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Friday, October 19, 2012

Dinesh D'Souza Rewards my Loyalty by Doing the Beast with Two Backs with My Wife

Dinesh D'Souza
President, The King's College

Dear Mr. D'Souza,

I've been very supportive of you while you've been under attack for having an adulterous relationship with that not-man who is not your wife. Heck, it wouldn't even bother me if you did something as socialist as putting your little soldier in her mouth. When you saw her standing there in that leopard print dress, a pattern very similar to the carpet in your den, you had to have her. I understand that

But earlier today, I had a conversation with my neighbor, Mr. Garcia, that caused me to reevaluate everything I thought about you. I've known him for years. My wife, OfJoshua, has gone over to his house every night since his divorce 10 years ago to comfort him with Bible verses and the soothing tones of Barry White and Teddy Pendergrass. He probably knows her better than anyone else in the world other than me.

So when he angrily accused my wife of cheating with you, I believed him. I didn't even need to look at the photo (see below) he brought along as proof.

I hope you burn in hell, Dinesh D'Souza.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen JC Christian, patriot

Thursday, October 18, 2012

I was a Fatherless Serial Random Sumbish Shooter

I was two-years-old when my mother divorced my father. And as Elder Romney noted the other night, that experience turned me mean, mean enough to take up an assault rifle and kill a man. Actually, being only two, I wasn't physically able to shoot an assault rifle--that kind of killing came later. I had to improvise.

I don't remember it all now, just flashes of memories, images really, the dreamlike clips of toddlerhood that flash through one's mind now and then. I see my-two-year old self, the son of a single mother, slowly and deliberately scraping a Lincoln Log roof slat across my Fisher Price blackboard, gradually shaping and sharpening it into a shiv as I quietly sang along to my favorite Burl Ives album.
I went to the animal fair,
The birds and the beasts were there,
The big baboon by the light of the moon
Was combing his auburn hair.
The monkey, he got drunk,
And sat on the elephant's trunk;
The elephant sneezed and fell to his knees,
And that was the end of the monk!
[scrape, scrape, scrape]
After weeks of work, my Lincoln Log shiv was finished and I began the first round of the bloody rampages that would characterize my boyhood. At that age, I wasn't allowed to leave our house, so opportunities were limited, but in the few months between mom's first and second marriages, I managed to shank the milkman, the Avon Lady, and the mailman in what the local newspaper called a "series of bizarre and tragic accidents."

I lived the next two years in a constant state of happiness as the oldest son in the optimal family environment: two opposite sex parents with two children, a pet dog, and a pet rabbit. Having two parents was wonderful. Daddy Dale taught me how to be a man by, as hard as it might be, always drunkenly staggering to vomit into the toilet rather than upon rug or the dog or the bunny.

Unfortunately, this idyllic existence was short-lived. Daddy Dale died of a heroin overdose and mom was a single mother again.

It's hard for a four-year-old to deal with the hardship of being raised by a single mother. I dealt with it the only way I could. I slung Daddy Dale's M-1 Garand rifle on my back, mounted my tricycle and spent the next 3 years going all NRA on all the random sumbishes I saw around my town. I can't tell you how many I shot--Daddy Marv took my ear collection away when he made us all a proper family--but as I recall, it was a lot of random sumbishes.

Mom divorced Daddy Marv about a year later, and once again the ideal two parent family was ripped from me, this time before Daddy Marv had a chance to figure out which name belonged to which child.

Once again, I turned to killing, and I'll say I was pretty damned good at it for an eight-year-old. I must have shot 50 or 60 random Northern Utah sumbishes before Mom finally married for the last time when I was ten.

I haven't killed anyone since then. It's like Mitt says, going all NRA is for children of single mothers. That ain't me, anymore.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dinesh's Leopard Print Problem

Dinesh D'Souza
President, The King's College

Dear Mr. D'Souza,

In 2007, you published a book in which you blamed 911 on sexually permissive liberals. Five years later, these same liberals tricked you into issuing your own enticement to terrorists--an invitation penned in the slippery depraved fluids of your adulterous couplings with a not-man who was not your wife.

Please don't feel too badly about this. Obviously, these liberals knew what they were doing. Knowing that it would be nearly impossible to successfully tempt the president of a Christian institution as prestigious as King's College, they spent years studying you, looking for a weakness they could exploit to trap you.

Eventually, they found it in the form of your leopard print carpet, and soon you were introduced to their bait, a young kitten draped in a leopard print dress. You couldn't help yourself, Ms Joseph looked so beautiful, so plush, and so wickedly spotted standing their admiring your book. You had to ravage her, like a grand he-leopard savaging the lusciously inviting haunches of its prey.

You still have time to stop the evildoers before they react. You must act quickly. Repent and ask God and the American public for forgiveness, preferably with Mrs. D'Souza standing behind you in a demure leopard print dress.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

Now, for something completely different

A tip o' the ol' hemet to JadedSkeptic

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Interview with a Patriotic Heterosexual Supremacist

Below is my interview with "Brother Jethro," the patriot who left an angry voice mail message for the love desegregationists at Treehouse Records and recorded a voice mail greeting wishing that VP Joe Biden would have a stroke and die.

I don't have the time to do a transcript, but highlights include:
  • Love desegregation will lead to dog boning.
  • Muslims hate us for our "Girls Gone Wild" videos.
  • He was a proud teaparty candidate.
  • People with welfare cards piss him off when he stands behind them with "three inches of underwear"
  • "Skid row bums" are lousy employers
  • There's a war against Jesus' birthday.
  • Rep Allen West should be Secretary of Defense.
  • Newt Gingrich should be Secretary of State.
  • Likes my suggestion of Sarah Palin as Attorney General.
  • He faces discrimination as a white Christian male who is fervently committed to living the heterosexual lifestyle.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Real Patriots Record Voice Mail Messages Expressing Hope that Biden will Have a Stroke and Die

I was very moved by this voice mail a patriot left for Minneapolis's Treehouse Records last week. In it, a godfearing teabag-American I'll call "Jethro" courageously takes the vinyl pusher to task for catering to "people with tattoos, unnatural hair colors, piercings and bizarre lifestyles" by posting love desegregation signs at their store.

I decided to give Brother Jethro a call, and upon my first attempt, I heard the following greeting:

Here's a transcript:
Well, I'm so sorry to hear that traitor, Arlen Specter, died this morning at 82. Him and a lot of those other left-wing Democrat bleeding hearts can go with him [sic]. It's too bad Vice President didn't have a cerebral hemorrhage and join his buddy Arlen Specter in death. Leave a message. Liberalism should be dead. [beep]
Brother Jethro answered the second time I called, and I interviewed him. I'll post that interview tomorrow.

A tip of the ol' helmet to Andrew who says Minnesotans for All Families is fantastic.

Now for something completely different.

The sound-barrier-breaking jump from the stratosphere recreated using Legos.

Friday, October 12, 2012

They Will Not Support the Ta-Tas!

Alternative Right's Andy Nowicki is angry, very angry. It's bad enough that it's that time of year when wherever you go, people are talking about some deadly, but very pink and girly, affliction  but goddamn it, why do they have to screw with football by forcing the players to go all fucking Hello Kitty:
During October, everything in sight is painted pink—the chosen color of feminine “empowerment,” I suppose—and a bevy of worn, weary “survivors” are regularly trotted out as exemplars of womanly courage and fortitude...But do we really require pink newspapers delivered to our doorsteps, and do we really need to see professional football players wearing faggy-looking pink shoes and socks for an entire month, just to show we’re properly concerned for and in righteous solidarity with the afflicted?
SHEILA C. at The Thinking Housewife concurs:
Ubiquitous pink packaging? Check. I had to dig through a number of spice containers at the grocery store the other day to find one in standard colors; I will not “support the ta-tas.”
And elsewhere at The Thinking Housewife, Paul rightly places the blame for all this where it belongs: it's just another expression of liberals hatred of capitalism:
Liberals, who dislike capitalism and pro-football’s blatantly male activity, use pink to assert the monetary value of male pro-football to escape the effect of their anti-capitalistic policies, which fail to produce the money needed to improve their favored class, women. Liberals pressure the low owners, pure capitalists.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Family Research Council Support for Fetus-American Ritual Suicide

Tony Perkins
President, Family Research Council

Dear Mr. Perkins,

Thank you and the rest of the folks at the Family Research Council Political Action Committee for your contribution to Rep. Scott DesJarlais's reelection campaign. As you know, Rep. DesJarlais is a tireless fighter for the rights of our tiniest citizens, the blastocyst-Americans who inhabit the uteri of this great nation.

Unfortunately, Brother DesJarlais is in a bit of a spot right now. The Washington Post and others are reporting that he pressured his mistress into having an abortion. Now, I know what you're thinking: "How is that possible; science tells us it's impossible for a mistress to abort a Fetus-American," and you're right, but the libunistofascist media doesn't understand science like we do.

That's why you need to call a press conference to set them straight. Get up there and present the scientific evidence. Tell them that when a woman conceives while engaged in an adulterous relationship, her body naturally secretes chemicals that causes the Fetus-American inside her to feel such shame, it commits ritual suicide.

I know they should know that already, but hey, they are products of the libunistofascist education system. What else could we expect from them?

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot