First Foley was a Dem, Now Chaffee Is!
By Brad Friedman on 10/9/2006, 3:18pm PT  

You know what Fox "News" did last week. And of course, that they didn't think such an egregious "error" merited either an apology or on-air correction.

Here's what they're doing this week, as according to Sinfonian at dKos...

This weekend I was idly flipping channels and happened to land on Faux News' "Beltway Boys." They were discussing incumbent senators who face uphill battles in their reelection bids.

And guess what? After all of last week's craziness regarding their incessant labeling of Mark Foley as a Democrat, here's what they put up while discussing the Rhode Island Senate race between Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D):

Yep, through Fox's looking-glass, the Republican candidate now is the leader, Whitehouse!

I have no idea what, if anything, can be done about this now epidemic misuse of the Chyron graphics machine, but it's really getting ridiculous. I mean, Jesus H. Christ in a chicken basket, how many times are they going to pull this crap? And what can be done about it?

(Hat-tip to Des.)