Sam Seder

Sam Seder


Many a truth told in jest, but not so much that one could get sued for. Hosting M-F 12 noon ET & weekly.

New York ·


David Gregory has hope the two parties can come together to attack teachers and corporatize our schools.

Paul Ryan said Obamacare funneled $716B out of Medicare at elderly's expense. Mostly False.

GM was a managed bankruptcy! The Govt was the only entity who would have ever made the bridge loan.

CNN has the whole Ryan family on camera now, will be super awkward if they say "he was lying about most of it".

Why is no one giving Ryan the benefit of the doubt that maybe he just didn't understand what he's been voting for over the past 10 yrs?

Ryan: Let's make "the safety net safe again" By wrecking food stamps and Medicaid? Seriously, I'm speechless.

Because if a Dem raised fees $500 million, there's no way Ryan would call it a tax

The subtext of tonight is if you are not rich or a famous politician you or your parents were lazy.

Did Paul Ryan just blame President Obama for a GM plant that closed five weeks before his inauguration?

Is this where Ryan talks about how the stimulus money he sought wasn't wasted?

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