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Bush in Wonderland: America's Years In Perdition (a Video) Romney's Shell Game for the Rich Possible Pollution of Drinking Water Due to Fracking Covered up in PA, Mark Ruffalo Charges Romney's Bain Investment Record: Three Times the Bankruptcies of Fed Investments Romney Made a Fortune Off of Extorted Delphi Government Ransom Payment![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Pew: Obama Re-Takes National Lead
- "President Obama heads into election day with a narrow lead in two carefully watched national polls, with the Pew Research Center projecting a 50%-47% margin for the president over Republican Mitt Romney"
- "Mitt Romney's campaign is finally admitting to itself that the election has slipped away"
- Last-Minute Ohio Directive Could Trash Legal Votes And Impact The Election
- Humor: The Unbelievable Years of George W. Bush (video)-- A Video by Lisa Casey on BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Voter Suppression Update From Ohio: Cleveland Early Voting Lines Run For Blocks In The Cold
- All of Mitt's horses and all of Mitt's men won't be able to put the Genie back in the bottle again
- Romney Avoids Taxes via Loophole Cutting Mormon Donations
- Florida Early Voting Fiasco: Voters Wait For Hours At Polls As Rick Scott Refuses To Budge
- Final Iowa poll gives Obama a 5-point edge
- Romney Surrogates Get Beaten Down by David Gregory and Fox News for Jeep-to-China Lies
- Apple paid only 2% corporation tax outside US
- IN PRAISE OF TOM PAINE, 1737 – 1809: A Personal Tribute to the First Democrat of the Modern World
- A Hospital Flatlined: Inside the NYU Langone Medical Center Evacuation
- Attacks on Labor Put Unions on the Defense in Election 2012
- Chris Rock's Message For White Voters On 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' In Brooklyn (VIDEO)
- "The Chillicothe Gazette, Ohio’s oldest newspaper, endorsed President Barack Obama on Sunday, though the paper had supported Sen. John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. "
- Final National NBC/WSJ poll: Obama 48%, Romney 47%
- Mitt Romney insults the American electorate one last time
- Democracy Danger Signs: Mitt Romney's 800+ Vetoes as Mass. Governor
- Will the Real Destro Please Stand Up? How Hollywood Helps to Obscure the Ugly Truth about American Militarism
- Republicans Lay The Groundwork To Blame Hurricane Sandy If Romney Loses
- Dispatch Poll: Ohio's a toss-up Obama has edge, but high GOP turnout could turn Ohio to Romney
- Reporting That Makes You Stupid
- 5 Disturbing Signs Romney Would Steer Us to Towards a Capitalist Dictatorship The lies and activities of Mitt's campaign show a contempt for democracy itself.
- Romney Pushed Boundaries of 'Acceptable Racism' to Extremes The Republican Party is treading back into the racism of Reconstruction.
- Oregon Dept. of Justice Confirms Investigation of GOP Ballot Tampering in Clackamas County
- Bank of England's Director of Financial Stability Deems Occupy a Success
- Electricity explains why some have gas, some don't
- Power Politics: Japan’s Resilient Nuclear Village
- Limiting voting hours in Florida is backfiring on Republicans
- Ominous signs: OH Gov & SOS have decided that Romney WILL "win" Ohio
- Romney Rises in Favorability; Obama’s Pushback is Intensity
- The victims of Fallujah's health crisis are stifled by western silence
- Russia skewers US election as undemocratic, ‘the worst in the world’
- Former lawmakers sit on piles of cash
- Ron Paul has enough write in states to win the election at 302 with extra to SPARE
- Battleground Tracking poll: Mitt Romney, Barack Obama tied
- Last-Minute Ohio Directive Could Trash Legal Votes And Swing The Election
- Maddow on Republicans burying tax report: ‘Don’t like the data? Get rid of the data’
- Lessons learned from 2012
- Some Newark Teachers, Inspired by Chicago, Seek to Thwart Concessionary Contract
- Cue Fauxtrage! Obama Said 'Revenge'!
- Ryan, Quiet for Now, Is Said to Be Planning for an Active Role
- Mr. Burns Endorses Romney | The Simpsons | Animation on FOX
- Occupy Sandy
- Florida, a must-win state, is still shaky for Romney
- Christie orders early voting; fax, email votes accepted
- What Climate-Driven Hurricane Sandy Teaches About Cooperation
- Busting Election Theft Attempts - Harvey Wasserman
- 2012 ad blitz: big money, smaller audience
- Chris Rock's Message For White Voters On 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' In Brooklyn (VIDEO)
- The Loin King
- Our choice for America’s future: The Daily News endorses Mitt Romney for president
- Zetas cartel occupies Mexico state of Coahuila
- Public Records Reveal Romney Profited From Corruption, Fraud, and Racketeering at Bain
- Nate Silver Ups the Probability for an Obama Victory With More Than 300 Electoral Votes
- Romney: Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy
- The Source of Romney’s Lying
- Swing state Colorado holds its sway in 2012 presedential election
- The Great Betrayal – and the Cynicism of Calling it a Grand Bargain
- Obama’s Approval Rises In Superstorm Sandy’s Wake
- What a second-term Obama can — and can’t — accomplish Obama did not need to defend liberalism during this campaign. His second term -- and legacy -- will depend on it
- Outside groups spend over $500 million in October
- SCRIPT: Romney for President TV Ad, “Bigger, Better America”
- Enthusiasm is key in Ohio ground game
- California's Prop 35: Targeting the Wrong People for the Wrong Reasons
- The Why Behind the Benghazi Attack
- Cold hits storm victims ahead of U.S. election
- Tom Frank: Obama’s made left “futile and irrelevant”
- President Obama hits Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa and Virginia, calling rival Mitt Romney a 'salesman'
- Lessons for Obama, from Abe Lincoln In Spielberg's "Lincoln," a vilified president outfoxes his hateful opponents in a bitterly divided America
- Dark Money By The Numbers: 81% Has Gone To Republicans
- "Obama seems to have early vote lead in key states"
- Possible Pollution of Drinking Water Due to Fracking Covered up in PA, Mark Ruffalo Charges -- Mark Ruffalo and Water Defense for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Robert Reich | More Jobs, Lousy Wages, and the Desertion of Non-College White Men From the Democratic Party
- Unprecedented micro-targeting by campaigns creeps out voters
- After Sandy, Staten Island Helps Its Own, but More Relief Still Needed
- One Not-So-Simple, Pretty Funny Question for the 73% of White Evangelicals Who Will Apparently Be Voting for Romney
- Richard Power: The Final Days of Fear and Loathing in 2012; "Oh, A Storm is Threatening My Very Life Today, If I Don't Get Some Shelter ..."
- Top 18 Reasons You Might Want to Vote for Mitt Romney (Satire)
- The Romney Death Stench Grows: Ryan Allies Leak His Post-Loss Plans
- Authorities Detonate 2nd Suspicious Package at Florida Early Voting Site
- What It Would Take to Hurricane-Proof New York
- Koch's AFP Complains about Gas Prices, but Koch Speculation Helps Fuels High Prices at the Pump
- Matt Taibbi | Hurricane Sandy and the Myth of the Big Government-vs-Small-Government Debate
- Climate Protester Interrupts Romney Sandy Speech
- "Blackout" imposed as George W. Bush speaks at Cayman Islands investment conference
- Kansas City woman claims she was refused medical treatment over her politics
- New York’s Gov. Cuomo Warns Utility Company CEOs: Get the Power Back on or Else
- Under Cover of Sandy, Serious Shenanigans With Long-Term Consequences for New England
- Oregon Department of Justice Confirms Investigation of GOP Ballot Tampering in Clackamas County
- Scramble Ahead of Election Day in Areas Hardest Hit by Sandy
- Chris Rock - Message for White Voters (Video)
- DOJ sends voting rights monitors, observers to 23 states
- Who Fracked Mitt Romney? Meet his top energy adviser: billionaire oil tycoon Harold Hamm
- Nevada Republican busted for trying to vote twice
- Brutal ad uses Romney RNC Comments against Sandy backdrop (Video)
- Lee Camp Offers a "Moment of Clarity" for Truthout Readers
- Outside Political Groups Spend Over $500 Million in October Alone
- At launching point of Mexico’s drug war, quasi-religious cartel rules 6 years later
- Heated Romney Interview on Mormonism Resurfaces, Drawing Attention (Video)
- When Lee Camp and Negin Farsad went to the Caymans to investigate offshore tax shelter accounts like Mitt Romney's, they didn't expect to find this (Video)
- Hotel Owner Refuses to Evict Sandy Evacuees For Marathoners
- Will Your Vote Even Get Counted?
- Women Worse off After Egyptian Revolution
- Norquist Losing Clout With Republicans Not Pledging: Taxes
- Hoping For Change: Obama and the Limits of Elections
- Mr. Burns Endorses Romney (Video)
- Election Countdown 2012: Sandy's Effects Still Being Felt on the East Coast, and More
- Occupy Wall Street Leading Massive, Volunteer-Powered Recovery Efforts in New York
- Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks | The Corporate Masters of the Universe
- The First US Tar Sands Mine Approved in Utah
- Report: Chris Christie Was Romney’s First VP Choice
- The Life, Death and Rebirth of ACORN
- OMB Watch Outlines Strategies to Minimize Near-Term Sequester Impact
- Federal Relief Costs Likely to Be Big, and Contested
- National Guard moves into flood-stricken city after 25,000 residents are trapped by flood waters filled with live wires and raw sewage
- Gimme Shelter: Government Policies Fail Homeless Mothers and Kids
- Montana Judge Who Sent Racist Obama Email, Rules Against Native Americans in Voter Rights
- Campaigns Brace to Sue for Votes in Crucial States
- Misogyny will cost the GOP
- Ohio's Ballot Woes Could Delay Election Results for Weeks
- In Hurricane’s Wake, Decisions Not to Evacuate Hospitals Raise Questions
- Controversial For-Profit College Industry Using Your Tax Dollars to Support Romney Victory
- On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Romney Campaign Is Caught Lying to Potential Poll Watchers, and More
- Sandy victims can get unemployment help
- Jobs Are Growing, Not Stagnating
- Defense contractor ordered to pay millions to National Guard soldiers
- Is Romney Unraveling?
- Virginia Republican voter fraud case expands to focus on GOP firm associated with the infamous Nathan Sproul
- Romney: Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy
- Romney's Bain Investment Record: Three Times the Bankruptcies of Fed Investments -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Washington Post Editorial Board: Mitt Romney’s Campaign Insults Voters
- President Obama Looks To Make Mitt Romney Pay In Ohio For Misleading Jeep Ad
- Rumor About Non-Union Utility Workers from Alabama Being Denied Access to NY/NJ Work Areas Alabama Utility Workers
- Military to Deliver Fuel to Storm-Ravaged Region
- In critical Ohio, Obama rips Romney ad on auto industry as ‘scare’ tactic
- Nate Silver: The Simple Case for Saying Obama Is the Favorite
- Romney Quoted by the Media 50 Percent More Than Obama This Election
- In New York’s Public Housing, Fear Creeps in With the Dark
- The Battle for Workers' Rights in Texas
- Mark Morford: Frightened men love Mitt Romney
- Occupy Wall Street Helps Sandy Victims
- U.S. Solar Industry Grew 13 Percent In 2012
- UAW Wants Romney To Disclose $15 Million Auto Bailout Profit
- Reid: ‘Laughable’ For Romney To Say Dems Will Help Him Pass His Agenda
- Paul Krugman | The Blackmail Caucus
- "Bainport" Workers Protest Vulture Capitalism; Ask Romney to Stop Sensata from Outsourcing Their Jobs to China
- Through the Back Door, a Late Money Surge for Akin
- The Rude Pundit: A Closing Argument Against Romney to Make Conservatives Stay Home on Election Day
- Federal Disaster Agencies Heed Staten Island's Call for Help
- Obama To Romney: Don’t Scare Americans Into Voting
- Goldman Sachs Building Is Bright, but Occupy Shines
- Navajo Code Talker from World War II Dies
- Ostroy Report: Will We Hear THIS Speech From Moderate Mitt Before Tuesday?
- Hershey Shareholders Allege Company Uses Cocoa Produced Through Unlawful Child Labor in Africa
- Nate Silver Vs. The World: The Twilight of the Pundit Class
- Romney Has His Back to the Wall in Florida
- Goldman Sachs Building Is Bright, but Occupy Shines
- Joseph Stiglitz: "Romney’s plan is based on magic"
- Atlantic City Reopens - Casinos and All
- Staten Island Hotel Refuses To Evict Storm Refugees For Visiting Marathoners
- What Climate-Driven Hurricane Sandy Teaches about Cooperation
- U.S. Added 171,000 Jobs Last Month, More Than Forecast; Jobless Rate at 7.9%
- Late Super PAC Ad Buy Urges African Americans In Ohio To Vote Republican Because Lincoln Freed The Slaves. No, Really.
- The US Election as a Marketing Spectacle
- Obama Widens Lead In New Hampshire
- Thank a Union: Manhattan Should Have All Power Back Today, Con Ed Says
- Payrolls Rise Sharply, Giving Obama Some Relief
- New Details Discredit Fox News Reports on Benghazi Attacks
- "Experimental" Software Patches Installed on Vote Counting Tabulators In Up to 39 Ohio Counties
- PA DEP Caught Watering Down Water Tests
- "Glitch" Wipes Out 1,000 Early Votes in Black FL Neighborhood
- Obama's Last Economic Land Mine is Defused
- Romney's Auto Mess Shows He is Not Ready
- Defense Attorneys Ask Panetta to Televise 9/11 Trial from Guantánamo
- Claims for unemployment aid drop to 363,000
- The Indefinite Detention of the Progressive Voter
- Chrysler VP To Trump: 'You're Full Of Sh*t'
- Florida Still a Toss-up State as Romney Runs Ads in Spanish Allegedly Linking Obama to Castro and Chavez. Desperation Row!
- NYC Mayor Bloomberg Endorses Obama, Citing Climate Change
- SATIRE: Romney Refuses to Back 'Equal Pay' For Female Hurricanes
- Vigilantes Spray-Paint Sexual Harassers In Cairo
- Nate Silver on Democratic Party Gains in Nevada
- BuzzFlash Exclusive: UAW Charges Romney With Profiteering From Auto Bailout -- Greg Palast for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Romney Made a Fortune Off of Extorted Delphi Government Ransom Payment -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Hurricane Sandy and the Living Planet -- Robert C. Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Hurricane Sandy is God’s October Surprise, Says Conservative Christian Author of Apocalyptic Novels -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- VIDEO: Mitt Romney's Vietnam
- Fox Reporter Thinks "Mars Wobbles" May Be Causing Climate Change On Earth
- How Hurricane Sandy Will Impact the Election
- Citing "Civic Emergency," Tribal Leaders Push for Largest-Ever Native American Voter Turnout
- U.S. Automakers Have Best October Sales In Years, Except Ford