• Welcome to ACS

    Over our 10 year history, ACS has become a "powerful institution that's helping to shape the law." Hear what Sen. Tom Daschle, Sen. Al Franken, White House Director of Domestic Policy Melody Barnes, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Gov. Deval Patrick and others have to say about where we have been, where we are and where we are going.

  • ACS - 2; Bill O'Reilly - 0

    The O'Reilly "No-pology Tour" continues. Fox News' Bill O'Reilly needs to learn that a real apology cannot start with "I'm not really sorry." It's time he accepts that ACS President Caroline Fredrickson was right, and he was wrong about the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. He can keep his promise, replay the clip, and honestly "apologize for being an idiot."

  • Justice Ginsburg, Gov. Patrick & Others Speak at ACS Convention

    The Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg (video), Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (video), U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa (video), Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Richard Cordray, California Supreme Court Justice Goodwin Liu (video), and others spoke in Washington, D.C., June 14-16, 2012, at the ACS National Convention.

  • Explaining Constitutional Interpretation

    Keeping Faith with the Constitution, a common-sense approach to constitutional interpretation by Goodwin Liu, Pamela S. Karlan, and Christopher Schroeder originally published by ACS, recently was republished by Oxford University Press and continues to generate media coverage.

  • Landmark Health Care Reform & the Supreme Court

    As the U.S. Supreme Court's reviewed the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, ACS provided coverage, commentary and analysis. Read about the news and developments on ACS's Affordable Care Act Resource Page and ACSblog.

  • Judicial Nominations in 2012

    How will the election year affect the confirmation of judges to the federal bench where vacancies are already high? Stay up-to-date with statistics, analysis, and coverage of congressional action at and ACSblog.

  • Money and Politics

    The U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion in Citizens United v. FEC overturned decades-old precedent for federal regulation of corporate campaign finance. Watch video of a panel discussion exploring how the decision may impact the upcoming election. 

  • Addressing the Indigent Defense Crisis

    To address persistent failures to fulfill the promise of Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), ACS has launched an initiative to strengthen the federal role in improving the indigent defense system.

Shaping Debate

  • ACS Members Partner with White House, NEH

    ACS President Caroline Fredrickson was invited to moderate a White House panel by through the NEH’s “Bridging Cultures Through Law” film series. The event brought Fredrickson together with filmmaker Lynn Novick, historian Daniel Okrent, GWU Law professor David Fontana, and Fourth Circuit Judge Andre M. Davis.

  • Sen. Whitehouse in RI Discusses Stalled Judicial Nominations

    Senator Sheldon Whitehouse used remarks at the inaugural event of ACS’s Rhode Island Lawyer Chapter to highlight the negative impact of judicial confirmation delays on the work of the courts and the administration of justice.

  • Dawn Johnsen Addresses ACS Chapters

    Professor Dawn Johnsen, an ACS Board Member, has been a featured speaker at ACS Chapter events across the country, discussing constitutional interpretation and the obstruction of her nomination to head the Justice Department’s OLC.

  • Making News in Nashville

    ACS’s Nashville Chapter recently held a number of news-making events, including a conversation between Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Thomas Perez, and U.S. Attorney Jerry Martin.

Building Networks

  • Educating the Next Generation

    Former acting solicitor general Walter Dellinger brought the Constitution to life at Ross Elementary School as part of ACS’s Constitution in the Classroom program, which sends lawyers and law students to public schools around the country.

  • Sen. Franken Examines the Constitution

    Senator Al Franken delivered a powerful critique of the Roberts Supreme Court and criticized efforts to scuttle the Obama administration's nominations to the federal courts and administration positions.

  • New ACS Health Care Resources Web Page

    ACS has created a web page featuring the latest news, legal filings, videos, and other resources relating to the Affordable Care Act and state efforts to challenge it. Among those resources are two Issue Briefs (here and here) published by ACS, which are cited frequently in the media and policy debates.

  • ACS & Partners Release Booklet on Becoming a Federal Judge

    In an effort to illuminate the federal judicial selection process, ACS has partnered with the HNBA, Justice at Stake, NAPABA, NAWJ, NBA, NCAI, and the National LGBT Bar to produce The Path To The Federal Bench.

  • ACS Journal Article Cited at Senate Hearing

    A study on the growing challenges to employment discrimination plaintiffs in federal courts, published in the official journal of the American Constitution Society, was spotlighted by Sen. Patrick Leahy during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

  • ACS and the Obama Administration

    Many key figures in the Obama administration have engaged with the ACS network, either having been ACS leaders and members, worked with ACS chapters, or spoken at ACS events.

  • Influencing Editorials

    The Akron Beacon Journal editorial board draws from an ACS Issue Brief by Lisa Heinzerling, a Georgetown Law professor and former senior Environmental Protection Agency official, to combat claims that government regulation inhibits economic growth.

Making a Difference

Now at ACS

Celebrate "Constitution Day 2012" with Your ACS Friends

September marks the 225th anniversary of the Constitution. ACS hosted, sponsored, and helped with events across the country -- including a Supreme Court preview in Washington D.C., a constitutional scholar debate in New York City, an award ceremony in Boston, ACS volunteer "Constitution in the Classroom" teachers in schools, and much more. Also, listen to our new "ACS Law Talk" podcast series.

Read Publications

Find Events

July 16:The Nashville Chapter presents “After the Health Care Decision: The Precedent, Policy, and Politics of Health Care Reform and NFIB v. Sebelius,”


Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN);
James F. Blumstein, Univ. Prof. of Con. Law & Health Policy, Policy Dir., Vanderbilt Health Policy Ctr., Vanderbilt Law School;
Elizabeth Wydra, Gen. Counsel, Con. Accountability Ctr. 

1 hr. of CLE for $20.  RSVP here for CLE.  All others RSVP here.

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Read the Constitution

Click to view the U.S. Constitution and read our founding document.

"ACS Law Talk" Podcast Series

In each episode of "ACS Law Talk" we’ll be talking to scholars, policy-makers, and legal experts about current topics, cases, and debates. Listen to the podcasts here.

Judicial Nominations

Visit the ACS Judicial Nominations Website

The latest developments on nominees, delays, and the continuing vacancy crisis.