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Obama in the First Debate: Terrible Performance or Political Rope-a-Dope? With 19 States Deprived of Exit Polls, the Blind are Even Blinder Venezuela: Bolivarian Revolution on the Line in Crucial Election Mitt Romney's Debate Strategy: The Audacity of Mendacity Gambling Baron Sheldon Adelson Uses Million Dollar War Chest to Convince Jewish Voters to Abandon Democratic Party![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- As Military Suicides Rise, Focus Is on Private Guns
- Venezuela: Bolivarian Revolution on the Line in Crucial Election -- Nikolas Kozloff for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Obama in the First Debate: Terrible Performance or Political Rope-a-Dope? -- Steven Jonas for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- With 19 States Deprived of Exit Polls, the Blind are Even Blinder -- Jonathan Simon for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Mitt Romney's Debate Strategy: The Audacity of Mendacity -- Will Durst for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- How the G.O.P. Became the Anti-Urban Party
- Maher VIDEO: Hey climate change deniers: “What are we gonna develop that replaces Iowa?” Oceans, marine life, seafood industry now at risk.
- Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister on Romney: “What I see is ignorance of what is reality.”
- Has Romney Caught up With Obama in Wisconsin?
- Capitol Assets: Congress’s wealthiest mostly shielded from effects of deep recession
- Jon Stewart, Bill O’Reilly rumble, and zingers fly
- Tea Party Voter Suppression Group Under Investigation for Possible "Criminal Conspiracy"
- Wealthy Congress Did Well During the Recession
- Michigan CEO "Tells" Employees to Vote for Romney or Else
- Romney's Attack on Big Bird Was Calculated
- Walmart Warehouse Strikers to Return to Work with Full Back Pay
- "The Measure of a Nation" Challenges Illusions of American Superiority
- Newt Gingrich: Romney ‘Changed’ On Taxes
- Paul Krugman: The Press Doesn’t Know How To Handle Political Lies
- 30 Days Out: Fundamentals Still Favor Obama
- Paul Ryan: "Let's Make This Country a Tax Shelter" (VIDEO)
- Some in G.O.P. Choose to Return to Akin’s Corner
- Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group
- Joseph Stiglitz tells jobs ‘truthers’ the idea of a conspiracy is ‘literally absurd’
- Could the Western Sahara Blow Up?
- Senate battle hits Big Sky country
- Scant Oversight of Drug Maker Leads to Fatal Meningitis Outbreak
- The Emperor's New Hump The New York Times killed a story that could have changed the election—because it could have changed the election
- Phoenix City Council Considering Local ID for Undocumented Immigrants
- The BLS jobs numbers the GOP won't talk about
- Americans donate $7 million toward $16-trillion U.S. debt
- Guy Ryder: Teaching is a profession under siege
- Eight of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s Wildest Comments
- Advertising on Television Rockets, as Super PACs Pour in the Dough: Total Spending $5 Billion
- Crackdown on medical marijuana
- Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: the Mystery of the Stranger on the Stage
- Best Line of the Debate
- Murder of Miami’s ‘Cocaine Queen’ Offers Teaching Moment
- Living in Some Parts of Chicago Can Take More Than a Decade Off Your Life
- Are Liberals Really ’50-50′ Over The Jon Stewart-Bill O’Reilly Rumble
- Manila and Rebel Group Take Step Toward Peace Plan
- Police officer fatally shoots naked student at University of South Alabama
- Bit of Good News for Obama: Poll Numbers Up
- Gingrich Admits Romney Wasn’t Honest About Tax Plan During Debate
- Republican says evolution, Big Bang theory 'lies straight from the pit of hell'
- Life in Waziristan, 2012 “AD” | Truthout
- Is the Greek Crisis a Harbinger of Our Future?
- 5 terror suspects from UK appear in US courts
- China Moves to Silence Journalists Who Offered Rare Transparency
- Turkish False Flag on Syria
- Iranian Jews to Israel: Our National Idenity is Not for Sale
- Economist Richard Duncan: Civilization May Not Survive 'Death Spiral'
- Did past week’s events change Romney’s, Obama’s fortunes?
- Federal Appeals Court Upholds Decision Restoring Early Voting In Ohio
- Obama Des Moines Office Spray-Painted: "Muslim Lier"
- Gore Vidal told you so The prolific writer and activist passed away in July, but his political wisdom is both prescient and timeless
- Presidential Debate Aftermath: Mitt Romney Wins All-Important BS Contest
- Former Collaborator of ACORN "Pimp" Lays Bare Plot Aimed at Obama Pastor
- South Korea extends missile range under new deal with U.S.
- The Bane of Banned Books
- Chevron Asks Email Providers to Hand Over Users' Private Information
- Nuclear Plant Owner Proposes Restarting Damaged Reactor
- Obama and Democrats Raise $181 Million in September
- Chavez Supporters Flood Venezuelan Capital as Campaign Closes
- Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises
- Free birth control cuts abortion rate dramatically, study finds
- Opposition candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski started the give and take whereas Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez kept closed and guarded for the first time in quite a long time. This election campaign was all about the "majunche" (the dull one) versus the "candidate of the past"
- Peace March Against Drones in Pakistan Ends with Rally After Convoy Stopped by Army
- Platinum Company Fires 12,000 Striking Miners in South Africa
- Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly Set for Debate 'Rumble' in Washington DC
- Rachel Maddow: What could go wrong when Alabama Republicans go to Ohio to campaign for Mitt Romney?
- An Open Letter to Mitt Romney From Big Bird
- When Did Checking the Facts Become Taking a Candidate "at His Word"?
- Stand With Big Bird
- Report: Rep. Paul Ryan among “Worst of the Worst” when it comes to voting against the middle class
- Justice Scalia: Outlawing “homosexual sodomy” is a no-brainer
- Coal Workers Say Murray Energy "Coerces" Them to Make GOP Donations: "If You Don’t Contribute, Your Job’s at Stake"
- Don’t Panic! Five Unnecessary Liberal Freakouts
- 91 People Are Charged With Fraud, Billing Millions to Medicare
- Failed clean coal projects cost Illinois taxpayers millions
- Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: The debate, the jobs numbers, and the polls
- Three Approaches to Engaging Climate Deniers
- The Top 11 Excuses Conservatives Are Already Making for Losing the Election
- The Emperor's New Hump: The New York Times killed a story that could have changed the election — because it could have changed the election
- Beyond Voting: It's fine to cast a ballot, but real change comes from coalitions.
- Daryl Hannah and East Texas Great-Grandmother Arrested Protesting Keystone XL Pipeline
- September Jobs Report a Huge Boost for Obama
- Robert Reich | The First Presidential Debate
- A Farm Bill Only Monsanto Could Love
- Not Just Big Bird: Six Examples of the Right's War on Beloved Children's Characters
- Where Is War Making Taking Us?
- Right-Wingers Invent Hilarious Excuses for Why Unemployment Has Fallen Under 8 Percent
- Election Countdown 2012: Company Executives in New York Are Finding Their Way Around Limits on Campaign Contributions for Mayoral Candidates, and More
- Jim Lehrer: "I Have No Apologies" for My Debate Moderator Performance
- Texas settles “dead” voter purge lawsuit
- Quote of the day: Lies from “the pit of Hell”
- Canadian-owned firm's mega-donation to super PAC raises ‘legal red flags’- pro-Romney group received $1 million from foreign-owned company
- Did ExxonMobil Pay Torturers?
- Todd Akin "Forgot" About $130,000 Paid to Him
- FBI: Border Patrol agent was likely killed by friendly fire
- Foxconn workers on iPhone 5 line strike in China, rights group says
- Lose the GOP "Free Rider" Meme, Please
- Arctic Ice Melt, Psychopathic Capitalism and the Corporate Media
- Skilled Women Break Through Barriers to Entry and Promotion in Trades Work
- Five Pre-9/11 al Qaeda Suspects Are Extradited to US
- Romney and Ryan: Stabbing at Shadows
- Federal Appeals Court Upholds Decision Restoring Early Voting in Ohio
- Why Susan Scott Buried TransCanada's Money on Her Family Farm
- Matt Taibbi | Presidential Debate Aftermath: Mitt Romney Wins All-Important BS Contest
- From Indonesia to California, Laborers Say "No" to Precarious Work
- Appalachian Coal Miners are Eschewing Unions and Going Republican
- Mitt's 50 Lies and Counting
- The Women Who Were Invisible at the Presidential Debate
- Robert Scheer | Sigh No More: Obama, Romney Leave No Room to Argue
- Thom Hartmann: Hey Media - How can Romney lie constantly and then be declared the winner? (Video)
- Did Mitt Cheat at the Debate? (Video)
- On the News With Thom Hartmann: More Than 250 Walmart Workers and Sympathizers From Southern California Walked Out on the Job Thursday, and More
- Washington Post: Fall in jobless rate strips Romney of an argument
- Romney Speaking to an Empty Chair: New Yorker Cover on the Debate This Week
- Gallup: Obama’s Approval Rating Reaches 54 Percent, Highest Mark Since ‘09
- Unemployment report could help turn tide for Obama campaign
- How Big Companies Use Plain English to Rob You Blind
- Obama: 'Elmo, You Better Make A Run For It!' (VIDEO)
- Jon Stewart: Romney Won Debate Even Though He Was ‘Lying His A** Off The Entire Night’
- Did Romney cheat as well as lie? Watch the right hand.
- Solid Jobs Report Spawns Crackpot ‘Job Truthers’ Movement
- Rick Santorum Hints He Might Eat Big Bird for Thanksgiving -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- EPA Appeals Decision That Struck Down New Limits on Air Pollution
- GMOs, pesticides, and the new scientific deadlock
- Wave of Anti-Voter State Laws Detailed by GAO -- The Office of Senator Bernie Sanders for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- No Income? No Problem! How the Gov’t Is Saddling Parents with College Loans They Can’t Afford
- Gambling Baron Sheldon Adelson Uses Million Dollar War Chest to Convince Jewish Voters to Abandon Democratic Party -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Superweeds linked to rising herbicide use in GM crops
- U.S. Civilians Try to Inform U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan About Pakistan
- Punditocracy: Lying = Winning. Seriously?
- Denver Restaurant receives threats after passing on Romney Campaign Stop
- New Study Confirms Obamacare’s Birth Control Mandate Could Reduce Abortion Rate
- Whistleblower Group's Campaign Targets Bank Employees
- Biden Turns Attack Dog on Romney Day After Debate
- Army’s Former Sex Slaves Testify in Guatemala
- The Ostroy Report: Facts, Polls and Job Stats, Oh My!
- Political analysis: Jobs report boosts Obama
- Unemployment in Euro Zone at Record High
- Company Target of Voter Fraud Investigation
- The "Citizens United" Tsunami
- Revealed: Romney’s Bain Capital Invested in Grotesque Chinese Sweatshop, Detailed at Boca Raton Fundraiser
- President Obama regains his mojo at University of Wisconsin-Madison rally
- Body Language Expert: Romney ‘Hyperactive,’ Obama ‘Measured’ in Debate
- Coming of Age in a Guantanamo Jumpsuit
- Facebook is allegedly ‘auto-liking’ posts on users’ behalf without permission
- California Governor Chooses Business Over Workers, Vetoes Important Worker Protection Bills
- Romney On 47 Percent: ‘I Said Something That’s Just Completely Wrong’
- Romney Won Using a Debate Technique Called the Gish Gallop
- New Study of Cuts to Texas Family Planning Program Finds Dismaying Early Results
- Conversations: Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, discusses the current crisis in Libya and Muslims in America
- Feds: Network Sneaked U.S. Technology To Russian Military
- Fear & Loathing 2012: POTUS Lets the Messenger of A Monstrous Future Get Up Off the Mat; Meanwhile, Chomsky and Solnet Speak for the True Grown-Ups in the Room
- Postal Service offers buyouts
- Global shares gain after surprise drop in U.S. unemployment
- National Rifle Association Endorses Romney That's Odd. He's Hardly a Straight Shooter.
- Paul Krugman: Mr. Romney tried to mislead the public, and he shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.
- Paul Ryan outraised by House opponent in past quarter
- Gallup: Obama’s Approval Rating Reaches 54 Percent, Highest Mark Since ‘09
- Study Finds Rise in Gay Characters on Network TV
- Pro-Muslim Subway Ads to Hang Near Anti-Jihad Ads
- Romney Debate Win: He Proved He Could Sell a Junk Car With No Engine as a New Cadillac -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Obama's Social Security Answer Leaves Democrats Utterly Baffled
- Mitt Romney's Promise to Put Big Bird to Death Will Haunt Him
- A Day Late: Obama accuses Romney of dishonesty in debate
- The Media Can Now Get the Electoral Horse Race It Wants
- Wednesday’s debate brought into clearer focus that Romney is dodging specifics on the cost of the tax cut itself
- Report: Obama Hauls In Record $150 Million In September
- William Rivers Pitt | A Nationally-Televised Presidential Fail
- Romney Accuses the President of Doing All the Right Things, Especially on Green Energy -- Jacqueline Marcus for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Sioux Racing to Find Millions to Buy Sacred Land in Black Hills
- War, Veterans and Moral Injury -- Robert C. Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Florida Farmworkers Win Chipotle's Support in Bid for Improved Conditions
- Why Obama Lost the First Debate -- George Lakoff and Elizabeth Wehling for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Why We Fear and Hate the Truth -- Peter Michaelson for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Mitt Romney Etch-a-Sketches Himself Back Into the Presidential Race
- Dark Money Group Told IRS It Wouldn’t Be Political—Then Spent $1 Million on Campaign Ads
- AFL-CIO Registers More Than 450,000 New Voters from Union Households
- Obama Camp’s Post-Debate Plan: Expose ‘Serial Evader’ Romney
- Obama Campaign: Adjustments Will Be Made in Debate Strategy
- VIDEO: Republican Party Training ‘Poll Challengers’ In Illegal Voter Suppression
- Anti-Immigrant Group Launches Racist Ad Campaign To Pit African-Americans Against Immigrants
- California Gas Stations Begin to Shut on Record-High Prices
- PBS CEO Calls Romney's Debate Remarks 'Stunning'
- VIDEO: Mitt Romney Was Pivotal Advocate For Homeland Security 'Fusion Centers' Slammed In New Report
- What Were You Thinking, Mr. President?
- The First Debate: Mitt Romney's Five Biggest Lies
- Big Bird | Mitt Romney Doesn't Scare Me
- Romney Admits Pushing Misinformation In Debate
- Florida Opens Criminal Probe into GOP Registration Fraud Scandal
- Paul Krugman | A Presidential Campaign With No Plan B
- SATIRE: Unanimous Agreement on Debate: Replace Jim Lehrer With ‘Replacement Refs’