Richard L. Hasen
Professor Richard L. Hasen is the Chancellor’s Professor of Law and Political Science at the University of California, Irvine. Hasen is a nationally-recognized expert in election law and campaign finance regulation, and is co-author of a leading casebook on election law.
From 2001-2010, he served (with Dan Lowenstein) as founding co-editor of the quarterly peer-reviewed publication, Election Law Journal. He is the author of more than 80 articles on election law issues, published in numerous journals including the Harvard Law Review (forthcoming 2012), Stanford Law Review and Supreme Court Review. He was elected to the American Law Institute in 2009.
His op-eds and commentaries have appeared in many publications, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Politico, and Slate. Hasen also writes the often-quoted Election Law Blog. His newest book, The Voting Wars: From Florida 2000 to the Next Election Meltdown, was published in summer 2012 by Yale University Press.
Professor Hasen holds a B.A. degree (with highest honors) from UC Berkeley, and a J.D., M.A., and Ph.D. (Political Science) from UCLA. After law school, Richard Hasen clerked for the Honorable David R. Thompson of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and then worked as a civil appellate lawyer at the Encino firm of Horvitz and Levy.
From 1994-1997, Hasen taught at the Chicago-Kent College of Law and from 1998-2011 he taught at Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, where he was named the William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law in 2005. He joined the UC Irvine School of Law faculty in July 2011.
Expertise: Election Law, Legislation, Remedies, and Torts
Prior Courses Taught: Common Law Analysis-Public Ordering (Torts), Election Law, Remedies, Legislation/Statutory Interpretation, Contracts
In the News
- Los Angeles Times: Prof. Hasen on vote-drive firm accused of election fraud
- CBS News: Prof. Hasen on whether partisans should run elections
- Bill Moyers: Prof. Hasen interviewed on new book, upcoming election
- Mercury News: Prof. Hasen weighs in on California's new voter law
- Press: Prof. Hasen comments on Minnesota voter ID battle
- Daily Journal: Prof. Hasen on State Bar plans to vet judicial campaign ethics (PDF)
- NBC News: Prof. Hasen comments on voting law changes as election nears
- ABC News: Prof. Hasen comments on Voting Rights Act challenges
- National Journal: Prof. Hasen interviewed about super PACs
- Reuters: Prof. Hasen discusses current election lawsuits
- The Rachel Maddow Show/MSNBC: Prof. Hasen discusses election on Rachel Maddow Show (video)
- The Diane Rehm Show/NPR: Prof. Hasen interviewed about election
- Bloomberg: Prof. Hasen discusses election law war as campaign ramps up
- CNBC: Prof. Hasen: Campaign finance disclosure laws lack teeth
- KPCC 89.3 FM, Brand & Martinez: Prof. Hasen discusses new book The Voting Wars on public radio
- The National Law Journal: Excerpt from Prof. Hasen’s new book featured
- The New York Times: New study by Prof. Hasen featured in column
- The Diane Rehm Show/NPR: Prof. Hasen discusses his new book, The Voting Wars
- The Nation: Prof. Hasen interviewed about his new book
- KPCC 89.3 FM, Patt Morrison: Prof. Hasen on KPCC public radio about PA voter ID law
- The New York Times: In NY Times, Prof. Hasen says voter ID ruling likely to stand
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen: Ruling on PA voter ID lawsuit likely to stand
- NPR: Prof. Hasen discusses Pennsylvania voter ID ruling
- The Wall Street Journal: Review of Prof. Hasen's new book, The Voting Wars
- Mother Jones: Prof. Hasen's book quoted in story on dearth of voter fraud
- KUOW 94.9 FM: Prof. Hasen in radio interview on impact of Citizens United
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen: Elections poorly funded, officials partisan
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen: Republican claims of serious voter impersonation problem are bogus
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen comments on FEC enforcement of non-profit disclosure rules
- KPCC 89.3 FM, AirTalk: Prof. Hasen on public radio discusses Florida voter rolls
- Star-Tribune: Prof. Hasen: Senate recount in Minnesota was fair, transparent
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen: Campaign finance ruling a victory for reformers
- The Huffington Post: Prof. Hasen on Obama campaign complaint to FEC
- The New York Times, The Caucus Blog: Prof. Hasen on complaint to FEC against Crossroads GPS
- TIME: Prof. Hasen on Montana campaign finance case that may be reviewed by Supreme Court
- National Public Radio: Prof. Hasen: Justice Roberts' campaign rulings look hypocritical
- Reuters: Prof. Hasen warns of election problems from partisanship
- National Journal: Prof. Hasen on case that could undercut Citizens United
- KCRW 89.9 FM, To the Point: KCRW radio interviews Prof. Hasen on Montana case
- Star Tribune: Prof. Hasen: Minnesota is next battleground for voting wars
- The Washintgon Post: Prof. Hasen weighs in on Wisconsin recall election
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen: Edwards verdict doesn't clarify campaign finance law
- Roll Call: Prof. Hasen: Next election could be worse mess than in 2000
- Facing South Magazine: Prof. Hasen: High court will uphold Citizens United in Montana case
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen: In Edwards trial, election law is pretty murky
- New York Times: Prof. Hasen: Criminal election law cases should be clear cut
- National Public Radio: Prof. Hasen on ironic outcome of campaign disclosure rulings
- ThomsonReuters: Prof. Hasen notes that campaign disclosure ruling could influence types of ads
- Los Angeles Times: Prof. Hasen on high court's history re: campaign donor disclosure
- The Daily Beast: Prof. Hasen on imprisoned W.Va. primary challenger to Obama
- The Nation: Prof. Hasen on alleged voter fraud
- The News & Observer: Prof. Hasen: Edwards' trial could alter campaign financing
- California Lawyer: Prof. Hasen on Montana ruling challenging Citizens United
- ABA Journal: Prof. Hasen: Montana court ruling shows up Citizens United
- USA Today: Prof. Hasen on public funding for presidential elections
- Prof. Hasen: Donors funding super PACs are mostly secret
- KPCC 89.3 FM, Patt Morrison: Prof. Hasen on public radio discussing voter ID laws
- The Boston Globe: Prof. Hasen: Campaign finance reports should be electronic
- Burlington Free Press: Prof. Hasen: Bill to overturn Citizens United has little hope
- Bloomberg: Prof. Hasen: John Edwards trial presents legal complexities
- Minnesota Public Radio: Prof. Hasen weighs in on voter identification laws
- The Huffington Post: Prof. Hasen comments on new campaign disclosure ruling
- ProPublica: Prof. Hasen: Hard to seperate campaign and super PAC roles
- Star Tribune: Prof. Hasen: MN voter ID law likely to face legal challenge
- Austin American-Statesman: Prof. Hasen: Texas AG's action may cause shift in election law
- Star Telegram: Prof. Hasen: Texas voter ID law may be headed to high court
- Daily Journal: Prof. Hasen: States very on limits on voting by felons (PDF)
- Bloomberg: Prof. Hasen on super PACs' influence in races for Congress
- The Associated Press: Prof. Hasen comments on wealthy campaign doners
- Slate: Prof. Hasen on high court and Voting Rights Act challenges
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen: FEC not likely to act soon on super PACs
- Reuters: Prof. Hasen calls super PACs unaccountable and temporary
- CQ Weekly: Prof. Hasen: Vote fraud claims are used politically by both sides
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen says super PACs can be tricky for campaigns
- The New York Times Opinion: Prof. Hasen’s new book highlighted in NY Times blog
- Slate: Prof. Hasen: Ginsburg ready to speak against Citizens United
- MinnPost: Chapter from Prof. Hasen’s new book The Voting Wars is noted
- Austin American-Statesman: Prof. Hasen: Politicians cash in on their popularity with PACs
- The Daily Beast: Prof. Hasen says caucus election system is broken
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen on Congress' efforts to sidestep high court
- San Francisco Chronicle/SF Gate: Prof. Hasen: Prop. 8 ruling drafted for an audience of one
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen: More states challenge Voting Rights Act
- Los Angeles Times: Prof. Hasen: Proposition 8 ruling crafted for Justice Kennedy
- San Francisco Chronicle: Prof. Hasen says high court could also strike down Prop. 8
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen on secret money contributions to campaigns
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen weighs in on caucus politics
- ProPublica: Prof. Hasen on super PACs announcing fundraising numbers
- The Birmingham News: Prof. Hasen on Justice Department action in Voting Rights case
- USA Today: Prof. Hasen on corporations' CEOs involved in politics
- Star-Telegram: Prof. Hasen on influence of super PACS in political process
- CNN: Prof. Hasen on influence of super PACs over Congress
- Bloomberg Businessweek: Prof. Hasen on Supreme Court ruling on Texas voter districts
- USA Today: Prof. Hasen comments on role of super PACs in election
- PBS: Prof. Hasen on high court's ruling on Texas voter districts
- KPCC 89.3 FM: On public radio, Prof. Hasen discusses the super PAC era
- Los Angeles Times: Prof. Hasen comments on ruling upholding open primary
- Roll Call: Prof. Hasen on challenges to campaign contribution limits
- Mercury News: Prof. Hasen: California could be model for super PAC disclosure
- Politico: Prof. Hasen comments in story on GOP and corporate cash
- MSNBC: Prof. Hasen on Virginia court ruling upholding ballot law
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen says money doesn't buy election outcomes
- The Wall Street Journal Law Blog: Prof. Hasen on activist's role in voter identification stunt
- The Christian Science Monitor: Prof. Hasen on partisan feud over state voter ID laws
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen comments on voting rights case in South Carolina
- CNN: Prof. Hasen writes about the biggest danger of Super PACs
- The New York Times Opinion: Prof. Hasen calls election lawsuit a Trojan horse
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen: Gingrich in tough fight over Virginia primary
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen on South Carolina Voting Rights Act issue
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen: Supreme Court docket raises election issues
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen says Texas case pushes high court into politics
- The Guardian: Prof. Hasen weighs in on Internet group Americans Elect
- The Wall Street Journal Law Blog: Prof. Hasen: Proving Gingrich election law violation is hard
- The New Republic: Prof. Hasen: Will foreigners decide the 2012 election?
- National Public Radio: Prof. Hasen says campaign dirty tricks may be hard to prosecute
- The Huffington Post: Prof. Hasen on Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United
- ABA Journal Magazine: Prof. Hasen's Election Law Blog wins Top 100 honor
- Houston Chronicle Perry Presidential blog: Prof. Hasen: Complaint likely over Perry campaign ads
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen: Election fraud in U.S. at lowest point ever
- Los Angeles Times: Prof. Hasen: Strict voter laws could affect election outcome
- The Daily Caller: Prof. Hasen weighs in on criticism of Justice Thomas
- Daily Journal: Prof. Hasen on move to keep Prop. 8 donors secret (PDF)
- Politico: Prof. Hasen weighs in on campaign contribution by text
- USA Today: Prof. Hasen: Perry’s candidacy tests money’s role in primaries
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen weighs in on Nebraska Senate ad financing
- Star Tribune: Prof. Hasen: Suits challenging campaign disclosure have failed
- The Week: Prof. Hasen: High court ruling on healthcare may help Obama
- Slate: Prof. Hasen says for Obama, healthcare ruling is a win-win
- The Huffington Post: Prof. Hasen on the failure of campaign finance reform
- National Public Radio: Prof. Hasen comments on key Voting Rights Act ruling
- Politico: Prof. Hasen: BP has "shed its pariah status" through its PAC
- The Orange County Register: Prof. Hasen discusses influence of Super PACs on elections
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen on voter disclosure after Citizens United case
- Forbes/Associated Press: Prof. Hasen weighs in on Rick Perry’s profitable deals
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen on proposed change in Pa. electoral vote awards
- KCRW, To the Point show: Prof. Hasen on radio discusses possible war on voting rights
- National Journal: Prof. Hasen: Campaigns adopt "porn-bot" Twitter tactics
- The Indianapolis Star: Prof. Hasen on Indiana’s election system controversy
- The Boston Globe: Prof. Hasen comments on the impact of Citizens United
- Talking Points Memo: Prof. Hasen comments on Obama campaign's choice of a name
- The New Yorker: Prof. Hasen on Justice Thomas’ views on campaign regulation
- The Daily Caller: Prof. Hasen comments on Colbert Super-PAC effect on Iowa poll
- Marketplace/NPR: Prof. Hasen: Colbert Super PAC may be "playing with fire"
- New York Times, The Caucus Blog: Prof. Hasen on foreign campaign contributions to Super PACs
- National Public Radio: Prof. Hasen weighs in on Voting Rights Act challenge (audio)
- USA Today: Prof. Hasen discusses GOP campaign fundraising efforts
- The ProPublica Blog: Prof. Hasen helps make sense of new campaign finance groups
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen weighs in on Republican fundraising woes
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen on FEC’s limiting of funds raised by super PACs
- The National Law Journal: Prof. Hasen among experts to comment on Supreme Court term
- San Francisco Chronicle/Associated Press: Prof. Hasen on election ruling by Supreme Court
- National Public Radio: Prof. Hasen comments on Supreme Court ruling on Arizona campaign finance law (audio)
- The Wall Street Journal: Prof. Hasen quoted in op-ed on John Edwards’ indictment
- NPR: Prof. Hasen on Supreme Court affirming Nevada ethics law (podcast)
- NPR: Prof. Hasen: Justice Department is taking a risk prosecuting John Edwards (podcast)
- ProPublica/Tuscon Sentinel: Prof. Hasen says Edwards case is murky on law and facts
- Legal Talk Network: Prof. Hasen on John Edwards’ campaign finance indictment (podcast)
- New York Times The Caucus Blog: Prof. Hasen: Ruling may cause uncertainty in Virginia elections
- KCRW 89.9 FM "To the Point/Reporter's Notebook": Prof. Hasen discusses Edwards indictment on radio (MP3)
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen: Criminal case against Edwards not easy, but possible to win
- USA Today: Prof. Hasen: Proving criminal behavior by Edwards will be tough
- The New York Times: Editorial credits Prof. Hasen on judge’s second look at ruling
- Politico: Prof. Hasen: Departing White House Counsel Bob Bauer among the best election lawyers
- The Wall Street Journal: Prof. Hasen comments on judge’s second look at ruling on corporate campaign contributions
- The New York Times: Prof. Hasen: Virginia judge's ruling, if upheld, would end campaign contribution limits for everyone
- The Wall Street Journal: Prof. Hasen comments on Virginia court ruling that would allow corporate political contributions
- The Washington Post: Prof. Hasen: Drop in election-law appeals due to divided high court
- The National Law Journal: Prof. Hasen on Supreme Court’s refusal of judge campaign cases
- ABA Journal Magazine: Prof. Hasen says Supreme Court has ways to overrule precedent
- KPHO TV, Phoenix: Prof. Hasen: AZ bill could be struck down for birth requirements
- The Santa Clarita Valley Signal: Prof. Hasen: Redistricting was partisan, favoring incumbents
- The Toronto Star: Prof. Hasen on Canadian's challenge of U.S. ban on political contributions from non-permanent residents
- Brian Leiter's Law School Reports: Prof. Hasen moves from Loyola to UCI Law
- Politico: Prof. Hasen: Justices gun-shy on campaign finance rules?
- The Los Angeles Times: Prof. Hasen on politics facing California redistricting panel