Check out these Russians and Ukrainians work out ...
Keith Stone gives some smooth wisdom on mimes.
105,842 |4
Choose Your Smooth with Keith Stone.
64,671 |3
Making your eyebrows bounce to the beat is quite unusual but still impressive.
415,663 |8
Funny commercial for CSI. This is advertising done right.
906,839 |3
G'catch, mate.
20,630 |4
By the looks of it, this dog is truly a 'man's best friend'. He's learned some pretty unbelievable tricks.
268,994 |2
Swimming cat appears at 1:08. Scuba cat?
732,512 |3
This 8-month-old baby can probably do more pull-ups than most of us. Guess you're never too young to work out.
420,814 |5
Adult funny boobs
360,863 |1
Exact same reaction even when you reach the later years of your life.
212 |1
Thumbs up to this guy for having the balls to actually do this.
987,672 |7
The first kids reaction is priceless.
1,406 |5