Environmentalists blame global warming.
“Holy CRAP!” says reader Ralph Fato. “More than 1900 weather records in the last 5 days, and only 60 record highs.”
That was not the only record set in Tulsa this weekend.
Beautiful! Wish I could be there with my tongue out catching those huge flakes.
“We could be just around the corner from a full-blown ice age or, at the very least, a mini-ice-age,
100-year-old cold records broken, but nary a word.
Record low blown away by a huge margin, but NOAA calls it “record-breaking chill.”
“The last snowfall here was May 7 – just five months ago.”
Validation of my theories.
“They would never mention underwater volcanoes, I guess..?”
The area’s first major snowfall of the year and attending cold snap could harm some late-maturing corn and soybeans crops
Almost double previous record in Grand Forks and other areas.
Snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches – OR MORE! – expected.
“Remember those sheep that were buried alive in seven feet of snow during an Iceland blizzard?”
The spin doctors are trying to tell us that the early snow in North Dakota is “not that weird an occurrence.”
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I receive no funding from any company, corporation, or organization. Thanks, Robert
Good news! A publisher in Italy has now translated Not by Fire but by Ice into Italian.
La Prossima Era Glaciale
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