I hate many common sports analogies, where a presidential debate is likened to a boxing match, and the election itself, to a horserace.
What I do love are football analogies, especially for business,
by Floyd Blue
0 Recs
I got my flu shot this past week. The university provides them free of charge (okay, they are covered by our health insurance) and I am always first in line to get one. Flu shots are also ...
by annetteboardman
0 Recs
In the previous diary of this series, we talked about NASA's plans to use sand to scour the "oily film" of life on Earth from the surfaces of the material handling tools and the analytical ...
by LeftOfYou
4 Recs
The ridiculousness of Mitt Romney's fervent efforts to actively deny tens of millions of Americans affordable and convenient access to health care ('hey guys, we can't play the game like that') is ...
by james321
1 Recs
I think the best response to Romney in his debate and his "gish gallop" is to go through every single point he makes and debunk it with facts and evidence, Bill Clinton style. And I also think ...
by coolelegans
1 Recs
Republicans and their media water-carriers are apoplectic about Friday's report showing the unemployment rate dipped to 7.8 percent in September as the U.S. economy added 114,000 new jobs. But ...
by Jon Perr
15 Recs
My modest income of under $700 a month is bolstered by $132 in food money each month. That is the maximum determined to be needed by an adult that is disabled apparently. If I had no income at all I ...
by Horace Boothroyd III
7 Recs
If you study the effect of Obama's stunningly bad debate performance, all the sound and the fury is coming from Obama's supporters. They are electrified, galvanized... to use Samuel L. Jackson ...
by Seatons Newslinks
2 Recs
Panetta says Karzai should thank allied forces
LIMA, Peru (AP) — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta lashed back at Afghan President Hamid Karzai Friday, saying the Afghan leader should say thank you ...
by EdMass
1 Recs
My best friend Carole Greene Halmrast Bastasz isn't long for this world.
I flew out to see her in Minneapolis a few weeks ago, and knowing how much she supports President Obama, I brought her the ...
by anna shane
7 Recs
Aren't you sick of hearing this already??
Since unemployment is now back under 8% again, this seems to be the new Republican talking point you will hear on all the Sundays news shows tomorrow. ...
by duke1983
0 Recs
I have the deepest respect for Nate Silver and this 538 piece is incredible!
Wednesday, we all thought the ...
by Jamesleo
5 Recs
Paul Ryan has already spend a million bucks on TV ads to try to retain his seat in Congress. He has to. He's not campaigning in his district. At all. He feels entitled to it because he's been re-...
by Puddytat
26 Recs
Can President Obama say "it' s morning in America", given 7.8% unemployment just reported for September 2012? Well, Ronald Reagan said it in October 1984, when the unemployment rate was actually 7.4%
by amberkeley
2 Recs
I was pissed, you were pissed, we were all pissed with the President's weak performance at the first debate. More importantly, Barack Obama was pissed off with his performance.
Nobody had to tell ...
by aaraujo
7 Recs
Israel is in danger of losing its free press. The Financial Times reported on Friday October 5th 2012, that cuts in the budget of liberal newspaper Haaretz by owner Amos Schocken have led to a ...
by niccolo caldararo
0 Recs
Look at this rock on the left in these Curiosity pics... how did it get so greebly?? Is it a partly-dissolved chunk of limestone? Calcified Martian squid fossils from 100 million years ago? A ...
by Autonomeritus
3 Recs
Those of you who already either know me or know of me know that I am a massive pootie person. We have just moved into an apartment and now have a pootie, named Princess Ashley; however I grew up ...
by triciawyse
40 Recs
by James L
2 Recs
During the first Obama-Romney debate, Mitt Romney stated that he wanted to cut funding for the Public Broadcasting Service, better known as PBS:
I’m sorry, Jim. I’m going to stop the subsidy to ...
by DownstateDemocrat
6 Recs
In 2008, Oregon demolished the infamous state mental hospital where One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was filmed. In 2012, mentally-ill patients are placed in a variety of facilities, ...
by orangey123
3 Recs
GE's subprime lender had a business model based on fraud. Welch wants to shut down government investigations that will expose GE's dirty laundry.
by Been There 1963
14 Recs
Facts are a stubborn things. Inconvenient too, for Politicians that avoid them like exercise and spinach.
Facts let us do "Apples and Oranges" comparisons . And such factual comparisons give us a ...
by jamess
13 Recs
There is no denying it...Mitt won the debate...in the eyes of his base...here is the reason he lost, Big Bird...it isn't what you say but how you say it.
Mitt's Problem has been being perceived as ...
by Bill O Rights
15 Recs
Sorry for the provocative title, but that's about where I'm at with my life.
So, my estranged wife is out for a romantic weekend, and I feel like I'm losing my mind, literally.
I'm anxious, and ...
by pholkhero
5 Recs
Again, we have Mother Jones to thank for yet another telling video that allows Paul Ryan to express his utter disdain for working Americans:
As Brett Brownell and Nick Baumann quoted in the ...
by ninothemindboggler
2 Recs
It was an audacious strategy, and it might have worked in a world devoid of justice. Thankfully we still have a teaspoon or two of that substance stashed in our cupboard. Romney seems to've gained ...
by Hammerhand
3 Recs
That's my advice to everyone who isn't happy with the movement in the polls right now. I live in a safe state and can't travel to help GotV more directly, but at least I can throw Obama a few ...
by thezzyzx
4 Recs
I was amazed when I read in the Grand Rapids Press (Michigan) when Richard Lacks, CEO and president of Lacks Enterprises, sent a strongly worded memo to his 2,300 employees that they should vote for ...
by 50sbaby
9 Recs
by thinkingblue
3 Recs
Was 50-45. Make of it what you will.
by Tuffie
3 Recs
Obama has a key strategic weakness; he may not show anger. He cannot afford to be seen as an ‘Angry Black Man’. This severely limits his effectiveness when confronted with outrageous things; ...
by pmc6
5 Recs
I'm pretty excited to find out President Bill Clinton will be in Tempe, AZ next week to stand with Dr. Richard Carmona.
I am going to try to get my dad to the event. He is a right-leaning ...
by ThatPoshGirl
23 Recs
Romney and his personal characteristics (eg deception) are just the avatar of the actual threat -- the republican project to dominate American society from a worldview that only a minority accepts.
by Allequash
0 Recs
Your reaction to my first post really blew me away! I just want to thank all of you for being so awesome. I want to write a series of these, describing my ideas about how these movements arise, ...
by Greg Meyer
3 Recs
Click to listen to ...
by ProgressiveLiberal
0 Recs
We're abandoning a vulnerable population in our society. It's time to get serious about helping them out.
by Spencer Troxell
8 Recs
This is not a diary it is just the sharing of the best news EVER.
by Olympia
74 Recs
I am continuing as an embedded blogger on the "Stop the Greed Agenda Bus Tour" organized by Patriot Majority USA. The National Education Association is paying me to post on their Education Votes ...
by teacherken
26 Recs
Always remember, the Romney path to victory is - just be the anti-Obama, don't get specific, and everything will be fine.
Well, life doesn't always cooperate, so there are lots of plan B's to that ...
by JBtakenote
3 Recs
Welcome to jeep59ear (user_id 586045) who registered at 2012-10-06 04:59:56 EDT, the most recent of 1957 in the preceding 24 hours.
Yesterday 294 Kogs published 354 posts of which 334 were ...
by jotter
17 Recs
It is amazing how many people form opinions and make comments about articles they have never read. We live in a sociopath society that gets off on antagonizing people for no clear reason. I see ...
by ConsciousObserver
0 Recs
I have worked for small businesses since the start of my career, and before that in college. And I have noticed a glaring loophole in Romney's argument that cutting income tax rates on businesses ...
by randomfacts
6 Recs
Very short diary. I hope it doesn't break any rules.
Many at DailyKos are upset about the debate. The far more important event, the one that will resonate beyond a bounce in right-leading polls, is ...
by cweinsch
23 Recs
This is obviously a rhetorical question.
You may know the answer from the first question itself. But will the kool aid drinkers know?
OK, here we go ...
Who am I?
by harry xing
0 Recs
This Young Turks clip shows exactly how NOT to do fact-checking.
This one involves Obama's assertion in the debate that Romney is offering a $5 trillion tax-cut and that, in so doing, will be ...
by Rolandz
8 Recs
'Comforting Thoughts on Obama and Romney's First Debate – As Undecided Voters Think It Over'
No question in this 1st presidential debate, putting it kindly, Romney mangled the truth. But it is ...
by jps1
1 Recs
Wednesday I filled up my car at Safeway in Chico and I paid $3.99 a gallon before a road trip down to SF for a couple of days. When I got to SF I was AMAZED that the prices of Gas in SF was $4.73 a ...
by l3m0n
7 Recs
By the end of 1931, it was clear that there was a mainstream market for Horror films. Universal had a very good year thanks to DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN. By the start of 1932, ...
by cmcolin
2 Recs
The good economic news keeps on rolling in. Showing that Mitt's bullshit talks while President Obama's actions walk
The federal budget deficit dipped to $1.1 trillion in fiscal 2012, the 12 month ...
by NJMaverick
12 Recs
This was a week with lots of openings. The conversation was all about the election.
Mitt's lies.
Big bird.
7,8% and the deniers.
What did you do to keep the conversation going and going in our ...
by Frank Palmer
0 Recs
Nothing new under the sun
In 2007 Joseph E. Stiglitz wrote:
Unemployment stands at a respectable 4.6 percent.
Whoopee I hear you cry, but there is a big BUT .
A national debt that will ...
by LaFeminista
13 Recs
One of the more prominent evangelical/fundamentalist pastors who hasn't engaged in right-wing hankering has begun carrying water for the religious right--and in a big way. John MacArthur pastors ...
by Christian Dem in NC
20 Recs
We said good bye to my beloved father last weekend. My brother and I eulogized him. That was a tough spot of writing and delivering, but a labor of love. One must choose one's words carefully out ...
by StellaRay
26 Recs
CBO Deficit Projections
Matching the good news on the Jobs numbers along with the report that the Obama Administration just took in a record $181 Million in donations in September, the CBO - at the ...
by Vyan
189 Recs
Pointless short diary.
This is my fantasy attack I would love to hear from the President during the last debate.
by BudP
1 Recs
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Senator Jon Tester (D) and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee hit Republican Congressman Denny Rehberg double hard for suing the Montana Fire Department and ...
by poopdogcomedy
15 Recs
If you want to understand the U.S. federal budget I suggest you back up and look at the forest instead of the trees.
There will be a lot of talk about the U.S. federal budget as we prepare for the ...
by smokey545
6 Recs
In the land of Mitt all the countries financial problems are caused by big bird, and everybody in government has one goal and that is to keep a socialist, Muslim, atheist, kenyan anti-colonialist in ...
by Karl251
0 Recs
Cross-Posted at THE DAILY MUSIC BREAK , the site that features good music regardless of era or genre. Visit for a free daily or weekly email of links. Please visit.
Without doubt, the most ...
by cweinsch
7 Recs
WASHINGTON D.C. ~ On Wednesday, six Catholics and three Jews will consider a challenge to the use of diversity in undergraduate admissions at the University of Texas in Austin. The nine justices all ...
by MrBillOfRights
1 Recs
The hotly-anticipated sequel to Demon Sheep has arrived, just in time to clinch 'worst ad of the year' for the Republicans from the DNC's tinny, awful The Romney Bunch.
Republicans really ...
by ConfusedSkyes
1 Recs
The Daily Bucket is a place where we post and exchange our observations about what is happening in the natural world in our neighborhood. Bugs, buds, birds - each note is a record that we can ...
by enhydra lutris
18 Recs
by ericlewis0
101 Recs
On Hardball yesterday, Chris Matthews pushed back forcefully against Jack Welch's
unsubstantiated and reckless "twitter" assertion concerning the just released 7.8% unemployment figure from the ...
by jkay
11 Recs
Sam Wang, Princeton numbers guy, is at it again. He has a new post up called "A Very Hungry Gerrymander".
by SantaFeMarie
2 Recs
Republicans once again declare war on PBS, NPR and, most bizarrely, Sesame Street. Hell Mitt Romney was dumb enough to personify (birdify?) it for us by saying firing Big Bird would solve all our ...
by mole333
13 Recs
Dodd-Frank was never a particularly impressive piece of legislation - not surprising given that one of the bill's namesakes, Chris Dodd was caught red handed taking special favors from Countrywide/...
by DSWright
22 Recs
I am usually immune to conspiracy theories, but lately I have begun to wonder--
In my small City there appears to be undue influence by Republicans in a ( supposedly) non partisan race.
And now, ...
by phantomlib
0 Recs
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch ran a great editorial endorsing President Obama for a second term. It really points out the stark differences between the President and Mitt Romney.
Here's an excerpt (...
by Kwik
198 Recs
"Mitt Romney was a disappointment with his nearly gaffe-less and mostly truthful performance."
by ConsciousObserver
2 Recs
Every day is a new day and with that, a new opportunity.
EVERYONE is welcome and please join us each morning at 7:30 AM PACIFIC
to tell us what you're working on, share your show & tell , vent, ...
by navajo
47 Recs
With the help of an earth-shattering support from 1.8 million donors!
This tops his all time fundraising high of $150M in September 2008. So while the media is wasting time trying to prop up their ...
by Hopefruit2
85 Recs
I've seen press reports saying Mitt Romney has moved to the "center". We all know that is bull shit.
Here is something that the media seems to have missed, at least I have not seen it talked about ...
by lighttheway
12 Recs
The Rand poll is one of the best. Read their methodology. Obama 49.18 versus Romney at 44.75 showing that most minds were ...
by jan0080
6 Recs