." I have no idea what this fucking "feminine presence" is. Is it another term for poontang?

Mind you, this asshole is one of those guys who think the Fair Pay Act doesn't even deserve a hearing, and votes against increasing the minimum wage or giving the Nice Laydeez some fucking maternity leave or elder care leave, paid, so they can do their OTHER fulltime job as well.

But wouldn't you know the Feminazis got to him, and he has now canceled all those nice classes, boo hoo. No word if he's considering any bills that might actually help low-paid women, but at least he's not gonna make taxpayers cough up to teach people how to climb fucking stairs for chrisake.

And that fucking sack of fermenting poop, @RepJoeWalsh, is actually attacking the military service of a woman who lost two legs and an arm rescuing her mates in the Iraq war. Please feel free to contact his office and tell him to go suck dick. Well, no. Be polite. Just because he's an asshole is no reason for anyone else to act that way.

I can't believe this worthless fucking putz. He wouldn't pay to keep his children fed, clothed, and housed. I mean this guy owes $200,000 in child support, and his kids had to go on welfare at one point. That's TAXPAYER MONEY that he shoud have been paying. He went to court to fight his duty to pay for the children he fathered. He would rather run up lawyers' bills than feed his own kids.

And he wants to take care of his constituents? A man who can't take care of his own fucking children can't take care of anyone else. Don't be fooled, peeps. This guy NEEDS TO LOSE his election. He's a swine who won't even pay his own children's bills.

Enough, I'm done ranting. Here's your Libertarian/Republican paradise, all you assholes. You can just suck it, srsly.

Alright, alright, I've been a beast. Here, listen to some terrific music and get ready to spread 'em for the bankers. Geez.

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Thursday, June 07, 2012

Spicy Fish Noodle Soup

This recipe is my adaptation of the famous national dish of Burma, mohinga. I am not so shameless as to call my recipe "Burmese-inspired," or "Asian inspired." This is some plain good eating, spicy-hot, made with foods that are available and seasonal, and it's kind of like mohinga.

This dish takes less time to cook than to prep. Just a few notes from the cook:

  1. If at all possible, buy your spices whole, and roast and grind them at home. The difference in freshness is enormous.
  2. Use a small coffee-grinder to grind your spices. Do not use it for anything else.
  3. Dry-roast spices before grinding in a flat-bottomed skillet, preferably cast-iron.
  4. Catfish is the preferred fish for this recipe, but any firm white fish will do.
  5. You can use bean threads, rice sticks, or Chinese wheat noodles. If you can't find any of those, use any kind of pasta, preferably spaghetti.


1 lb catfish filets 1 lb large prawns with shell
2 large yellow onions 2-4 large cloves garlic
10-20 hot Thai chilies to taste 1 can coconut milk
1 2" piece ginger white pepper to taste
salt to taste 2 Tbsp coriander seed
2 Tbsp fennel seed 1 Tbsp cumin seed
2 Tbsp hot red chili powder 1 tsp turmeric
1 Tbsp blachan 1 quart chicken or fish stock
2-3 small zucchinis or pattypan squash, ~1 lb 4 oz asparagus beans or any other robust green bean
4 oz snow peas 4 oz arugula or bok choy or any other leafy green
4 Tbsp oil, preferably peanut oil Optional: raw baby greens

Pour the stock into a saucepan or stockpot, and place on a back burner on a low flame. Keep this simmering till everything is cooked and assembled.

Peel and devein the shrimp, saving the shells. Toss shrimps with white pepper and salt to taste. Halve onions lengthwise, then slice into thin lengthwise slices. Peel the ginger thoroughly (the peel imparts a bitter taste), slice three 1/4" coins from it lengthwise, and toss them into the stock to infuse. Mince the remaining ginger fine. Mince the garlic. Thinly slice the chillies. Put some in the stock and place the remainder on the table to serve with dinner. Dice the squash about 1/2". Slice the beans and remaining vegetables into 1" pieces. Cut the fish into 1" pieces.

Heat a skillet and dry roast the coriander seed, stirring gently. Add fennel seed, stir till it begins to change colour, add cumin seed, stir, and when the cumin releases its distinctive fragrance, turn off and set aside to cool. When cool, grind to a powder.

Pour half the spice powder on the fish, add half the turmeric and chili, and salt to taste and toss gently till the fish is coated with the spices.

Heat 1 Tbsp. oil in a medium sized skillet, over medium heat. When the oil is shimmering gently, add 1 tsp of the garlic, stir till golden brown, add shrimp shells, stir till pink, then add up to 2 cups water. Turn the heat down if necessary and let cook, stirring occasionally and adding water, until the water is cooked down to about 3/4 cup. Strain into the stock pot and toss the shells.

Heat 1 Tbsp of the remaining oil in the same skillet till shimmering. Add the remaining garlic, stir gently, add 1 tsp of the chopped ginger, stir, then add the prawns. Stir till pink, then add snow peas, leafy greens, salt to taste, stir and remove from heat. The residual heat and the heat of the stock will cook the vegetables to doneness.

Heat the remaining oil in a large saucepan or skillet. Add the onions and stir till browned. Add remaining ginger, stir, add blachan and any remaining spice powders and OPEN THE WINDOWS AND TURN ON THE VENTILATORS! Spoon off about 6 Tbsp of the coconut milk into the pan and stir, lowering the heat if needed. You should have a thin sauce. If not, add more coconut milk, stock from the simmering stock pot on the back burner, and a little water if needed. Add squash and beans and cook for about five minutes or until almost done, adding liquid as needed. Add the fish and let cook for a minute or two, then stir gently. Add more stock as needed to keep from sticking. Add any remaining coconut milk to the stock pot and stir well.

Cook the noodles as directed on the package. Assemble bowls for individual diners, placing raw greens, if using, at the bottom of each bowl, where they will be cooked by the heat of the cooked ingredients. Top with cooked prawns, followed by noodles, followed by fish curry. Pour boiling stock into each bowl and garnish with desired herbs and extra chillies!

Traditionally, mohinga is eaten with fried stuff like chickpea fritters, and eu char kway, the Chinese fried bread, deep-fried shallots, hard-boiled eggs — all those things your doctor tells you you shouldn't be eating. This is why I adapted the recipe.

So? Make and eat shamelessly, only, na?

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mint MorMoney is a Fucking Twat

Jesus Christ, this guy is a complete fucking twat.

And before you get on my case for calling him a Fucking Twat (which he IS), watch the entire video. Anybody here employed over the last 40 years? Remember when life was good, you worked hard, the boss gave you a bonus at the end of the year? Remember what happened around, oh, say, 2000? When companies started outsourcing jobs, and it seemed like raises kept dropping, or being eliminated altogether? And every year you were told there would be no bonus, or a reduced bonus? And then they started implementing performance targets for bonuses, so that it didn't matter how hard YOU worked, if your team, your group, your department, and your DIVISION didn't make their targets, you, the lowly schlub, could just kiss that bonus goodbye?

That's when Bain Capital was making Mint MorMoney all those millions. That's how come he has $300 million or more in his bank account, and you're lucky if you can feed the kids something that DOESN'T have rice, beans, or Hamburger Helper in it.

Mint MorMoney (copyright Helen Blazes)is a complete and total fucking twat. And if you want him as President, if you stay home and fail to vote for Barack Obama, don't you let me hear you whine ONCE, NOT FUCKING ONCE, about how there are no jobs and millionaires got tax breaks but you're paying more than ever. Because if you can't see that that's what he has planned, then YOU'RE a fucking twat, too, and a very STUPID fucking twat, at that.

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy Sunday!

And, for all you religious types:


We're off on a hike. Suck THAT, y'all! Bonus: Cute cat pix for the faithfull!

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ron Paul Just WHAT?

 Sweet Lawdy Jebus. It looks as if Lepry Kon Ron Paul just won the Iowa AND the Minnesota primaries. All that wah-wah about RMONEY winning after spending bazillions of dollars worth of the loot he looted from Bain and his Wall Street buddies looted from, I dunno, starving infants everywhere in the world? All bushwah. The eight votes that cost RMONEY a million bucks a piece? Vanished into the ether. Either Paul WON, or he's as close as makes no never mind.

And just think, Mittens spent Tagg, Tigg, Togg, Tick, and Tock's inheritance to buy those lousy eight votes and STILL didn't make it.

Pardon me while I laugh my fucking ass off. This is just too rich. Go, Paulians!

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