Party like it’s 1987

No seriously, 1987.

That’s when the global stock market collapse happened. More precisely, Monday October 19, also known as Black Monday.

So what do radical cheerleaders, super heroes, guitar wielding rabble rousers and clown armies have in common ?

Well, intersections of course!

On Black Monday, more commonly referred to as #s17, affinity and action groups such as these will be occupying intersections in the financial district, sending a clear message that we won’t stand for Wall Street’s theft and greed.

Unlike disillusioned americans, many of us would rather take direct action than count on a politician (republican, democrat or whatever!) to take action for us. It’s been four years since the financial collapse of 2008. Has anything changed? Have any bankers gone to jail? Though i fight against the prison industrial complex and don’t suggest we fuel it by arresting bankers and putting them behind bars, something should have been done. Something by the very politicians who promised it. But nothing! Who then DID do something you may ask? We! Occupy Wall Street. We haven’t let those bastards on Wall Street and in the US Treasury forget what they helped create. We fought! We fight! and we will continue to do so until neo-liberalism meets its death bed.

So instead of sitting on your couches and wondering what all those filthy radicals in #occupywallstreet are up to, join us. Be there, on September 15 through the 17th and help us disrupt business as usual.

We’re not back, we never left, we won’t stand for Wall Street’s theft.

:: S17

:: Affinity Group Spokescouncil


credits : photo and intersection blockade terminology – Marisa Holmes



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Autonomous is Victory

Been to one of the weekly #BlackMonday meetings and wondered what the fuck was going on ?

Well, join the club!

But hey, at least we’re trying, right? Consensus can be a long, drawn out process. And everything about Black Monday is special to us.

Originally, the call was made for September 17 to be a day of transformation. A day when #OccupyWallStreet goes from the tried and mundane mass marches, to the more targeted and effective mobilization of small groups, also referred to by anarchists as Affinity Groups.

An Affinity Group, or AG, is a small group of friends and trusted comrades, anywhere from three to sixteen individuals, who are unified through common political or ideological principles.

A great example of several AGs scattered throughout a city, effectively shutting it down, is found in the actions of the Direct Action to Stop the War (DASW), a bay area group that shut down San Francisco’s financial district following the illegal invasion of sovereign Iraq by the US Armed Forces in 2003. Their actions were well coordinated through the use of yet another anarchist organizational tool known as a Spokes Council.

Simply, a Spokes Council is a body where a delegate, or spoke, from each AG comes forward to speak for the AG. Unlike aloof elected officials, the spoke doesn’t present their opinion. Instead, they check with their AG and communicate the AG’s message.

If all goes well, Black Monday will take Occupy into new, uncharted territory. One of effective and highly disruptive autonomous actions, spread out over a large geographical area and hard to kettle. Heard of the phrase Keep It Simple Sexy? Well then go ahead and pick a target, select an intersection, and own it! Broadcast your AG’s message loud and clear. Work on your messaging. Nothing sucks more than shutting down an intersection and not being able to relay a clear narrative to the media. On September 17, there will be those who occupy their cubicles. Will you instead occupy a crosswalk?

Stand up, rise up and tell the state we’re mad, and we’re not going anywhere.




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Is Black Monday the new beginning ?


September 17 marks one year since Occupy Wall Street began as a People’s movement. Everybody from the government to the corporate (mainstream) media speculated that the movement would be dead by spring of 2012. But here we are.

Many of our beloved comrades have transitioned out of the movement, hoping to take a step back, and making room for the next generation of Occupy activists to step up.

Unlike May 1st, this date is significant to just this movement. This is our day to shine. What will this day look like ? Come to one of our planning meetings and you will dream. But nothing can be said for certain.

Social movements take time to grow. Currently, the vast majority of Americans either don’t care about politics, accept that capitalism is the way, continue to vote for the “lesser of two evils” or are too busy watching Sunday night football or feeding their consumerist souls at the mall.

According to experts, who aren’t on corporate payrolls, this economy will crash in less than three years. That is when we, the People, hope to introduce a new concept to the world. One that is counter-capitalist. One where we help those in need without the expectation of reward. One where not-for-profit credit unions outnumber greedy banks. Though i would like to see the abolishment of currency, a transition to a socialist model will be the necessary first step. Homes for all, healthcare for all, an immediate freeze on all military spending and most importantly, building a culture of care.

I don’t know what the future of this movement will look like. But i speculate we will come out of Black Monday stronger. Government repression can only go on for so long. Even the powerful Nazi Germany came to an end.

Take a day off. And come join us on #s17 on Wall Street, and change the course of history.







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Black Monday is coming

What is September 17 ¿

What is Black Monday ¿

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Caution : Disobedience Ahead


“Lock the doors, close the windows and hope that the wave of protesters misses us.”
This is what every corporation should be hoping for this summer.

Instead of attending a boring class on reform or a fancy summer retreat, how about you join Occupy Wall Street for some mutual aid, free university and of course, radical disobedience.

We learned a lot at Spring Training and now it’s time to put those skills to work. Starting this saturday, for twelve weeks of summer, Occupy will be coming to a park near you and dealing with the infestation you may know as capitalism. We will be training new activists on bottom lining small, effective, action groups and disrupting business as usual at corporations throughout manhattan.

So join us, this saturday (and every saturday for the next twelve weeks) 11:45am at Bryant Park (42nd st and 6th ave) and get educated like never before.

Summer Disobedience School is in session.

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Another City is Possible: Upcoming Post-Strike Actions!

We’re two days out.

The General Strike is nearly upon us and the symptoms of apprehension are visible in all of us. Finger nails bitten down to the nail bed, jumpiness around the NYPD that slightly resembles hup, maniacal outbursts of Officer Winski, and tight circles of activists chain smoking cigarettes in a fast-paced fervor (an obvious reminder of Liberty Square and ol’ Nick’s People’s Tobacco table).

Some have concerns with managing and coordinating the logistical triumph that the Really Really Free Market will be, others are fretting over the weather forecast, but one common qualm I’ve heard repeated is a question of May 2nd onward.

Though our inner optimist (the one that guiltily but dreamily devours Adbusters) does not want to rule out the possibility of May 1st being an instance of revolution — one wherein our 5 months of work, twitter feeds, and spontaneity smash capitalism, patriarchy, racism, and the state — but the on-the-ground, goal oriented, strategy and tactic obsessed, movement builders and name takers realize that in precarious times, we must have a firm idea of where to go and what to do after May Day.

For the past month, a group of dedicated organizers that look beyond the jubilation that May 1st will bring have been working on a massive anti-austerity action campaign. For a week in mid-May, there will be daily focused actions addressing various inadequate or unjust sectors that culminate in a mass convergence that lands on May 15, non-coincidentally a day of Global Strike called by the Indignados.

Victories will surely be won on May 1st but let us not forget that in our lifetimes there will always be space for the pursuit of justice, space for empowerment, somewhere to break free from the chains of alienation and state repression. A better world is not one bound by unity bred in a finite example of achievement — we will always need to confront and dismantle hierarchical power where we see it, we will always need to work on fulfilling the foundation of an anti-oppressive culture.

Organizers of this week of actions say,

[We] aim to bring huge number of groups and individuals from all across the city to fight together in diverse ways to tie together the many issues we face – from cuts to social services in the city budget, to austerity in general, to the systems that cause them - in a global movement emerging to resist them and create something new instead.

Targeted epicenters of evil include war, police, environmental degradation, homes, jobs, education, and immigration.

To get involved in the organizing of these post-strike actions, attend the next organizing meeting:  Thursday, May 3rd, at 6 PM at 256 W. 38th Street on the 12th floor!

(Hopefully you won’t have to, though, because capitalism is collapsing in T-minus two days…right?)

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General Strike Vocabulary: Scab

The term “scab” is a strikebreaker, it refers usually to an employee that formerly was not hired by the company entangled in the contemporary trade dispute or an employee (union or non union) that disrespects picket lines and attends work during an ongoing strike.

A quote commonly attributed to Jack London begins:

After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, he had some awful substance left with which he made a scab. A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a water brain, a combination backbone of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles. When a scab comes down the street, men turn their backs and Angels weep in Heaven, and the Devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out….”

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[Jail] Solidarity Forever!

On May 1st we are to expect, as we always should, an aggressive, unjust overreaction to actions on the behalf of the NYPD. Though few of us wish to purposefully get arrested, many of us who simply wish the celebrate the holiday that May Day is will be kidnapped and caged by the state. This aspect of police repression is one of the uglier, dehumanizing mechanisms employed to instill a culture of paranoia and fear into dissidents and subversives. In order to combat this overwhelming power, it us essential that we support each other through trauma, coercion, and intimidation.

One very effective way to do this is Jail Support! During the 7 months (which included thousands of arrests) of Occupy Wall Street’s existence, only a handful of hard working organizers have dedicated themselves to doing jail support.

Jail support is both tracking arrestees as they move through the arrest and arraignment process and providing comfort to arrestees when they are released. It is away of showing solidarity with other people involved with Occupy Wall Street and a way of taking care of our friends and community. Through jail support, we show that we’re not going to let the legal system be used as a way to wear us down!


Please visit the Direct Action wiki to view a document that details the way that OWS Jail Support is done!

How to document your injuries for lawsuits and the media:  Shooting the Wounded

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Training Day!

The Final Spring Training is here!

It’s been 6 weeks of training in street tactics. We’ve learned how to creatively move and communicate together as a unit, and disperse and swarm to reach a target. Along the way, we’ve built community of trust by practicing together. And we’ve rung the People’s Gong, a call to action, six consecutive weeks in a row.

Join us for the final Spring Training: Training Day. We will do a dry-run of May Day’s Pop-up Occupation activities in Zuccotti park – forming picket teams to target corporations and banks in the Wall Street area. Pacer teams will conduct training on how to do picket lines while in front of targets. We’ll do a final convergence before heading over to ring the People’s Gong.

RSVP on Facebook!


2:05PM Spring Training Recap and Selecting Picket Teams
2:30PM Picket Teams Send-off & Training at Sites
3:30PM Re-converge at Liberty Square (Formerly known as Zuccotti Park)
3:45PM Move to Wall St Ring the People’s Gong
4:30PM March back to Liberty Square


Join us for our other comprehensive NVDA trainings if you can’t make this one!

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As we approach May 1,we will be setting up 99 Picket Lines to expose, disrupt, and shut down the 1% who rule our city. This is an opportunity to fight back against austerity, union busting, the attacks on immigrant rights and the entire system of the 1% rule with a tactic and framework that is in solidarity with the mayday call to action. The picket line is a tactic with a rich history. It can be diverse and does not have to be symbolic.

Can you get at least 20 people to join you in picketing? Great!

Pick a target you want to picket, ideally at 8 am on May 1, in midtown. (We can help by publicizing your target, if you want. There will also be some upcoming trainings on picketing and mobile tactics) If you do not have 20 people, no problem come to an OWS action spokes council to plug into existing pickets or just come at 8AM to Bryant Park on May 1st and recruit folks to join you.

If you would like to register a picket line and or have any questions or need support email: Visit!

#99PKTS – Now through May Day!:  OWS in solidarity with workers at Hot & Crusty Pizza. (Read More!)

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