Wednesday, October 10, 2012

GLAAD's Spirit Day: October 19th


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The Thing That Ate Its Own Brain 16
Starring Victoria Jackson As The Thing

With a Mob Wives intro.

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Big Bird Was Created By Gay Lovers

As Mitt Romney's Big Bird comment continues to draw shots from both sides, the Daily Beast's Michael Daly observes the gay history behind one of television's most beloved characters.
[Christopher] Lyall and [Kermit] Love were partners in work and life for half a century and in the 1980s traveled with Big Bird to the White House for the annual Easter egg roll. The most momentous results of that presidential nexus were the grass stains on Big Bird’s outsize feet. Nobody could have imagined that this puppet might someday play even the smallest role in deciding who would occupy the Oval Office. “We’ll see,” Lyall says. The possible political impact of this 8-foot-2 yellow plumed character takes a turn from the ridiculous to the delightfully apt when you consider this: Big Bird was the product of a profound partnership between two men that was in every way a marriage save for in the strictly legal sense that the law until very recently forbade.
I encourage you to read Daly's full story.

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Afternoon View - Transamerica Building

As seen from my buddy Tom's room at the Hyatt Embarcadero.

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College For The Deaf Suspends Diversity Head For Signing Anti-Gay Petition

Buzzfeed's Chris Geidner reports that Washington DC's Gallaudet University, which serves deaf and hard of hearing students, has suspended its diversity officer for signing the petition to repeal same-sex marriage in Maryland.
Gallaudet University President T. Alan Hurwitz suspended the school's chief diversity officer Wednesday after he was made aware that the diversity office, Dr. Angela McCaskill, had signed the marriage referendum petition in Maryland. In a statement to staff and students of the D.C. university for the deaf and hard of hearing that was sent about noon today, Hurwitz said: "I want to inform the community that I have placed Dr. Angela McCaskill on paid administrative leave effective immediately. It recently came to my attention that Dr. McCaskill has participated in a legislative initiative that some feel is inappropriate for an individual serving as Chief Diversity Officer; however, other individuals feel differently."
The story apparently broke on the blog Planet DeafQueer, who reported:
A Gallaudet faculty member, who at this time wishes to remain anonymous, noticed Dr. McCaskill’s name, address and signature on the anti-gay marriage petition and inquired about it. When confronted by the faculty member, Dr. McCaskill confirmed that she had in fact signed the petition and explained that she had done so while at church, after her preacher had preached against gay marriage. As she was leaving, her husband pointed to the petition and she signed it without giving it further thought.
Planet DeafQueer says that McKaskill is expected to deliver an apology. You can also expect the howls of "homofascism" to erupt across the anti-gay wingnut-o-sphere.

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Matt Foreman On Why We Don't See Gay People In Ads For Same-Sex Marriage

"Getting people to know someone who is gay is not an issue: more than 70% of the public already does. Instead, the challenge is helping decent straight people who already know someone who is gay work through their internal conflict between not wanting to hurt gay people and their own religious beliefs or other deep-seated concerns. Messengers with whom these conflicted individuals can relate are the most effective and powerful. Why? Because they can see someone just like them who has moved to a place of support for marriage equality. (This isn't rocket science; it's human communications 101.)

"Gay messengers on TV are not as effective because they are (correctly) seen as not ever having had a similar conflict to work through and because they have something personal to gain from their advocacy.  Of course, the most effective way to move people on issues of LGBT equality is when LGBT people actually talk to straight people in their lives about these issues - as opposed to simply being 'out.' Data indicate that straight people who have had these talks are 15-16% more supportive of marriage equality than those who only know someone who is gay. However, it's the personal (not political) connection that counts in these conversations and that cannot be replicated by a stranger spokesperson on TV." - Matt Foreman, Director of Gay and Immigrant Rights Programs for the Haas Jr. Fund.

NOTE: Foreman is the former executive director for the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force.

Sully & The City

Andrew Sullivan isn't adjusting well to life in New York City. From today's post titled New York Shitty:
We went to a store and found a couch; they delivered the wrong one. We went to Best Buy to get a new TV; they delivered the wrong one. When they did deliver the right one, the cable-box was dead. We could not get any DVR either. I had to go into the Beast offices to live-blog Obama's implosion. Scalding hot water comes out of the cold faucet - randomly. And the space we live in is one fifth the size of our place in DC. Just to walk a few blocks requires barging your way through a melee of noise and rudeness and madness. And a glance at your bank account shows a giant sucking sound as the city effectively robs you of all your pennies at every juncture. When you're there for a few days or a week, it can be bracing. But living with this as a daily fact of life? How does anyone manage it? I'm told I should give it a few months. Since our lease is for twelve, I don't have much choice. Adjustment to NYC is a process. A really long, exasperating, draining process. Do you just have to harden yourself to live as if this is normal? Or will it get better? Please tell me it gets better.
No, Andrew, it doesn't get better. But it's still pretty fucking great.

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Alex Karras Dead At 77

Former pro footballer Alex Karras, whose gay bodyguard character in Victor/Victoria endeared him to gay audiences, has died at the age of 77.
Alex Karras, a fierce and relentless All-Pro lineman for the Detroit Lions whose irrepressible character placed him frequently at odds with football’s authorities but led to a second career as an actor on television and in the movies, died Wednesday at his home in Los Angeles. He was 77.Karras had kidney disease, heart disease and stomach cancer, his family said in a statement announcing his death, as well as dementia. He was among the more than 3,500 former players who are suing the National Football League in relation to the long-term damage caused by concussions and repeated hits to the head.
Here's Karras' classic scene in Blazing Saddles.

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WND: President Obama's Wedding Ring Says "There Is No God But Allah"

The latest from birther kingpin Jerome Corsi:
As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues. Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show that the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an unmarried student is the same ring Michelle Robinson put on his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony in 1992. Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts, the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada: “There is no god except Allah.” The Shahada is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam, expressing the two fundamental beliefs that make a person a Muslim: There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s prophet. Sincere recitation of the Shahada is the sole requirement for becoming a Muslim, as it expresses a person’s rejection of all other gods.

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Bryan Fischer: Slavery Was A Blessing In Disguise For American Blacks

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Today's Poll From NOM

Just another vitriolic email-harvesting bit of crapola.  The small text reads:
Militant gay activists, Hollywood celebrities, and wealthy homosexual lobbyists are raising mind-boggling amounts of money to purchase a second term for the best friend they ever had in the White House: Barack Obama. Now Obama is throwing the full support of the White House and the federal government behind re-defining marriage for everyone. Is this what you want? Should Barack Obama, arrogant San Francisco judges, and wealthy homosexual lobbyists make gay "marriage" the law of the land by force? Take this urgent poll right now and let us know what you think.
(Tipped by JMG reader Lindoro)

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WASHINGTON: 63 Former Catholic Priests Issue Letter Supporting Marriage

Sixty-three former Roman Catholic priests, who have a collective 800 years of service, have issued a statement supporting Washington state's Referendum 74.
“We are uneasy with the aggressive efforts of Catholic bishops to oppose R-74 and want to support the 71 percent of Catholics (Public Religion Research Institute) who support civil marriage for gays as a valid Catholic position,” they said in a statement. Former priest Pat Callahan, who organized the statement, added: “This is the first public action we’ve taken.” Callahan was in the Catholic priesthood for 15 years. Washington, Maryland and Maine will vote on marriage equality this November. Minnesota is voting on a constitutional amendment that would enshrine marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman. The ex-priests in Washington are taking a lesson from the playbook of their counterparts in Minnesota. Minneapolis-St. Paul Archbishop John Nienstedt has warned any active priests opposing the gay marriage ban to keep their feelings to themselves. With no threat of ecclesiastical retaliation, three retired priests and dozens of former priests have made public statements against the proposed amendment.
My guess is that most of these former priests are gay.  And I can't wait for Bill Donohue to respond.

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NORTH CAROLINA: Westboro To Protest Funeral Of Slain Married Lesbian Soldier

Sgt. Donna Johnson, who was married to a woman, was killed along with two other Americans during a suicide bombing in Afghanistan on Monday.  Today Westboro Baptist Church claims that they will be there on Saturday to protest her funeral in North Carolina.  (Tipped by JMG reader Jennifer.)

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New Normal Mentions OMM

One Million Moms got mentioned last night by their current protest project, NBC's The New Normal.

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Seattle Marches For Marriage

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Morning View - Mechanics Monument

Douglas Tilden's Mechanics Monument was commissioned in 1901 as a tribute to San Francisco railroad tycoon Peter Donahue.

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The Mitt Romney Flip-Flop-O-Rama

Watch Romney contradict himself over and over.

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Anderson Cooper: Bristol Palin Needs To Get Off Television And Find A Job

"Anyone who is on a reality show knows that to get attention, you have to have a have a wardrobe malfunction, throw up, have a breakdown -- have a storyline. Bristol Palin is a genius because last night she developed a storyline that made her very sympathetic. I am thinking of starting a job fair for people…who need to get jobs [like] Lindsay Lohan, Bristol Palin. I think they just need to get jobs, stop being on TV!" - Anderson Cooper, speaking on his talk show after Bristol "stormed out" of her Dancing With The Stars rehearsal because her dance partner "wasn't being supportive." Bristol once again survived last night's elimination, leading to screams of "FIXED!" on Twitter.

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Newsweek: Heaven Is Real

The Friendly Atheist rolls his eyes:
This is what it boils down to: He’s a doctor. Colton Burpo (the subject of the similar, bestselling Heaven is for Real) was 4 when he “experienced Heaven.” But they’re practically saying the same thing. You get the feeling an agent somewhere was thinking, “If the American public fell for what a four-year-old boy said, just think of what’ll happen when a doctor says it!” But a fancy title doesn’t mean we should believe everything the person says. Doctors can be wrong, Presidents can be wrong, and we all know Pastors can be wrong. Just because you have an honorific in front of your name doesn’t mean you automatically deserve respect.

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Bad Lip Reading: The First Debate

The best one yet. Wait for the song!

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On Sale: More Chris Kluwe T-Shirts

Get them here.

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Tomorrow: National Coming Out Day

Do you have anybody left to tell?

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Obama To Romney: C'mon Man

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Email Of The Day: Eugene Delgaudio

"Dear Joe, The Homosexual Lobby would like nothing more than for you to stop reading this email. You see, this November election there are four crucial referendums related to their agenda in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington. And if you stop reading, they are all the more likely to pass their agenda in all four states. Public Advocate has a Battleground Action Initiative in place designed to ensure pro-Family values are upheld in each of these four states. The Homosexual Lobby is so afraid of our Battleground Action Initiative they have threatened to destroy Public Advocate in court unless I cease and desist all pro-Family operations.

"And to see that we do not unhinge their 2012 election schemes, they have set their attack dog, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), after me. My staff and I have calculated that Public Advocate will need to raise $136,295 by midnight, October 12th in order to properly launch the Initiative. If every Public Advocate supporter chipped in $25 right now, I would have enough to run the entire program and fend off the SPLC for months. But not everyone will be able to give. And for many who do, $25 is more than they can spare. That’s why I need you, Joe, to seriously consider giving the most generous gift you can to help make up the difference." - Hate group con man Eugene Delgaudio, scamming more old ladies out of their Social Security checks.

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Billboard Of The Day

Via press release from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation:
“It may seem counterintuitive for the ‘Yes on B’ campaign to post billboards stating our opponents’ position ‘No’ on Ballot Measure B, but we believe that between pornographers who oppose the measure and health associations like the L.A. County Medical Association and the STD Controllers Association that support the measure, Los Angeles County voters will be able to draw the distinction and make a more informed choice when they vote on this issue,” said Michael Weinstein, president of AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and one of the five named proponents of the ballot initiative. AHF is a major funder of the ballot measure. “Whose opinion or endorsement would you trust: pornographers or medical and health professionals and organizations? We are confident that voters will see through our opponents’ false claims—about free speech infringement, the waste of taxpayers’ money and the industry’s hollow threats to leave California when the measure passes—so much so that we are willing to put their message right up against ours, literally and figuratively.”

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Dear Abby Comes Out For MN Marriage

The Dear Abby advice column, which is now written by Abby's daughter Jeanne Phillips, yesterday came out against Minnesota's pending constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
My mother, Pauline Phillips, the founder of the Dear Abby column, taught me as a young girl that when we are faced with a tough decision that affects another person, it is important to consider how we would want to be treated. No one would want to be told that it is illegal to marry the person they love, but that is exactly what this amendment would do. I was raised to believe that each and every one of us has intrinsic value. Excluding some citizens from their basic rights and freedoms because of who they are is wrong.

So please take my advice; VOTE NO on the marriage amendment in November - and please encourage everyone you know to do the same. Special interests who are trying to pass this amendment will pump millions of dollars into Minnesota. Minnesotans United for All Families needs your help to tell the truth about why this amendment is wrong. Please rush a donation today - before the October 13 midnight deadline - to help Minnesotans United meet their goal and defeat this hurtful amendment. Time is running out! Thank you for standing up for all families. Love is love, regardless of gender.
(Via Bilerico)

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Red Hook Beer For WA Marriage

(Via Good As You)

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Kirk Cameron: I'd Tell You The Truth About Homos But It Would Violate Gay Blasphemy Laws

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Tony Perkins Denounces Big Bird Flap

"Liberals will do anything to distract from the President's debate performance--even if it means sticking their beak into Big Bird's business. For now, the Obama campaign is turning its attention to the only economy it can sustain: Sesame Street's. In a new ad, the President mocks Mitt Romney for suggesting that America has more important priorities than taxpayer-funded puppeteering. While the U.S. teeters on a financial cliff and global tensions nearly boil over, this President is campaigning on the virtues of fictional characters! It's time for Big Bird to leave the nest. There's no better way to honor the show than to use the math it taught us and get America out of debt!" - Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via press release.

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Pat Robertson Fires Attorney Over Alleged Affairs With Young Men

Pat Robertson's American Center for Law & Justice yesterday confirmed that it has dismissed one of their top attorneys one day after anonymous blogs claimed that he had had sexual affairs with two young gay men. Via MetroWeekly:
ACLJ's confirmation comes after two blogs — Exposed Politics and The Patriot-Ombudsman — published troves of information about Henderson and his relationship with two younger men. Henderson is married and has eight children. Although there has been speculation as to the age of the two men, it is unclear if they were under the age of consent in the state of Virginia where Henderson lives. According to the two bloggers, Henderson used a Facebook account to communicate with the two men. Conversations obtained and published by the two websites indicate that Henderson may have provided the younger men, who appear to be possibly younger than 21, with alcohol and marijuana. The Facebook account cited by the bloggers has since been deleted. Neither blogger has indicated how they obtained the mountain of information published last week. The editor of Exposed Politics, who asked not to be identified for fear of retribution, told Metro Weekly he received an anonymous tip alerting him to the story.
In addition to working for Pat Robertson's anti-gay ACLJ, Henderson taught at his Regent University.

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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

AUSTRALIA: Speaker Of Parliament Resigns In Gay Harassment Scandal

Australian Parliament Speaker Peter Slipper, who is married to a woman, has resigned after being sued for sexual harassment by a gay male former staffer to whom Slipper sent obscene text messages. 
The offending text messages, revealed as part of court proceedings against Slipper, described female genitalia as looking like "a mussel removed from its shell". "Look at a bottle of mussel meat! Salty Cunts in brine!" he continued in his text message to former staffer James Ashby. "Been to thw (sic) fish shop yet to buy the bottle of shell less mussells (sic)?" At question time Abbott, leader of the Liberal party, called for Slipper to be sacked. The Speaker stood aside earlier this year, pending the outcome of the legal proceedings, but retained many of the perks of the office.
Pink News adds that other text messages reportedly requested massages from the employee and asked for "graphic details" about his sex life.

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Afternoon View - Ferry Building

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Sen. Al Franken & Wife For MN Marriage

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Today's Silly Lie From NOM

Once again, Jeremy Hooper has busted NOM in a silly lie.
"Ooh, Harvard—that's a good school. Those are smart people. Heck, they're even 'liberal elites,' so if they say something like this, it's *extra* true!" That's what the Maryland Marriage Alliance wants readers to hear and think. Only thing? Despite having an innocuous name, this Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy is not a mere scholarly journal, but rather a far-right publication with a stated purpose of advancing conservative thought. In fact, it is the official publication of the very conservative Federalist Society.
Hooper adds that the author of that "scholarly review" heads the Marriage Law Foundation, who claims Maggie Gallgher as one of their board directors.

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Matt Alber - Velvet Goldmine

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Swag Tuesday

Courtesy of Spin Cycle, this week's Swag Tuesday prize is two tickets to Freedom To Love Now!, a marriage equality concert starring tons of popular performers including NYC-based artists Justin Bond and Rufus Wainwright. The concert takes place on October 30th at the Beacon Theater on Manhattan's Upper West Side. Get tickets here.
Freedom To Love Now! is a concert initiative and a call to action for our modern day. By bringing together some of the finest artists and musicians of our generation, we demand the issue of marriage equality to be respected. Our mission is to raise funds and awareness until same-sex marriage is legalized in all fifty states. Boom for Equality is a live entertainment company that promotes a future where all Americans are treated fairly under the law. Protest music can be traced to almost every human civilization. In the US’s storied history, from the early struggle for civil rights to the current challenges facing the LGBT community, music has served as an electrifying rallying call. Boom for Equality aims to harness that creative energy and channel it for the common good.
Enter to win by commenting on this post. Only enter once and please remember to leave your email address in the text of your comment. Entries close at midnight at Thursday, west coast time. If you cannot be in New York City on October 30th, your winning entry is transferable to your favorite equality-minded pal. Publicists: If you'd like to take part in Swag Tuesday on JMG, please email me.

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AFER Rips Lying Marriage Ads

Watch as Matt Baume rips apart the lies.

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MINNESOTA: Viking Punter Chris Kluwe Fires Back At Archbishop Nienstadt

"Tell me, Archbishop, Pope, what purpose does the Church serve attempting to influence the affairs of a secular state? The federal benefits under law currently denied gay couples certainly fall under the realm of Caesar, don’t they? No one is forcing the Catholic Church to marry gay couples if that is not the Church’s wish. You can keep the sanctity of Catholic marriage solely between heterosexual couples if you feel that is what’s required (again though, I caution you on the dangers of presumed infallibility). All we are asking is for you to extend the open hand of tolerance instead of the closed fist of fear and hate.

"As American citizens, we respect the right for everyone to practice whichever religion they so choose, including the right to not practice one at all. Haven’t we learned enough from the Crusades, the Inquisitions, the Talibans of the world? What does it benefit the Church to attempt to influence secular policy in this country, especially when that influence is to deny basic human rights to others? Will you now assume Caesar’s throne, grasping the transitory ephemera of worldly power and control, while forsaking the eternal kingdom of Heaven?" - Vikings punter Chris Kluwe, firing back at Minnesota Archbishop John Nienstadt's advice to reject gay children.

Read Kluwe's full response.

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MINNESOTA: Archbishop Tells Woman To Reject Her Gay Son Or Go To Hell

Truth Wins Out reports that Minnesota Archbishop John Nienstadt responded to a parishioner's letter by telling her that she should reject her gay son or she too will go to hell. Think Progress has the letter:
I write to inform you that the teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality,a s described in paragraphs 2357 and 2358 and 2359 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is rooted in Scripture and based on the Natural Moral Law. It, therefore, shares in God’s revelation to us. Catholics are bound in conscience to believe this teaching. Those who do not cannot consider themselves to be Catholic and ought not to participate in the sacramental life of the Church. Indeed, some might find this is a hard saying by many of Jesus’ teachings were likewise received as such. I urge you to reconsider the position that you expressed in your letter. Your eternal salvation may well depend upon a conversation of heart on this topic.
Truth Wins Out calls Nienstadt's letter "spiritual bullying of the highest order."
Such rejection can have devastating consequences for LGBT youth: according to a 2009 study conducted by San Francisco State University researcher Caitlin Ryan and published in the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, LGBT teens who experienced negative feedback from their families were 8 times more likely to have attempted suicide, 6 times more vulnerable to severe depression, and 3 times more likely to use drugs than teens who did not experience negative feedback.

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20% Of Americans Claim "No Religion"

According to Pew Research, the number of Americans who say they have "no religion" in their lives is soaring.
The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life released an analytic study today titled, Nones on the Rise, now that one in five Americans (19.6%) claim no religious identity. This group, called "Nones," is now the nation's second-largest category only to Catholics, and outnumbers the top Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptists. The shift is a significant cultural, religious and even political change. Count former Southern Baptist Chris Dees, 26, in this culture shift. He grew up Baptist in the most religious state in the USA: Mississippi. By the time he went off to college for mechanical engineering, "I just couldn't make sense of it any more," Dees says. Now, he's a leader of the Secular Student Alliance chapter at Mississippi State and calls himself an atheist.
The report also notes that for the first time the number of Protestants is under 50%. (Tipped by JMG reader Mark)

UPDATE: The Center For Inquiry reacts via press release.
“Though the ‘unaffiliated’ are not entirely made up of nonbelievers, the fact that one in five Americans have rejected traditional religion means that the enormous influence religion has had over policy and culture will continue to wane,” said Ronald A. Lindsay, President and CEO of the Center for Inquiry. “Furthermore, thanks to the high percentage of ‘nones’ among the younger generations, these numbers tell us that we are closer than ever to realizing a society in which religious dogma has no significant influence on public policy—that is, a society based on reason and science rather than myth and superstition.”

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Bay Buchanan Speaks To GOProud

Bay Buchanan was the headliner at GOProud's Unity 2012 in Washington DC last night. When I first mentioned her planned appearance, I wrote:
That would be the same Bay Buchanan who managed her brother's three presidential campaigns.  Her brother, who once demanded that NYC's gay pride parade be canceled, otherwise the mayor should "be held personally responsible for the spread of the AIDS plague."  Her brother, who says that "slavery is the best thing that every happened to black people." Her brother, the Holocaust denier.  That's the person Bay Buchanan tried to make our president. Three times.

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Romney Surges In Electoral Forecast

I usually post Nate Silver's electoral college forecasts on Fridays, but today he notes a surge for Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney gained further ground in the FiveThirtyEight forecast on Monday, with his chances of winning the Electoral College increasing to 25.2 percent from 21.6 percent on Sunday. The change represents a continuation of the recent trend: Mr. Romney’s chances were down to just 13.9 percent immediately in advance of last week’s debate in Denver. He has nearly doubled his chances since then.

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Sandusky Sentenced: 30-60 Years


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GOP Pol Defends Slavery

"If slavery were so God-awful, why didn’t Jesus or Paul condemn it, why was it in the Constitution and why wasn’t there a war before 1861? The South has always stood by the Constitution and limited government. When one attacks the Confederate Battle Flag, he is certainly denouncing these principles of government as well as Christianity." -  GOP Arkansas state Rep. Roy Mauch, in a letter to a local newspaper. Think Progress notes that Mauch has been endorsed by the NRA.

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GOP Senate Candidate Linda McMahon Reverses: I Would Vote To Repeal DOMA

Quite surprising. But welcome.

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Caption This

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FLORIDA: Anti-Abortion Loon Randall Terry Runs TV Ad Against Samuel Jackson

Obama Launches Big Bird Ad

I love it.

UPDATE: JMG reader Matthew tips us that Sesame Street has asked the Obama campaign to pull the ad: "Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns. We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down."

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Scamvangelist Bill Keller Claims Over 1M Voters Will Write In Jesus For President

Brazen scamvangelist Bill Keller is claiming that over one million voters have signed his pledge to write in Jesus for president.
Keller said, "Those who are in the media saying Christians hate President Obama so much they are willing to vote for a 5th generation high priest of a cult that worships Satan and propagates a false gospel leading souls to hell could not be more wrong! While President Obama has been the most pro-baby-killing, pro-homosexual, pro-enemy of Israel President in history, opposing God and Biblical Truth on every spiritual issue of our day, that does NOT mean Christians will compromise their faith to vote for a Satanic cult member as the 'lesser of two evils,' since the lesser of two evils is still EVIL!"
Tagline: "I am encouraging true followers of Jesus Christ to say NO to satan and say YES to Jesus!"

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Headline Of The Day


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New From Washington's Bigots

(Via - Good As You)

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Morning View - Castro Public Parklet

Several parking spots on Castro Street have been removed for a "public parklet."

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Get Out The Teabagger Vote

Via press release: proudly announces the release of a new ad designed to encourage voter participation in the upcoming elections. Entitled “Get Out the Vote 2012,” the ad addresses common complaints by voters regarding their important role in deciding elections. With signs held up by disheartened voters, the ad illustrates the importance of voting as a means of effecting the change this country desperately needs.

“This recent ad emphasizes our message that Tea Party politics have moved from outside Capitol buildings and into the voting booths,” stated Freedom Organizer of Todd Cefaratti. “Our country has been going down the wrong path for four years, and it is time to make our voices heard and voice our support for leaders who know what it takes to get this country back on track.”

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Marriage Ban Support Falls Behind In MN

For the first time, the opposition to Minnesota's pending constitutional ban on same-sex marriage is polling ahead of its supporters. Via Public Policy Polling:
PPP's newest poll on Minnesota's amendment to ban gay marriage finds it running slightly behind, with 46% of voters planning to support it and 49% opposed. That represents a 4 point shift compared to a month ago when it led for passage 48-47. The movement over the last month has been with independent voters. Where they supported the amendment 51/42 in September, they've now almost flipped and oppose it by a 52/42 margin. Women (43/51) are stronger in their opposition to it than men (49/47) are in their support. Most of the margin against the amendment is being provided by younger voters who say they plan to vote against it 53/38. In general 47% of voters in the state say they support gay marriage to 43% who are opposed. And 74% of voters, including even 52% of Republicans, support some form of legal recognition for gay couples either in the form of marriage or civil unions.
(Tipped by JMG reader Cindy)

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RUSSIA: Orthodox Activists Demand Closure Of "Enticing" Gay Bars

Anti-gay Christian activists in Russia are demanding that the government close all gay bars because they "entice" young people into homosexuality. Via Gay Star News:
Members of Orthodox Christian group, the Narodny Sobor (People’s Council), are petitioning the Russian capital's parliament to ban the city's gay bars and clubs. "We conducted a study earlier and found that such a law would not contradict international law. Homosexuality, as well as its propaganda, is a grave sin," Oleg Kassin, co-chairman of the group told Izvestia daily. He added that "it’s necessary to close gay clubs" in Moscow because they 'directly entice immature souls' into the LGBT community.
Orthodox Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin: "[We have] every right to maintain the purity of the society and to protect our children from all sorts of sinful manifestations."

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GOP Pol: Death Penalty For Sassy Kids

"The maintenance of civil order in society rests on the foundation of family discipline. Therefore, a child who disrespects his parents must be permanently removed from society in a way that gives an example to all other children of the importance of respect for parents. The death penalty for rebellious children is not something to be taken lightly. The guidelines for administering the death penalty to rebellious children are given in Deut 21:18-21:" - Charlie Fuqua, GOP candidate for the Arkansas legislature.

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October 14th: San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus To Hold "Crescendo" Gala

I first mentioned this event a couple of months ago so this is your reminder that the SF Gay Men's Chorus will hold their fundraising gala this Sunday.
Crescendo delights with a classic Sunday champagne brunch, silent and live auctions overfilled with faraway exotic destinations, extra special events, wines, distinctive food experiences and rare treats. Guests will the mix and mingle with family, friends and local Bay Area personalities and hear a glorious and entertaining preview of selections from SFGMC’s upcoming Iconic Season 35 which includes SantaConcert, Snow White and Her Merry Men, and Harvey Milk: Living the Legacy. The Crescendo silent auction begins at 12:00PM, followed by brunch, live entertainment, and awards presentation at 1:00PM.
The San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus is the world's first such group and celebrates its 35th anniversary this year. Get gala tickets here.

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Testy Ryan Cuts Interview Short

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HomoQuotable - Elton John

'I know a lot of people, and perhaps especially religious people, will say that David and I should count ourselves lucky for living in a country that allows civil partnerships, and call it quits there. Well, I don’t accept this. I don’t accept it because there is a world of difference between calling someone your ‘partner’ and calling them your ‘husband’. ‘Partner’ is a word that should be preserved for people you play tennis with, or work alongside in business. It doesn’t come close to describing the love that I have for David, and he for me. In contrast, ‘husband’ does. A ‘husband’ is somebody that you cherish forever, that you would give up everything for, that you love in sickness and in health. Until the law recognises David Furnish is my husband, and not merely my partner, the law won’t describe the man I know and adore." - Elton John, writing for Britain's Independent.

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Exorcism Of The Day

From the Lee Majors School of Wooden Acting.


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Pastors Taunt IRS On Political Speech

"Some Americans could use a sermon on politics -- and yesterday, they got one! More than 1,400 pastors joined Pulpit Freedom Sunday, challenging the IRS's rules on what churches can and can't say about elections. The project, part of Alliance Defending Freedom's outreach, was first introduced to FRC's pastors network in 2008. Since then, the number of churches involved has absolutely exploded, making yesterday's event the most successful yet. ADF launched the initiative in hopes of challenging a 1954 tax code called the Johnson Amendment, which bans tax-exempt organizations from making political endorsements. 'The purpose is to make sure that the pastor and not the IRS decides what is said from the pulpit,' said ADF's Erik Stanley. If the IRS does take action on the thousands of recorded sermons that will be flooding its offices from yesterday, one thing's for sure. ADF will be ready!" - Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via press release.

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Perverts Have Taken Over Hollywood

"This is the year of the gays in entertainment, in media in general, and frankly with the White House. We are being forced a pro-gay agenda [that exclaims] We must convert. They don't even want tolerance; they won't accept it -- and they're going to force it. People in Hollywood don't know Christianity, they don't know traditional values, they don't know faith, they don't know family. They know depravity, debauchery, perversion - that's what they're good at. So that's what they're trying to force the American public to accept and embrace." - Media Research Center tool Dan Gainor, speaking to OneNewsNow.

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Monday, October 08, 2012

Friday: JMG Reader Meetup In The Castro

This Friday drop by the Edge in the Castro after 8pm and meet some of your fellow JMG readers. Our last San Francisco meetup was two years ago!

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Matt Baume: Marriage News Watch

Clip description: "If you need some good news right now, look no further than the latest surveys on the freedom to marry. We've got a bunch of new poll numbers this week, and support is up across the board. But we're not out of the woods yet in this election's four key battleground states."

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Gallup: All Tied Up


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Call Me Saint JoeMyGawd

Last night at Remember The Party here in San Francisco, I was surprised by the Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence who were there to name me one of their saints. For a second, I actually thought I was being pranked until they asked me to kneel for the canonization ritual and the photographers moved in.
As Sisters we strive to uphold our vows to our community; to promulgate universal joy and expiate stigmatic guilt. While the pathway of a Sister isn’t for everyone, we recognize special individuals living the calling in their own lives through their devotion to public service, social activism, and spiritual enlightenment. In recognition of their actions we give the honorific of Sainthood within the Order of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. The Sisters could not minister to the community without the exemplary support and collaboration with our Saints and in this humble way we thank them for their continued embodiment of service, action and joy.
I'm truly honored. (Top photo by JMG reader Jeb)

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HomoconQuotable - Richard Tisei

"Being in Washington, being a member of the caucus, I can help be a catalyst or help bring that process along. I realize that the party as a whole has been a tougher nut to crack, but there are a lot of people within the party who want to see a chance to take place or they want different voices within the party and if an issue like DOMA comes up, somebody like me on the Republican side can stand up and say you know what, this is about fairness, it’s about treating people equally under the law and really appeal to the American ideals to make the argument. If I’m in a position to do that, I think I can change a lot of hearts and minds." - GOP former Massachusetts state Sen. Richard Tisei, explaining why we need a gay Republican in Congress.

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These Exist: Christian Horror Novels

Here's the synopsis for The Devil's Choir:
"From the horrors of the Holocaust to abortion on demand to any number of incidents in human history, there is much to terrify us--about ourselves. Add to that the reality of the supernatural, and I think it is safe to say that there is a sense in which we ignore the 'horror genre' at our peril. It's clear that as Christians, we cannot follow Stephen King wherever he goes, but at the same time, the real world is often a terrible place, and Christians need to wrestle with that fact and its implications."

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TODAY: SiriusXM At 2:30PM

Today at 2:30pm I'll be on Michelangelo Signorile's SiriusXM show to talk about some of the latest LGBT-related news items. The gays are on channel 108 and you can listen live online if you sign up for a freebie account. What are your top five gay news items of the last week?

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Jeebus Freed Him From The Gay

He's also been cured of beating off. Or something!

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Morning View - Market Street

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A Message From Maryland's Bigots

(Via Good As You)

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Fifteen Point Marriage Lead In WA

More positive news from Washington state:
Washington voters appear poised to enact changes in social policy, legalizing same-sex marriage and possession of marijuana,  that will be noticed across the country, according to a new SurveyUSA poll for KING/5 News. The poll found Referendum 74, which would make Washington the seventh state to enact marriage equality, leading by a 55-40 percent margin with just 6 percent undecided.  No state in America has ever voted in favor of same-sex marriage.  The issue is also on the ballot in Maryland and Maine.

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Democrats Destroyed The Black Family

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NJ To Consider "Ex-Gay" Therapy Ban

Openly gay New Jersey Assemblyman Tim Eustace says he will introduce a bill similar to California's ban on "ex-gay" therapy for minors.
"I see it as a form of child abuse," Eustace said. Being gay "is not an illness, so what are they fixing?" "Conversion" or "reparative" therapy has been discredited by all major mental health organizations, according to the American Psychological Association. Since parents may force their children to undergo the therapy, the state should protect them, Eustace said. The bills will face stiff resistance from the New Jersey Family Policy Council, a group that opposes gay marriage. Government should not interfere with parental decisions, said the group's founder and president, Len Deo. "The American Psychological Association has been very 'progressive' in their viewpoints. I would say there are thousands who have have utilized this therapy that have left the gay lifestyle," he said. "Assemblyman Eustace now becomes the parental authority for all . . . kids? Give me a break," Deo added. "A kid can't get a tattoo in New Jersey without a parent's consent. To take the flip side on this and take away the right of the parents on this issue is ludicrous."
A spokesperson for NJ Gov. Chris Christie declined to comment on whether Christie would veto the bill.

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