Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky demolish one of the central tenets of our political culture, the idea of the "liberal media." Instead, utilizing a systematic model based on massive empirical research, they reveal the manner in which the news media are so subordinated to corporate and conservative interests that their function can only be described as that of "elite propaganda."
Or, if you hate reading, watch the documentary "Orwell Rolls in His Grave." It's available for free on youtube. They do a decent job explaining the mechanisms and bias of corporate media.
The problem is that you are not qualified to have this debate because you have not studied both arguments in depth. What books have you read that propose the corporate media theory? ANY?
I've read your side's arguments. They are vacuous. They are not accurate, and fail to show a true understanding of how power operates in our society, especially through media obfuscation and censorship.
Go read Amy Goodman, Richard McChesney's "corporate media and the threat to democracy"........
I think we can agree MOST liberals were against the invasion of Iraq before it happened, and that MOST liberals wanted single payer healthcare. Those were the LIBERAL positions on those two critical issues.
I've been asking you, for a while, to show me how the "liberal" media advocated for those positions. And if it didn't, which it didn't, how is it a liberal media?
You're caught up in the shell game of partisan politics- which is ANOTHER tactic of corporate media- divide and conquer.....
I go for the causes because that's where the meat is. Partisan politics is a shell game- and favoring one corporate candidate over another is not liberal bias. Also, what evidence do you have that the media favored Obama or Kerry over Bush or Romney? I've seen studies that show the negative v. positive story ratio was about the same for Obama and Romney.
You can't come up with liberal advocacy- THAT is why is keep talking about liberal causes and how the media does NOT take those positions.....
...were talking too much truth about Pelosi & her pals. Cant have that.
You say I provided no examples
"Do stars get on the boob-tube & advocate for causes? Sure.."
But its nothing compared to the oil companies you say. I dont even know the name of a single oil company. Name one time an oil company was advocating a right wing cause. Your the one who hasnt given any examples.
And why do you keep pretending bias is strictly defined by advocating certain causes. You dont even know what it means
...the left is mostly bark & little bite when it comes to the 1st amendment. They have little tolerance for those who dont think like them. Like all their unprovoked criticism towards religion esp. christians. Something I guess your oblivious too since a right wing media wouldnt do that. Talk radio, perhaps the only right wing dominated outlet, for some reason needs to be silenced. Pelosi & other Dems tried their darnedest to impose the fairness doctrine on it b/c those pesky talk show hosts...
...just fired this liberal to make room for a conservative. So yea it does make sense. But the proof is in the pudding, he was fired only 4 months later.
What does the media is corporate even mean, that the media is a collection of corporations? That doesnt translate into proof of a right wing bias
The 'corporate censorship' on MTV was about being politically correct. Not my interpretation either, when I looked it up thats what I found. That whole PC trip is the left's thing. BTW the...
...negative stuff about Iraq. Just about every celebrity there is offered criticism on Iraq. The medias always harsh on R presidents & anything but on D presidents. If you honestly think the media clearly favored Bush/Romney but was very critical of Obama, you should prob see a proctologist so he can remove ur head from your ass.
Right or left bias the media would never claim yea we're totally biased. Bad for business. So if they come off as leaning left they'd say no thats absurd see look we...
I was talking about right after 9/11. When it wasnt about being pro-war it was about finding those responsible & nobody was saying lets let it go. Iraq was like a year & half later & even then the majority wasnt against it thats bullshit. For one it was still close to 9/11 & two its just common sense the more drawn out these things are the less popular they are. But seriously how you can think the media was on Bush's side is incredible. They constantly berated him. The NYTimes ran plenty of...
Banning the word war isn't left wing. Liberals are traditionally (and currently) the staunchest supporters of free speech. But the liberals were anti-war, so banning the word war would be considered pro-war, corporate censorship.
Now sure who you don't see that. Oh well.
The media is corporate. I have proven that in this debate. You have not come up with ANY examples of the media advocating for liberal causes. Until you do that, you have no argument to stand on.
Or, if you hate reading, watch the documentary "Orwell Rolls in His Grave." It's available for free on youtube. They do a decent job explaining the mechanisms and bias of corporate media.
Have a nice day.
tristramshandy3 in reply to tristramshandy3 (Show the comment) 2 hours ago
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The problem is that you are not qualified to have this debate because you have not studied both arguments in depth. What books have you read that propose the corporate media theory? ANY?
I've read your side's arguments. They are vacuous. They are not accurate, and fail to show a true understanding of how power operates in our society, especially through media obfuscation and censorship.
Go read Amy Goodman, Richard McChesney's "corporate media and the threat to democracy"........
tristramshandy3 in reply to tristramshandy3 (Show the comment) 2 hours ago
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I think we can agree MOST liberals were against the invasion of Iraq before it happened, and that MOST liberals wanted single payer healthcare. Those were the LIBERAL positions on those two critical issues.
I've been asking you, for a while, to show me how the "liberal" media advocated for those positions. And if it didn't, which it didn't, how is it a liberal media?
You're caught up in the shell game of partisan politics- which is ANOTHER tactic of corporate media- divide and conquer.....
tristramshandy3 in reply to tristramshandy3 (Show the comment) 2 hours ago
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I go for the causes because that's where the meat is. Partisan politics is a shell game- and favoring one corporate candidate over another is not liberal bias. Also, what evidence do you have that the media favored Obama or Kerry over Bush or Romney? I've seen studies that show the negative v. positive story ratio was about the same for Obama and Romney.
You can't come up with liberal advocacy- THAT is why is keep talking about liberal causes and how the media does NOT take those positions.....
tristramshandy3 in reply to mikedd56 (Show the comment) 2 hours ago
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...were talking too much truth about Pelosi & her pals. Cant have that.
You say I provided no examples
"Do stars get on the boob-tube & advocate for causes? Sure.."
But its nothing compared to the oil companies you say. I dont even know the name of a single oil company. Name one time an oil company was advocating a right wing cause. Your the one who hasnt given any examples.
And why do you keep pretending bias is strictly defined by advocating certain causes. You dont even know what it means
mikedd56 in reply to tristramshandy3 (Show the comment) 10 hours ago
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...the left is mostly bark & little bite when it comes to the 1st amendment. They have little tolerance for those who dont think like them. Like all their unprovoked criticism towards religion esp. christians. Something I guess your oblivious too since a right wing media wouldnt do that. Talk radio, perhaps the only right wing dominated outlet, for some reason needs to be silenced. Pelosi & other Dems tried their darnedest to impose the fairness doctrine on it b/c those pesky talk show hosts...
mikedd56 in reply to tristramshandy3 (Show the comment) 10 hours ago
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...just fired this liberal to make room for a conservative. So yea it does make sense. But the proof is in the pudding, he was fired only 4 months later.
What does the media is corporate even mean, that the media is a collection of corporations? That doesnt translate into proof of a right wing bias
The 'corporate censorship' on MTV was about being politically correct. Not my interpretation either, when I looked it up thats what I found. That whole PC trip is the left's thing. BTW the...
mikedd56 in reply to tristramshandy3 (Show the comment) 10 hours ago
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...negative stuff about Iraq. Just about every celebrity there is offered criticism on Iraq. The medias always harsh on R presidents & anything but on D presidents. If you honestly think the media clearly favored Bush/Romney but was very critical of Obama, you should prob see a proctologist so he can remove ur head from your ass.
Right or left bias the media would never claim yea we're totally biased. Bad for business. So if they come off as leaning left they'd say no thats absurd see look we...
mikedd56 in reply to tristramshandy3 (Show the comment) 10 hours ago
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I was talking about right after 9/11. When it wasnt about being pro-war it was about finding those responsible & nobody was saying lets let it go. Iraq was like a year & half later & even then the majority wasnt against it thats bullshit. For one it was still close to 9/11 & two its just common sense the more drawn out these things are the less popular they are. But seriously how you can think the media was on Bush's side is incredible. They constantly berated him. The NYTimes ran plenty of...
mikedd56 in reply to tristramshandy3 (Show the comment) 10 hours ago
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Banning the word war isn't left wing. Liberals are traditionally (and currently) the staunchest supporters of free speech. But the liberals were anti-war, so banning the word war would be considered pro-war, corporate censorship.
Now sure who you don't see that. Oh well.
The media is corporate. I have proven that in this debate. You have not come up with ANY examples of the media advocating for liberal causes. Until you do that, you have no argument to stand on.
tristramshandy3 in reply to mikedd56 (Show the comment) 3 days ago
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