girl in skunk costume

9 y.o. girl shot at Halloween party, relative thought she was a skunk

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Out of her cold dead very small hands. (That’s a stock photo.)

George McGovern passed away this morning at 90

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“An exemplar of modern American liberalism… most known for his outspoken opposition to the Vietnam War.”

Preacher blasts gays, then suddenly… (video)

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This video has gone super-viral, for good reason – just watch.

Fox: Benghazi attack might be tied to video

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Fox and the NYT are reporting new information suggesting that the attack may have been caused by the video.

Study: Boys reaching puberty at younger age

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Boys are reaching puberty at a younger age today, though researchers are not yet sure why.

Elvis Costello – Pump It Up

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Live Elvis Costello from 1978.
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