No seriously, 1987.
That’s when the global stock market collapse happened. More precisely, Monday October 19, also known as Black Monday.
So what do radical cheerleaders, super heroes, guitar wielding rabble rousers and clown armies have in common ?
Well, intersections of course!
On Black Monday, more commonly referred to as #s17, affinity and action groups such as these will be occupying intersections in the financial district, sending a clear message that we won’t stand for Wall Street’s theft and greed.
Unlike disillusioned americans, many of us would rather take direct action than count on a politician (republican, democrat or whatever!) to take action for us. It’s been four years since the financial collapse of 2008. Has anything changed? Have any bankers gone to jail? Though i fight against the prison industrial complex and don’t suggest we fuel it by arresting bankers and putting them behind bars, something should have been done. Something by the very politicians who promised it. But nothing! Who then DID do something you may ask? We! Occupy Wall Street. We haven’t let those bastards on Wall Street and in the US Treasury forget what they helped create. We fought! We fight! and we will continue to do so until neo-liberalism meets its death bed.
So instead of sitting on your couches and wondering what all those filthy radicals in #occupywallstreet are up to, join us. Be there, on September 15 through the 17th and help us disrupt business as usual.
We’re not back, we never left, we won’t stand for Wall Street’s theft.
:: S17
:: Affinity Group Spokescouncil
credits : photo and intersection blockade terminology – Marisa Holmes