UPDATE:  November 1, 2012  1:45 pm

We are waiting for the Mayor to tell us if the Parade can be rescheduled.  As soon as we know, we will let you know!

Thank you for the tens of thousands of emails telling us how much you love the Parade!  We love all of you right back!


October 31, 2012    7:00 pm.

ALERT!!!  At this moment, when the Parade would be about to begin,  we feel great sadness for the all the joy that will be missed and for the devastation that has come to our beloved City. 

For the first time in our 39 year history, the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management and the NYPD have CANCELLED the Parade. 

We hope that everyone who would have come to the Parade is safe and that those who can volunteer to help out at one of the  Emergency Outreach Centers near you.

We will surely miss all of you! 

Hallelujah Halloween!

Jeanne Fleming, Artistic and Producing Director


This year’s Parade would have been on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 

7 p.m.

Only Those in Costume are Welcome to Join Hundreds of Puppets, 53 Bands of Different Types of Music, Dancers and Artists, and Thousands of other New Yorkers in Costumes of their Own Creation in the Nation’s Most Wildly Creative Public Participatory Event in the Greatest City in the World!


For ONLY those in costume is on 6th Avenue South of Spring Street and North of Canal between 6:30pm and 8:30pm.

Alert! ONLY enter the line-up on 6th Ave. from the East and South between Canal and Spring!


Live: On 6th Avenue from Spring Street to 16th Street  from 7:00pm - 10:30pm

TV:  WPIX CHANNEL 11: 7:30pm - 10:00pm, and on NY 1: 8:00pm - 9:30pm

Videos!  Enjoy!

“This pageant evokes the muses.”

Here is a VIDEO from past Parades

Here is a 2010 VIDEO by Kadshah Nagibe



We are proud to announce that this program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.