Remote Vote Tampering Attack on a Sequoia AVC Voting Machine by Argonne National Lab
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As long as they don't rush off with the box and count it in private and refuse to let anyone else see the pieces of paper before they lose them or destroy is happening now.
The price is cheap and great for volunteer work from under aged citizens who can't yet vote. You can't put a price on liberty or the lack of it.
Only paper ballot especially since these machines are owned by the bankers. Nothing wrong with alittle neighborhood huddle of love to ensure we don't cheat each other.
"Things can go wrong"? So it's okay to count votes in secret w/ no way to verify them? If the process is 100% transparent, things needn't go wrong, and nobody need be "trusted". Our system is not built on trust, but rather, checks and balances. As to "you have to trust somebody or something", that's almost exactly what Tony Anchundo 18-yr Registrar of Voters in Monterey, CA told me. Then this happened: [DOT] bradblog [DOT] com [SLASH] ?p=4362 -- So, um, no thanks.
Why dont you just writing the person you want as president on a slip of paper and drop it in a bock. KISS keep it simple stupid.
Can you get this in WEBM?
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You think the hackers are going to have access to the secure storage? Can get into the locked machines, locked inside a cabinet, with seals on them?
If you think they can then I ask one question, name a fool proof way that elections can be held without any possibility of cheating.
kilzzz18 1 year ago
Hand-marked paper-ballots, hand-counted in front of the public and all parties and video cameras at the precinct, at the end of the Election Day, with results posted decentrally at each precinct before ballots move anywhere. "Fool proof"? Nothing, of course, is full proof. But the system I've just described makes it extraordinarily difficult to get away with manipulation without detection or otherwise in a way that could have much chance of flipping the results of an election.
TheBRADBLOG in reply to kilzzz18 (Show the comment) 1 year ago 10
That would never work as it would take to many hours for that to be done and board of elections have trouble getting people to work the day of election as it is. plus no one would ever have access to this stuff like you are showing that is not how it works with election boards
KhabalGhoul in reply to TheBRADBLOG (Show the comment) 8 months ago
Actually, works fine in NH where handcounts are done BEFORE Diebold counts. Moreoever, never a prob getting hand counters. Remember, counting is AFTER a work day (unlike poll working). Finally, yes, election officials ABSOLUTELY have the type of access to these machines as discussed. As well as the e-voting vendors.
TheBRADBLOG in reply to KhabalGhoul (Show the comment) 8 months ago