The Rainbow Alliance is an organization of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Heterosexual individuals who have joined together to create an online community of mutual affection and respect.  Rainbow Alliance is a diverse group of people holding many beliefs, from all walks of life, joined in a spirit of global unity. The members of the Rainbow Alliance celebrate the birthright of all human beings:  to be treated with dignity and equality.  We are committed to building a worldwide community based on individual well-being, compassion, and generosity.  Through education and example, our goal is to transform conversations of exclusion into conversations of partnership for all people.

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What's New

The most recent entry to the Traditional Values Coalition series, how the TVC misrepresents and creates fear about homosexuals 'recruiting' in the public schools.

101-Odd Games Fundies Play: games played by those bigots who try to wrap their bigotry in religious robes in an attempt to hide the true ugliness of what they preach. It helps to recognize that these ARE games, not legitimate discussions. Recognizing them -- and letting the fundies KNOW they are recognized -- cuts their power.

Traditional Values Coalition Follows Deceiving Spirits and Things Taught by Demons
In its propaganda piece, Homosexual Civil Unions, the TVC obfuscates once again to frighten its gullible readers into thinking the civil marriage and civil union are the same thing.  It boldly proclaims, "Homosexual activists are openly strategizing on how to gain all of the legal benefits of marriage under state-passed “civil union” legislation." And then the TVC goes on to misrepresent an article about what has taken place in California written by a very conservative law professor.

Confusing the Confused: The 'Christian' Art of Obfuscation: The Traditional Values Coalition propaganda piece, Homosexual Marriage = Civil Unions = Domestic Partnerships, attempts to make gullible readers think that distinctly different entities are all the same thing.  The funny thing is that in attempting to do so, the TVC disproves its own lie.

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