Juan Cole

Juan Cole


Public intellectual: Global affairs, Environment, Human Rights, Progressive Politics, Poetry & Literature, Pop Culture, Spirituality

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA · http://www.juancole.com


1) Ryan blasts Obama for opposing Simpson-Bowles. 2) Ryan opposed Simpson-Bowles. 3) But who cares.

Just what was needed in face of miscarriage of justice MT : More of a no-comment than support of decision?”

UNESCO urges end to attacks on Libyan Sufi mosques, graves - Reuters UK: The Daily StarUNESCO urges end to attac...

This is probably the best reason to vote for O “: Mitt Romney’s coming War on Iran: A Tale of Two Conventions

نعم. اليوم بدأت العتمة الالكترونية احتجاجا في الاردن على قانون الطبوعات الذي يقيد الانترنيت

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