these go to 11.

(Source: Spotify)

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The Knife- Tooth for an Eye

probably my favorite thing in the world

Listening to public radio in the shower. 

I don’t, like, masturbate to Kai Ryssdal. I just like learning. 

So here's the finished God sketch I anger-wrote this week. Watch the show on Friday, guyz!

So here’s the God sketch I anger-wrote this week, starring Dan St. Germain as God.

Watch Best Week Ever on Friday to see more funny crap!

Also: cock sundae. It’s okay to use if we bleep the word “cock.”

(Source: Spotify)

words/phrases i have tried to use in scripts this week

1. boners (ok to use)
2. bonerfest (ok to use)
3. fantasy rape (not ok to use)
4. stranger domination fantasy (ok to use)
5. Dr. Penis (ok)
6. fuck buttsex (not ok to use)
7. fuck fun (if fuck is bleeped, okay to use)
8. jilling off (ok to use, probably because standards does not understand what “jilling off” means)
9. there’s an emergency in my panties (ok to use)

We need to cut back on God cursing.

– feedback from legal on a script I wrote wherein God refers to himself as an “asshole” and destroys Soddom “because fuck fun, that’s why.”


This is the best one.

(Source: the-walking-dead-twd)

When is Neko Case coming out with a new album?

(Source: Spotify)

Seriously where can I get a corndog in the East Village at 11:03 pm on a Monday.

1. OMG I really want a corn dog.

2. I’m really impressed by how much wine I’m now able to drink in one sitting.

3. Freaks & Geeks is good.

4. Why did I eat all the Green Tea ice cream.

5. Ughhhhhhhh

(Source: Spotify)

I love my mom, but I wish there was a way to convince her that if she sends me more than 10 unanswererd texts in a row, her phone will freeze for a full hour.

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The Hood Internet- Just Wanna Dance Yrself Clean (Jay-Z vs LCD Soundsystem)

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