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Politico: “The reinvention effort includes softening the edges of Romney, both stylistically and philosophically. The more likable version of Romney was no accident – he worked hours on his smile, his posture and the delivery of his words.”

Josh Marshall


TPM is hiring two associate publishers – in each in our DC and NYC offices. Details here.

Josh Marshall

Get A Grip!

TPM Reader SW thinks libs are projecting their own fears and insecurities onto Obama …

In regards to your “toughness” discussion and Democrats’ sensitivity to it, I think it has a lot to do with some of the Democratic presidential nominees of the past.

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Josh Marshall
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Tough As It Gets

TPM Reader LF doesn’t buy the idea that Obama is weak …

TPM Reader HM is way off on the President. Yes, I admit to bias, but this is pretty typical cries of failure from our side whenever President Obama does not, as Chris Matthews would have him do, kick the other side in the balls. And therefore they come up with the idea that “he’s failed.” But it could not be further from the truth.

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Josh Marshall

End of the Line for Big Bird

Mitt Romney’s threat to fire Big Bird got batted around the presidential campaign today. You know that. But I just found out about this other little mystery. @FiredBigBird showed up on Twitter today with an expected hard luck story. And then for some reason Twitter suspended his account. Which got me to thinking: Was this Team Mitt angling to enforce some sort of separation agreement with Big Bird or Sesame Street Inc. pushing some sort of infringement claim?

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Josh Marshall

What They’re Saying

Ever wonder what a money solicitation from the National Organization for Marriage looks like?

What would you do to raise $3 million to protect marriage from Barack Obama and his wealthy homosexual lobbyists?

A gracious pro-marriage supporter has just created an extremely generous matching grant fund to help the National Organization for Marriage demonstrate your commitment to marriage as the unique union of one man and one woman.

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Josh Marshall
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Whither The Choice Election?

As barefaced as it was I honestly don’t think Mitt Romney’s live-action Etch-a-Sketching Wednesday night should have come as such a big surprise. Yes, that’s easy to say with the benefit of hindsight. But this wasn’t a stump speech to base Republicans, it was his great entree to the full spectrum of voters, most of whom like President Obama pretty well.

What is a big surprise to me – and what I think has the real potential to shake up the nature of the campaign – is how hungrily all the conservatives who’d crapped on Romney for being a moderate squish lapped up all that mushy centrism.

Think about it.

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Brian Beutler

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